Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 131: I am pleased to be controlled by 1 person

   After listening to Xingquan's words, all the students sitting below looked solemn.

   Especially Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu knew that there was a rift between him and Xingquan. The reason why Xingquan would be removed as the team leader had a lot to do with his disclosure of the mistakes Xingquan made during the ghost incident in the middle of the night. Hate him very much.

   And this time it turned out to be Happiness, and only Happiness came alone.

Originally, Leng Chengyu already felt that with his strength, it would be a good idea to go to the Xicheng District Defense Line to work. However, now that he is all happy, Leng Chengyu feels that it is impossible to get the job 100%. .

   And Fan Zhong is the same. Fan Zhong replaced Ging Quan as the head of the Guguizhe Office in Xicheng District after Ging Quan was removed. Ging Quan also hates Fan Zhong.

   And when he came in, Fan Zhong took the initiative to shake hands, but he completely ignored Fan Zhong.

   Therefore, Fan Zhong can only stand between the student seat and the chair desk seat now, not knowing what to do.

   I was happy to say that after all, I just sat there quietly, without saying a word, just watching everyone's reaction.

   Although the students below all wanted to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, and had no intention of doing it right with Xingquan, they were not afraid of Xingquan.

   After hearing the happy words, some students started talking in a low voice.

   "Unexpectedly, he would come to us to recruit people, why didn't Senior Hong come here in person?"

   "Send people like this, isn't it that the Xicheng District Defense Line Station does not have the will to ask our students to work there?"

The joy on the host station also heard some of the students’ comments, and he said into the microphone again: “Don’t think that Hong Qingsheng Squadron Captain will come to recruit himself. Do you know how busy the Xicheng District Defense Line Station is? What’s the matter with Captain Hong Squadron? Maybe you come here for a little bit of something?

   Hong Squadron Captain is currently doing an urgent task outside. He has delegated me full responsibility for the recruitment work here. If you have any comments, you don’t want to go to the Xicheng District Defense Line to work. I will not force my family.

   Next, if anyone wants to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line garrison, they should first come up and sign up. At the same time, you must leave your resume and a manual that you think you are capable of working at our Xicheng Defense Line garrison.

   Only after passing my review can I be eligible to take the test, and only after passing the test can I have the opportunity to work with us. "

  Although everyone feels that if Happiness is responsible for the recruitment, the chances of being able to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line are very rare.

   However, since you can register, you don’t want to miss this opportunity.

   Therefore, many people took their resume materials to the host desk to sign up.

   Ximen Yiyi and Wu Siwei took their materials to the host desk to sign up.

   But Leng Chengyu did not move.

   Guo Yifei next to Leng Chengyu asked, "Brother Chengyu, why don't you go up and sign up?"

Leng Chengyu glanced at the happy all on the stage, and then sighed: "Do you think someone with the surname Gao will ask for me? You don’t know. Since the trial here, I have been with the surname Gao. The knot has been formed."

   Guo Yifei regretfully said: "Then you won't go up to sign up, I'm afraid it shouldn't be happy that all alone can make the final decision, right?"

   Leng Chengyu said coldly: "Anyway, if the surname is Gao, I don't want to go up and beg him."

Guo Yifei patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder and said, "Since this is the case, then I will be with you, Guo Pang, and I will not go up to sign up. Anyway, even if I sign up, I will be caught in the first round. Brush it down, you don’t even have the qualifications for the test."

   And Fan Zhong saw that most people had signed up, but Leng Chengyu did not move.

   Fan Zhong walked to Leng Chengyu's side and comforted: "If you really can't go to the Xicheng District Defense Line to work, it doesn't matter, you can work here in our Xicheng District Yuguizhe Office.

   I will apply to the Alliance Headquarters and let you be a deputy team leader when that time comes. Even my team leader can give way to you. With your strength, being a team leader is a stubborn talent. "

   Leng Chengyu smiled slightly and said nothing.

   And Fan Zhong could only sigh.

  Who would have thought that the Xicheng District Defense Line Station would send all the happy people here to recruit? I don't know what the captains of the defense line stationed in Xicheng District think? Maybe there are too many tasks, so I don’t have time to come here.

   After signing up, the examination of qualifications was completely controlled by Xingquan alone, and Fan Zhong couldn't get in at all.

   I am glad that I only glanced at the resume materials, and eliminated 2/3 of the people, and only 1/3 of the people could take the test.

   If it is what Fan Zhong can say, with Fan Zhong's wishes, it is best to let everyone take the test, so that it will be more fair.

   After the test, the score is judged. Whoever has a good written test score, who has performed well enough in the past to complete the task in the trial, is eligible to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line Station. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   But now, I am glad that I have taken full control of the recruitment work. As a teacher, Fan Zhong has nothing to do. He can only watch that many students have no chance to test and are eliminated.

   Next, there is a written test, and there is an ability test.

   During the written test, there was an examination paper specially issued by the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, which was fairly fair.

   However, when the ability test is performed, the ghosts of the whole have to be happy to test, and this can only be left to the happy one.

   In short, Fan Zhong, the teaching teacher, and the acting team leader of the Xicheng District Yuguizhe Office, couldn't get in at all, so he could only toss about it with happiness.

   After a whole day of assessment, the result finally came out. There were only two people who were able to work at the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station. One was the monitor Wu Zhiwei, and the other was Ximen Yiyi, the school flower.

   No one else has a chance.

   Looking at the results pasted in the information bar, everyone cursed secretly. This is basically a black-box operation. It's up to Xing Quan to have the final say. This kind of recruitment is not fair at all.

   However, even if Xing Quan had the final say, Xing Quan did not dare to act recklessly. The squad leader Wu Siwei and school talent Ximen Yiyi he recruited were also capable and outstanding students.

   However, too few people were recruited, and Leng Chengyu was not on the list, which disappointed everyone.

   After all, Leng Chengyu is the best graduate of this year, but he didn't recruit. It's really unreasonable.


   In the evening, just as Leng Chengyu was preparing to take a shower in his single luxury apartment, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

   Leng Chengyu opened the door and found that there was happiness outside the door.


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