"I really invited someone, isn't it a school flower?" Guo Yifei blinked at Leng Chengyu mischievously when he heard the knock on the door.

   Leng Chengyu said helplessly: "I didn't invite anyone, and I don't know who is looking for me."

   "Don't be hypocritical anymore." Guo Yifei still felt that Leng Chengyu had invited someone, "Buy such a big cake, who will believe you if you haven't hired someone?"

   "I didn't buy this cake." Leng Chengyu sighed.

   "Isn't it from the school flower?" Guo Yifei said with a grin.

   Guo Yifei flushed now, and he started to envy Leng Chengyu.

   "It should not be, I don't know too much." Leng Chengyu said.

   Leng Chengyu really didn’t know who gave the cake, and as soon as the cake came, the butler Hong Baichuan called.

   Leng Chengyu always suspected that it was most likely sent by the butler.

   If it was delivered by the butler, he wouldn't dare to eat it at all.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu is not at all happy with this cake.

   Leng Chengyu stood up and walked towards the door.

   Who is the one knocking on his door at this time?

   Could it be the one who gave the cake?

   Leng Chengyu actually wanted to know who gave this cake.

   Otherwise, a cake is placed here, it is not to eat, it is not to throw away, I don't know what to do.

   The door handle turned, the door opened, and I looked up.


   Leng Chengyu found out that Ximen Yiyi, the school flower, stood outside the door.

   Ximen Yiyi smiled and said, "Isn't it a surprise? I know in your public information that today is your birthday, so I want to surprise you and wish you a happy birthday!"

   Guo Yifei, who was sitting in the living room, was also very surprised when he heard the voice of Ximen Yiyi, the school girl.

He couldn't help but ran over, stood by the door, smiled and said, "College flower, I am Leng Chengyu’s classmate, and my name is Guo Yifei. It’s really unexpected that you came to celebrate Leng Chengyu’s birthday tonight Up."

   "You are here too." Ximen Yiyi didn't expect that besides her coming to celebrate Leng Chengyu's birthday, there was a fat man.

   "Come in." Although Leng Chengyu was very surprised at Ximen Yiyi's arrival, he was not as excited as Guo Yifei.

  Because Leng Chengyu is not as obsessed with Ximen Yiyi as his predecessor, and has always been secretly in love with Ximen Yiyi.

   Leng Chengyu felt that Ximen Yiyi was not his ideal object.

   As soon as he walked in the door, Ximen Yiyi saw the big cake in the living room.

   "Wow! The cakes are ready. It's a luxury to buy such a big cake. Looking at the quality, I guess this cake must be expensive."

   Eat too much dessert, Ximen Yiyi also has a certain degree of research on cakes.

   Ximen Yiyi carefully examined the cake for a while, and immediately judged: "This should be the most expensive cake in Fuyang, right?"

   "No way, the most expensive cake in Fuyang?" Leng Chengyu didn't expect this cake to look a bit bigger, but he never thought it would be so expensive.

   And Guo Yifei looked at Ximen Yiyi suspiciously, and asked, "Isn't this cake you gave to Leng Chengyu?"

   Hearing Guo Yifei's words, Ximen Yiyi turned his head and glanced at Leng Chengyu in confusion, and said, "Isn't this cake you bought specifically for your birthday?"

   Leng Chengyu shook his head and said: "I didn't buy it myself, but someone else gave it, but I don't know who gave it."

   Simon Yiyi looked at the cake curiously: "Who would give such an expensive cake? The one who can give this cake is either rich or expensive, right?"

   "Is it rich or expensive?"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly thought of the housekeeper again.

   Although the steward does not seem to be a rich or noble person, his predecessor's father is a person with a strong background and should be regarded as a wealthy person.

   After all, the villa that could allow Leng Chengyu's predecessor to live in was as large as the manor, and it was only for one person to live in. You know how luxurious it is.

   After listening to Ximen Yiyi's words, Leng Chengyu wondered again that it might not be the cake the housekeeper bought under the instruction of his predecessor father, right?

No way?

   Does the predecessor's father still want to poison him by this time?

   Hasn't he already become a ghost defender?

   Haven't they all started to compete?

   If the predecessor’s father disliked his predecessor because his predecessor was unsatisfactory, then he should not dislike his predecessor anymore, right?

   Shaking his head, Leng Chengyu called Ximen Yiyi to sit down.

   "By the way, this is a gift from me." Ximen Yiyi handed a small gift to Leng Chengyu's hand.

   "Thank you!"

   After Leng Chengyu received the gift, he went to take out drinks to Ximen Yiyi and Guo Yifei, and turned on the TV at the same time.

   After Ximen Yiyi took a sip of his drink, he looked at the big cake on the glass table and couldn't help but want to eat it.

   She glanced at Leng Chengyu and asked, "Leng Chengyu, when will you eat the cake? Have you put in candles to make a wish? If not, I will light the candles. Looking at the cake, I am almost gluttonous."

   Guo Yifei also said: "Yes, Brother Chengyu, hurry up and make a wish with a candle. I can't help but want to try this most expensive cake in Fuyang."

   "This cake cannot be eaten."

   Leng Chengyu said seriously.

   "Why can't you eat it?" Guo Yifei wondered.

   Ximen Yiyi also looked at Leng Chengyu suspiciously: "What's the matter? Reluctant to give us such a good cake?"

   "It's not reluctant, but I can't eat it until I don't know who gave me this cake." Leng Chengyu still said with a serious face.

   Seeing Leng Chengyu like this, the two stopped talking about eating cakes, and they drank drinks while watching TV.


   At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the knock on the door suddenly rang.

   "Someone is here!" Guo Yifei said happily, "It should be the one who gave you the cake here."

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help getting nervous: "Is the one who gave me the cake here?"

   Leng Chengyu thought in his heart, when he received a call from the butler before, didn't he already tell the butler not to come? Isn't this cake from the housekeeper?

   Leng Chengyu got up to open the door.

   The door **** turned and the apartment door opened.

   Not only Leng Chengyu, but Guo Yifei and Ximen Yiyi in the living room all turned to look outside.

"why you?"

  Everyone unexpectedly discovered that the person who came was actually the monitor Wu Siwei.

   "What? Was it unexpected? Yiyi has come to celebrate your birthday. How can I not give Yiyi face, but also come to celebrate your birthday?"

   Wu Siwei walked into the house like a familiar one.

   Watching Wu Siwei walk directly to Ximen Yiyi and sit down, Leng Chengyu guessed that Wu Siwei should have come because of Ximen Yiyi. This seemed a bit of a rivalry.

   However, Leng Chengyu did not have a cold with Ximen Yiyi, so he was not very disgusted with Wu Siwei's arrival, although he did not have a good impression.

   Closed the door, Leng Chengyu went to the refrigerator and took a can of drink and handed it to Wu Siwei.

   After Wu Siwei took the drink, he looked at the cake on the table and said, "Why don't you cut the cake yet?"

   "You brought the cake?"

   Leng Chengyu, Guo Yifei, and even Ximen Yiyi all questioned Wu Siwei in unison.

   Wu Siwei said embarrassingly: "I didn't bring the cake."


   At this time, the knock on the door rang again.


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