Leng Chengyu finally earned 2,000 helping ghosts in Huzhong Village.

   As soon as he earned these 2,000 ghosts as a bonus, Leng Chengyu immediately chose to bless the first level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique.

   The 2,000 ghosts on the system interface were consumed for pleasure, but Leng Chengyu did not feel anything, there was no warm current in his body, and his strength did not increase.

   When he blessed the first level of the Guan Gong Sword Technique, he just went through the Guan Gong Sword Technique in his mind, and then there was no follow-up.

   In general, it's like no blessing.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know if the blessing was successful.

   If there is any real energy, it will be poured from head to toe like the empowerment method, so that he can feel that the system is blessing him.

   Then he can be sure that the blessing is successful.

   But now, none of these.

   I just watched the rehearsal of Guan Gong sword technique in my mind like flipping a book.

   That's it.

   Leng Chengyu doubted whether there was a problem with the system that caused the blessing to fail.

   But, no matter what, the 2000 ghost-helping value has been consumed, and he has no way to bless it for the second time.

   Regardless of whether he succeeded or not, he had to leave Huzhong Village to rescue the two female commissioners.

   I don’t know how the two female commissioners are now?

   Have you asked for foreign aid?

   And can the combination of their two ghosts persist until now?

   Will those two female commissioners still be entangled by the shadow claws of invisible ghosts?

   Leng Chengyu was suspicious, and immediately bid farewell to the villagers of Huzhong Village.

   Leaving the lake village, after reaching the shore of the lake, Leng Chengyu ran to the place where he had previously fought with the invisible ghost.

When    ran to more than 200 meters away from the fighting place, I could finally see the fighting over there.

   Looking from a distance, Leng Chengyu found that the two female commissioners and their ghosts were combined, still fighting with the invisible ghosts there.

   The invisible ghost is still opening his mouth to bite the giant, but this time it is not biting the head, but the abdomen.

   It may be that the hairs on the giant's head are sharper, so the invisible ghost can't stand it, so he bites his abdomen instead.

   However, I don’t know if this is the reason, because the human-shaped hair ghost, the whole body is originally composed of hair, and the hair will be stabbed wherever the invisible ghost bites.


   After Leng Chengyu ran a little closer, he suddenly discovered that the giant, combined with the hair ghost and the skeleton ghost, had a lot of hair on his head, but there was not much hair on his chest, abdomen, and legs.

   Could it be that the giant transferred all his hair to his head in order to fight against the invisible ghost? When I used the hair to stab the mouth of the invisible ghost, part of it was bitten off by the invisible ghost, so this made the chest, abdomen, and legs have less hair?

   It seems that no matter what, the invisible ghost should be more and more dominant.

   At this moment, the invisible ghost still controlled the shadow claws to entangle the two female commissioners, and opened its mouth to bite the giant.

   I am afraid that the purpose of the invisible ghost entwining the two female commissioners was just to distract the giant and allow him to gain an advantage in the confrontation.

  Before, the invisible ghost must have tested the strength of the giant. He felt that he could contend, so he decided to remove the shadowclaw shield and bite the giant's head with his mouth instead.

  The invisible ghost just wants to consume the giant's power a little bit.

   The invisible ghost must know that this giant is a merger of two ghosts. The stiffness is long-lasting, and it is not good for the giant.

   Therefore, the invisible ghost did that.

   Leng Chengyu ran forward, thinking back in his head.

   It seems that the invisible ghost wanted to use the attrition war to kill the ghosts of the two female commissioners, and then killed the two female commissioners.

   or the invisible ghost thought, if there is a chance to kill two female commissioners, they should kill two female commissioners first.

   When the two female commissioners die, then the two ghosts who have a contract with the two female commissioners will have a reduced strength. At that time, the invisible ghost can kill the two ghosts how they want.

   No matter what method the invisible ghost uses, he has the advantage.

   "Ah! Not good!"

After    ran closer, Leng Chengyu found that the shadow claws of the invisible ghost were entangled in the bodies of the two female commissioners again.

   The two female commissioners are also very tenacious. They did not leave too far in order to be able to direct their two ghosts against the invisible ghosts at any time.

   Or maybe even want to leave but can't leave.

   Anyway, the two female commissioners are still within the reach of the invisible ghost's shadow claws.

   is now entangled again, not only on the legs, but also on the body.

   The two female commissioners were entangled by the shadow claws, and they were all wrapped around their necks.

   "No, why is there one more person here?"

Before   , the eyes of the two female commissioners were blocked, and the other person could not be seen.

   Now, after running closer, Leng Chengyu found that not only the two female commissioners were entangled by the shadow claw, the other person was also entangled by the shadow claw.

   This other person may be the ghost guard who came after seeing the distress signal.

   Unexpectedly, the ghost guard who came to the rescue was also entangled by the shadow claws of the invisible ghost.

   is also right, there is no ghost defender who is stronger than the 8th level of the black ghost defender, even if he comes to the rescue, it is of little use.

   Time is running out, Leng Chengyu has to run over quickly, try to chop the invisible ghost with Guan Gong's broad knife, to see if the power has increased after blessing the exercises.

   Regardless of whether Guan Gong's Broadsword can successfully kill the invisible ghost, Leng Chengyu has to pass. After all, he had promised two female commissioners before.

   "Stop! Don't run over there~www.wuxiaspot.com~It's dangerous over there!"

   Just as Leng Chengyu was about to speed up his pace and ran over, suddenly, not far from the side, a voice came over.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and saw that this person was hiding behind a tree, and it turned out to be Fan Zhong.

   Not only Fan Zhong, but also two human heads appeared behind the two neighboring trees.

   One turned out to be Wu Siwei, the monitor.

  The other one turned out to be Ximen Yiyi, the school flower.

   At present, Fan Zhong is the acting group leader of the Guizhe Office in Xicheng District, and he should also be the strongest ghost protector.

  Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi are both white-clothed ghost defenders above level 5, and they have certain combat abilities.

   The two may have happened to be with Fan Zhong. They came over together when they saw the distress signal.

   After discovering that it was an invisible ghost, they did not dare to go over, only dared to hide here and watch from a distance.

   "I'm going to save those two female commissioners."

   After Leng Chengyu looked back at Fan Zhong and the others, he ran forward.

"Don't try to be strong, even if you have the means of protecting your family's life, you may not be able to fight against powerful invisible ghosts. You still don't want to go. There are already stronger ghost defenders on the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station. Two female commissioners have the strength. Strong, should be able to hold on."

   "Has a stronger ghost defender come?"

Leng Chengyu stopped a little, but think about the Xicheng District Defense Line station is too far away from here, I don’t know when to arrive here, the two female commissioners and their ghosts don’t know if they can stick to it. A moment.

   Also, who is the other person who was entangled?

   That person was so brave and desperate to rescue, but before Leng Chengyu promised to go to the bottom of the lake to find a treasure to rescue the two female commissioners, he was going to go even more.


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