Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 127: I don't know who sent the birthday cake

   "Who is it?"

   Leng Chengyu vigilantly shouted at the door through the tightly closed door.

   "I'm sending a courier, you have a courier that needs to be signed for."

   Outside is the voice of a young man.

   "The express delivery? Why did the one come at night?"

   Leng Chengyu is still very vigilant and still does not open the door.

   "This is a rush. I just received the order, so I hurriedly delivered it. Please open the door first."

   "Open the door? You wait a moment."

   Leng Chengyu did not pull the doorknob or twist the lock handle. Instead, he put his head in the cat's eye and looked out.


   Why is there no one outside?

   Why can I hear the sound?

   Isn't it a ghost coming from outside?

   But this is the office of the ghosts, how can ghosts go in and out at will?

   Leng Chengyu continued to widen his eyes, rolled his eyes, changed angles, and looked out of the cat’s eyes, but still no one could be seen.

   Suddenly, a pale face entered Leng Chengyu's line of sight, and Leng Chengyu jumped.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but shrink his neck.

   The outside voice came again.

   "Can you open the door first?"

   That pale face and mouth were moving, he was talking.

   Is he a human or a ghost?

   Is his face so pale because of the dim light?

   Leng Chengyu didn't know whether to open the door.

   "Hello, can you open the door and sign for your courier?"

   The pale mouth outside was moving again, and there was a hint of irritability in his tone.

   Leng Chengyu did not speak.


   The knock on the door sounded again, making Leng Chengyu's eyes on the cat's eyes hurt, and Leng Chengyu tilted his head back.

   "May I open the door?"

   The tone of speaking outside has become more irritable.

   Leng Chengyu is not sure whether it is really a courier or a ghost, and what kind of courier he will send this night.

   "I remember I didn't have a courier, did you send it to the wrong place?"

   The outside situation is unknown, and Leng Chengyu still doesn't want to open the door.

   There was silence outside for a while, and then the voice of talking came.

   "Yes, this is the address. It should be a courier sent to you by someone else, and it is still urgent. You can open the door and sign for it."

   "A courier sent to me by someone else? Who will send me a courier for no reason? Why don't I have any news?"

   Leng Chengyu still did not open the door.


   The knock on the door outside is louder.

   "Can you please open the door quickly and sign for your express delivery? Be considerate that it is not easy for us couriers to go to express delivery. You can't let me stand outside your door all night, right?"

   Yes, if he doesn't open the door, he will stand outside and knock on the door.

   There is no way to not open the door.

   Leng Chengyu raised his hand and pressed it on the handle.

  What are you afraid of? Even if there are ghosts outside, I am a ghost defender myself.

   Leng Chengyu finally turned the handle, pressed his knees against the door, then gently opened the door a gap, and looked out.

   Sure enough, the people outside were wearing express delivery clothes, and there was a gray cardboard box under their feet with the word express written on it.

   It's express delivery!

   Leng Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

   "Can you sign for it?"

   The courier outside handed me paper and pen.

   Leng Chengyu took the paper and pen and looked at it. It didn't say what was inside the carton.

   "What's in the carton?" Leng Chengyu asked.

   "I don't know, I'm only responsible for the delivery. Just sign your name on it." The courier outside reached out and pointed to a place on the paper.

   After Leng Chengyu finished signing, the courier left, leaving only a gray cardboard box outside the door.

   Leng Chengyu did not immediately move the cardboard box into the house, but took the scissors, cut the package, and opened the cardboard box.

   Leng Chengyu needs to see what is inside before he can safely move the cardboard box into the house.

   After opening it, Leng Chengyu found that there was a big cake inside.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered that today is the birthday of his predecessor.

   But who gave this cake?

   Since it was a cake, Leng Chengyu moved into the house, took the cake out, and placed it on the glass table in the living room.

  Only the words "Happy Birthday" are written on the paper box of the cake, and there is no written statement about who sent it.

   Suddenly, at this time, Leng Chengyu's cell phone rang.

   Leng Chengyu took out his cell phone to see, it turned out to be the housekeeper Hong Baichuan.

   Leng Chengyu didn't want to answer Hong Baichuan's call.

   To be honest, this may be the butler who poisoned him. Leng Chengyu didn't want to see him or hear his voice.

   However, Leng Chengyu still pressed the answer button.

   No matter what, he is the housekeeper of his predecessor. No matter how he hates him, he has to answer any calls in terms of politeness.

   As soon as the call was answered, Hong Baichuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Little Master, today is your birthday. I wonder if there is any place I can help. Do you want me to come to you?"

   "No, you can do your own job yourself, hasn't my father agreed to let me live independently?"

   "Well then, just call me if you need it."

   Hong Baichuan hung up the phone.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered that this birthday cake wouldn't have been sent by the housekeeper. I forgot to ask, but the housekeeper didn’t say anything.

   Leng Chengyu doesn't know who sent this cake.

   If it was delivered by the then Leng Chengyu would not dare to eat it.

   The butler is the suspect who poisoned his predecessor. How can he eat the cake he sent?

   Leng Chengyu sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at the big cake in front of him.

   The scent of the cake floated into Leng Chengyu’s nose, but Leng Chengyu still had no desire to go forward and cut a piece to eat.


   Suddenly, at this time, the knock on the door rang again.

   Leng Chengyu walked to the door, put his head close to the cat's eye, looked out the door with wide eyes, and found that the person outside the door turned out to be the fat Guo Yifei.

   If the cake was not sent by the housekeeper, then Guo Yifei is the most likely to send the cake to Leng Chengyu.

   Because Guo Yifei is the only friend of his predecessor.

   Leng Chengyu opened the door.

   Guo Yifei immediately smiled and said, "Brother Chengyu, happy birthday."

  , Guo Yifei stretched out his hand and took out a small gift from his pocket and handed it to Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu frowned slightly. Guo Yifei has a small gift. Then, the cake inside should not be from Guo Yifei. Who gave the cake?

   "Thank you!"

   After receiving Guo Yifei's gift, Leng Chengyu introduced Guo Yifei into the room.

   "Wow! What a big cake!"

   Guo Fei came forward as soon as he was familiar.

   "Is it okay to eat now?"

   Guo Yifei picked up the knife again and wanted to cut the cake.

   "Wait a minute! Don't eat it yet!"

   "Why? Did you invite someone to celebrate your birthday? Who did you invite? A man or a woman?" Guo Yifei looked at Leng Chengyu with a playful look.


   At this time, the knock on the door rang again.


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