"Who is it? Who will come to me so late?"

   People whom Leng Chengyu can know at the Yuguizhe Office in Xicheng District will take the initiative to celebrate his birthday. Apart from these three people in the house, there should be no one else.

   "Who will it be?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help getting nervous.

   "It should be the mysterious person who gave you the cake."

   Guo Yifei said with a smile.

   "The cake giver is here, then we can eat the cake."

   Simon Yiyi also smiled and said.

   "So I don't know who gave this cake, so do I have to wait until the person who gave it to eat it?"

   Wu Siwei looked at the cake and the door of the apartment.

   In short, these three people couldn't be as nervous as Leng Chengyu.

   And Leng Chengyu was already very nervous when he heard the knock on the door, but when he heard Guo Yifei said that it might be the person who delivered the cake, Leng Chengyu became even more nervous.

   Because Leng Chengyu guessed that the person who gave him the cake and personally visited him for his birthday may be the father of his predecessor.

   When Leng Chengyu just received the cake, the butler had already called. When he called, Leng Chengyu refused the butler’s help.

  Then, if this cake was delivered by the butler instructed by the father of the predecessor, it is very likely that some kind of poison has been placed in the cake.

   Leng Chengyu had to think so.

  Because of his predecessor, he has been poisoned with a chronic poison since he was a child. However, since he crossed over to become a ghost defender, he no longer returns to the villa, and the paper man can no longer poison him.

   If the mastermind of the poisoning was the housekeeper or the former father, he would definitely try his best to continue poisoning him.

   And now the birthday cake is the best opportunity.


   The knock on the door rang again.

   Seeing Leng Chengyu stunned there, Guo Yifei urged: "Brother Chengyu, why don't you open the door?"

Wu Siwei also said: "Leng Chengyu, the door is knocking in such a hurry, why are you sitting here? At night, do you want others to blow the night breeze outside? Hurry up and bring people in, we are delicious cakes ."

   Ximen Yiyi also said: "This expensive cake, I really want to have a bite soon."

   Seeing all three of them looked at him, Leng Chengyu had to put down the drink in his hand, moved his body, stood up, and walked towards the door of the apartment.

   The one who should come is still to come, even if the former father and housekeeper are standing outside, even if they come in and try every means to get him to eat the poisonous cake, but he still has to open the door first.

   Now there are three people in his house, not just him. If the father and housekeeper of his predecessor hadn't lost his conscience, if the cake is really poisoned, shouldn't everyone eat this poisonous cake?

   No matter what, please open the door first.

   The door **** turned, and the door finally opened.

   Four pairs of eyes looked out the door, and all four faces were surprised at the same time.

   "It's you? Haven't you already returned to the alliance headquarters?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but asked the two people standing outside the door in surprise.

   It turned out that the two female commissioners sent by the Alliance Headquarters were standing outside the door.

   At this moment, the two female commissioners standing outside the door are still dressed in black and white. Their faces are still covered with veils, and they are still very mysterious.

   This afternoon, the invisible ghost incident was solved in the park and the secret files were recovered. The two female commissioners were anxious to send the secret files back to the alliance headquarters.

   So, they left at that time.

   Seeing Leng Chengyu opened the door, the white-clothed woman said very boredly: "We are not back because of you!"

   "Because of me?" Leng Chengyu was puzzled.

What exactly is going on?

   What accident happened?

   Isn’t the invisible ghost dead yet?

   The reason why the two female commissioners appeared outside was because he was possessed by an invisible ghost. Are they here to expose the invisible ghost?

  No way, the invisible ghost has been cut so many knives by the Guan Gong knife, and even blew himself up, can't die? Isn't it possible?

   "Me? What happened to me?"

   Leng Chengyu's nerves just relaxed could not help but become tense again.

   The woman in black smiled and said, "We are here to celebrate your birthday because we know that today is your birthday. At the same time, we want to express our gratitude to you for saving your life again."

   "Are you grateful for my life-saving grace? What is so grateful for, don't you also save my life first?"

   Leng Chengyu said modestly.

   At the same time, the tense nerves also relaxed.

   Fortunately, it wasn't that the invisible ghost was resurrected. It turned out that these two female commissioners came to celebrate his birthday.

   "Nevertheless, I want to express our gratitude again on your birthday." The woman in black still smiled.

  Although he was covered with a veil, Leng Chengyu could still see that the smile of the woman in black was full of sincerity and kindness, unlike the woman in white with a sullen face and a look of disgust.

   Leng Chengyu could tell that the idea of ​​celebrating his birthday should have been brought up by the woman in black.

   "You are so deliberate. You have already returned to the Alliance Headquarters. Why are you back again?"

   Leng Chengyu said embarrassedly.

   Leng Chengyu said to the black-clothed woman, and the white-clothed woman was regarded as air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The white-clothed woman also held her head high and didn't want to care about Leng Chengyu.

The black-clothed woman said: "Because the Alliance Headquarters has sent someone to take the documents back, we no longer need to rush back to the Alliance Headquarters. Seeing that today is your birthday, I will stop by for you. I'll go back on my birthday."

   "It turned out to be like this." Leng Chengyu nodded.

   At this time, the white-clothed woman said very rudely: "Did you receive the cake we gave you?"

   "Cake? You sent that big cake?"

   "Of course we sent it."

   Although the woman in white was very aggressive, the whole hanging heart of Leng Chengyu relaxed.

  Since the cake was sent by two female commissioners, not the housekeeper and the father of the predecessor, there is no need to worry about the poison in the cake.

  Then this cake can be eaten with confidence.

   Leng Chengyu saw the two female commissioners still standing outside the door, and smiled and said, "Since I'm here to celebrate my birthday, let me sit in the room. There are my other classmates inside."

  Who knows, the white-clothed woman looked inside the house very disgustingly, and then said to the black-clothed woman: "All the things that should be given are given away, and we have said what we should say, should we go back?"

   The woman in black hesitated, but still said to Leng Chengyu: "We have some follow-up work to do because of the invisible ghost, so we won't enter the house. Let's wish you a happy birthday!"

   "Let's go." The woman in white pulled the sleeve of the woman in black.

   "By the way, my name is Fang Zhirou. If you have anything, you can come to the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts to find me."

   This is a word left by the woman in black to Leng Chengyu before she leaves.


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