"Do you want to slash me again?"

   The invisible ghost frowned and glanced at Leng Chengyu.

   To be honest, the invisible ghost really wanted Leng Chengyu to chop him, try to see if it was Leng Chengyu's knife that cut his body in half.

   Because his body suddenly turned into two halves, it was too surprising and unbelievable. He still couldn't accept the fact that Leng Chengyu's knife could cut him in half unless he saw it with his own eyes.

   However, when Leng Chengyu personally offered to cut him again, he always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

   So, he coldly snorted to Leng Chengyu: "If you want to cut me, cut me, you treat me as stupid?"

   "If you don't cut it, I will cut it too."

   Leng Chengyu also knew that the possibility of letting the invisible ghost stand there and slashing him again is very small.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu never thought that the invisible ghost would willingly let him slash again, just to satisfy his curiosity.

   Leng Chengyu was ready for a long time, and he had to forcibly cut the invisible ghost again.

   Leng Chengyu really wanted to witness the miracle that his Guan Gong knife cut the body of the invisible ghost in half.

   Being able to operate it by hand and witnessing such a miracle with my own eyes is simply more enjoyable than watching a good movie or playing a good game. How could Leng Chengyu miss it?

  Think about it. Before, I could only cut the invisible ghost a little bit, but now I can chop the invisible ghost in half like tofu.

   Such a big contrast, how can you not witness it with your own eyes?

  How can it be unpleasant to be able to witness such a miracle?

   Therefore, even if the invisible ghost disagrees, Leng Chengyu has already raised his Guan Gong knife. This time he did not chop from bottom to top, but from left to right sideways.

"you dare!"

When Leng Chengyu's horizontal knife was about to slash over, the invisible ghost's eyes showed anger, and he stretched his hands forward, trying to break his severed hand out, to grab Leng Chengyu's hands, and prevent Leng Chengyu from getting hurt. Guan Gong knife cut it over.

   However, the invisible ghost discovered that his power was not good enough, and he was unable to cut off his severed hand.

   When he wanted to control his severed hand to break out, he could only make the section of the severed hand emit wisps of black air, and the severed hand could not fly out at all.

   At this time, Leng Chengyu's knife had already been chopped over.

   Even if he couldn't control the severed hand and flew over and grabbed Leng Chengyu's hand to prevent Leng Chengyu from cutting him, the invisible ghost was unwilling to let Leng Chengyu cut his body.

   After all, this is his body. Although it is possible that it won't hurt, but Leng Chengyu chopped it without his consent. How could he let Leng Chengyu chop it willingly.

   Therefore, he wanted to move away and avoid Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

   However, he found that the two legs under his lower body, which had been cracked so much, had become very heavy. He wanted to move, but he couldn't move.

   The invisible ghost is still facing Leng Chengyu now. He just turned his head to look towards Leng Chengyu. At this moment, his eyes finally showed a look of horror. The previous arrogance and disdain were gone.

   He felt a sense of powerlessness at this moment, he could only stare wide-eyed, and watched Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife slash at his waist.

   just listen to the sound of "swipe".

   Leng Xiaoyu's Guan Gong knife slashed on the invisible ghost's waist that had been split from top to bottom.

   Leng Chengyu cut his way over.

Leng Chengyu felt that when Guan Gong’s knife was slashed on the invisible ghost’s waist, it was like the one just now, just like it was on tofu. There was not much resistance at all, and the knife cut from the invisible ghost’s waist. .

   And the waist of the invisible ghost was also cut in half by a cross section.

   The vertical section was cut in half before, but now the cross section is cut in half, and the waist of the invisible ghost has been cut into 4 parts.

   Looking at the masterpiece in front of him in amazement, Leng Chengyu couldn't help exclaiming: "My knife has really increased in power!"

   Then, Leng Chengyu looked up at the invisible ghost again and said, "Now you finally believe that my knife just cut you in half, right?"

   The invisible ghost was also very surprised. Although he had a hunch in his heart before, it was possible that Leng Chengyu's knife cut his body in half, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was still surprised.

   The invisible ghost was so surprised that his head was a little confused, he even nodded and said: "It was indeed your knife that cut me in half, I believe it now."

  The only one present who could maintain his composure was the giant formed by the merger of two ghosts, because he had already witnessed it once with his own eyes before, and seeing it again with his own eyes this time would not be that surprising.

   The purpose of the giants is to catch the invisible ghost. Now that Leng Chengyu's knife can strike the invisible ghost again, he shouted to Leng Chengyu: "Hurry! Keep cutting, don't let him run away!"

   Leng Chengyu also felt very reasonable after listening to the giant's words: "Okay! I continue to chop, I will hack him to death, and I won't let him harm us again."

   Leng Chengyu raised the Guan Gong knife again and slashed at the invisible ghost.

  The brush is another knife that cuts the body of the invisible ghost in half.

   Leng Chengyu cut diagonally this time. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Leng Chengyu made a diagonal cut on the left, and then another diagonal cut on the right.

   However, Leng Chengyu did not expect that he would cut so accurately, as if he was cutting the invisible ghost's body as a watermelon and cutting it into several pieces. Each piece looked the same, all so even.

   Leng Chengyu did not deliberately do this, but happened to cut so evenly.

   The invisible ghost said angrily: "Why are you kidding me, why are you cutting so evenly? Do you cut me as a piece of meat?"

   Leng Chengyu saw that the invisible ghost could still speak, and continued to raise the Guan Gong knife and chop it to the invisible ghost's neck.

   "Stop it!"

   At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Leng Chengyu, drinking to stop Leng Chengyu.

   The knife that Leng Chengyu held up had to stop, turned his head and looked around, and found that it was a woman in black and a woman in white that had come.

These two female commissioners chopped the invisible ghost into a few pieces because of Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife. The invisible ghost had no strength to continue to control the shadow claw to entangle the two female commissioners. Therefore, the shadow claw has long since become The body faded and disappeared.

  , of course, also faded from the body of Uncle Fang Gu, and disappeared.

   Anyway, the shadow claw ability of the invisible ghost has disappeared without a trace.

   Now, the two female commissioners came over and drank Leng Chengyu, but they didn't let Leng Chengyu continue to hack the invisible ghost.

   Leng Chengyu looked at the two female commissioners suspiciously: "If the invisible ghost is not hacked to death, what if he counterattacks?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't be sure, even if he had cut the invisible ghost into several pieces now, would the invisible ghost still have the ability to heal his body and fight back again.

   What if the invisible ghost has any special abilities?


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