"It's ok."

   The woman in black nodded to Leng Chengyu, then turned to look at the giant, and said, "Hurry up and tie up the invisible ghost!"

   The giant released those hair strands on his body and bound the invisible ghost.

   The invisible ghost didn't have the ability to resist at all, and was immediately **** by the giant's hair.

   Although the whole body was **** by the hair, the cracks cut by Leng Chengyu in the invisible ghost were still not healed, and there was still black air there.

   At the same time, the invisible ghost wanted to control his split body to merge together, but it couldn't merge at all.

   It can be said that Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife slashed on the invisible ghost and caused irreversible damage to the invisible ghost.

   As soon as the invisible ghost was **** by the hair, the woman in white went forward to search for the invisible ghost.

   searched, and finally found a stack of documents from the invisible ghost.

   The white-clothed woman turned around and said to the black-clothed woman: "The secret file has been found."

The black-clothed woman looked at the invisible ghost with a serious face, and interrogated: "Let’s say, why are you stealing the secret documents from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts? Who sent you to steal it? You should explain it honestly and strive for leniency. ."

   The invisible ghost looked down at his torn apart body, with a miserable smile on his face: "Leniency? Is it still useful for you to say to me now? I'm dying!"

   After the invisible ghost was chopped into several pieces by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife, now he finally felt that death had been approaching him step by step, and he could no longer heal his body. After a long time, he would be killed.

   He can still emit wisps of black gas from the cracks. When the black gas is over, all the cracks are exposed, and then he will be dead.

The white-clothed woman snorted coldly: "Do you think you wouldn't know if you didn't say it? The reason why you stole the secret files of our Ghost Demon Alliance headquarters must have been instigated by one of the five ghost kings. Say! Which ghost king is it?"

   The woman in black also continued to ask: "Is it the King of the East Ghost?"

   When the two female commissioners mentioned the ghost king, the face of the invisible ghost changed completely, and hurriedly defended: "It has nothing to do with them, it has absolutely nothing to do with them, so don't ask!"

   Then, the invisible ghost's eyes turned left and right, as if someone around was spying.

   The woman in black and the woman in white also looked around.

   Leng Chengyu was very surprised, he couldn't think that the invisible ghost was so scared when he heard the ghost king.

   Leng Chengyu also knows from the memory of his predecessor that there are five ghost kings in this terrifyingly resurrected world, namely the five ghost kings in the south, east, north and west.

   These five ghost kings occupy most of the territory except the base city. They are so powerful that they are not even afraid of the Alliance of Ghosts, and they want to invade the base city guarded by the Alliance of Ghosts.

   It can be said that the grievances between the Guizhe League and the five ghost kings are very big, and these five ghost kings are also the biggest enemies of the Guizhe Alliance in this terrible recovery world.

   And the other scattered ghosts occupying the top of the hill are just a piece of cake, and these five ghost kings are definitely the most difficult bones in the League of Ghosts that want to chew.

  Furthermore, when the two female commissioners turned their heads and looked around, they didn't see anything unusual around them, so they turned back to look at the invisible ghost, wanting to continue interrogating the invisible ghost.

   But, who knows at this time, I found a lot of black air coming out of the invisible ghost. Not only did the previous sections emit black air, but also the whole body, and the face of the invisible ghost became savage.

   "What are you doing?" The woman in black couldn't help asking.

   And the invisible ghost just smiled hideously and sadly, without saying a word.

   At this time, even Leng Chengyu felt a dangerous breath coming.

   The woman in black immediately exclaimed: "No, he wants to blew himself up!"

   The woman in white looked at the giant and panicked: "Quick! Take us away! Stay away from the invisible ghost!"

   The giant quickly flew over, holding the woman in black in one hand and the woman in white in the other, flying to the distance, away from the invisible ghost.

   and Leng Chengyu also turned and fled.

   However, Leng Chengyu's speed was no better than the speed of the invisible ghost's explosion. During the running, Leng Chengyu could hear the sizzling sound of the invisible ghost before it was ready to explode.

Seeing the two female commissioners with the assistance of the giants, they have floated far away and have reached a safe area where the explosion is impossible to reach, but Leng Chengyu himself still ran forward on two legs, even though he It also runs very fast, but how can it be faster than the aftermath of the invisible ghost explosion behind you?

   Leng Chengyu was desperate at this moment. He hurriedly called Liu Fang, the girl ghost in the space of his arm tattoo, but Liu Fang was still sleeping and couldn't wake up at all.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help sighing in his heart, is he going to be buried here today?

   At such a close distance, being affected by the aftermath of the invisible ghost's explosion, I would be seriously injured if I didn't die!

The black-clothed woman who had run to the safety zone hurriedly ordered the giant to fly back to save Leng Chengyu, but I am afraid it was too late~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Leng Chengyu suddenly felt that his body was flying in the air. Get up and fly very fast.

   Leng Chengyu looked back, and it turned out that it was Fan Zhong’s uncle bucktooth ghost who flew over and picked him up.

   Leng Chengyu finally flew to a safe area before the aftermath of the invisible ghost's body exploded with the assistance of Uncle Fang Guiling, and was not injured by the aftermath.


   At night, in Leng Chengyu’s single luxury apartment, Leng Chengyu lay in the bathtub and wiped on soap, recalling today’s dangerous moment. At that time, if it weren’t for the ghost of Uncle Bucktooth, he would have been seriously injured if he died.

   However, he severely injured the invisible ghost with a Guan Gong knife, retrieved the secret files, forced the invisible ghost to explode, and made a great contribution.

   Therefore, the two female commissioners have already reported the matter to the headquarters of the Ghostbusters Alliance, and there will be rewards soon.

   This is also a bit of comfort for the rest of my life.

   Soaked in the warm bath water, wiped his body with a towel, Leng Chengyu couldn't help sighing. In this terrifying and resurrected world, he really lives on the tip of a knife every day, and every day may lose his life.

   I am afraid that there will be many more things like this in the future, and the poison on his body has not been completely relieved at present, he has to contact more ghosts and earn more ghosts for pleasure.

   While Leng Chengyu was taking a bath while planning the future, suddenly, a knock on the door came to mind.


   The knock on the door was very rapid.

   Leng Chengyu didn't understand, who else would come to him at this time.

   Leng Chengyu quickly got up from the bathtub, wiped his body clean, put on his clothes, and walked to the door of the apartment.

   Just as he was about to open the door, he hesitated.


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