Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 132: Happy all in a low voice

   As soon as the door of the room opened, Happiness squeezed a stiff smile and said, "Congratulations, you have been granted a permit and got the opportunity to work at the defensive station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City."

   Leng Chengyu was a little dazed, happy with his current performance. He was completely different from when he was in the conference hall today.

   Leng Chengyu can't figure it out, and I'm glad that this is exactly what he wants to play.

   "I haven't signed up or participated in the test. How come I have the opportunity to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line?"

Xingquan reluctantly said: "In view of your strength and abilities, you will be granted a charter. It was Captain Hong who gave you this special opportunity. You don't want to waste the opportunity that Captain Hong gave you. ?"


   Leng Chengyu didn't say anything, so he closed the apartment door.

   After closing the apartment door, Leng Chengyu thought to himself, the reason why Happiness changed his attitude to come here must be due to the pressure of Hong Qingsheng.

Leng Chengyu really wanted to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line. After all, the poison on his body has not been solved yet. If he works at the Xicheng District Defense Line, he can get in touch with more ghosts and earn more for the benefit of helping ghosts. After saving up to 100 million worth of ghost assistance, he can redeem the strongest detoxification pill to detoxify his body all at once.

   But today, the attitude of Happy Recruitment is so arrogant. If Leng Chengyu goes to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, he will inevitably be angry with Happy Quan.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu closed the door when he was angry.

   The happiness outside never thought that Leng Chengyu would not cherish this opportunity.

   Every graduated student wants to enter the Xicheng District Defense Line to work, but Leng Chengyu got this opportunity easily, and he didn't even cherish it.

   stood outside the door of the apartment, looking at the closed apartment door, with a sly smile on his whole face.

   "Huh! It's better not to go, do you think I want you to go? If it wasn't for Hong Qingsheng just called, you must be recruited. I wish you would not go."

   Happy all took out their mobile phones and dialed Hong Qingsheng's number.

"Captain Hong, the student named Leng Chengyu you want is very arrogant. He relies on his own strength and doesn't even give you face. I have already told him that you called him by name, but he I don’t care."

   I was so happy that Hong Qingsheng would dispel the idea of ​​hiring Leng Chengyu by such a provocation.

  Who knows, Hong Qingsheng on the other side of the phone became angry.

"Happy Quan, I don’t care what happened on your side. I don’t want the process. I only want the result. If you can’t recruit Leng Chengyu to my squadron today, then you don’t want to come to my squadron in the future. , You will do the copywriting work in the future."

   "It's not..."

   I was very aggrieved with happiness, and he couldn't think that Hong Qingsheng actually valued Leng Chengyu to such a degree.

   At the same time, he also knows that Hong Qingsheng has always said one thing, especially his subordinates.

   If he really can’t recruit Leng Chengyu back today, he will definitely be demoted to do copywriting work after he returns.

  He doesn't want to do copywriting.

   It's already very disappointed to be demoted from a team leader to a team member, and then the team member is demoted to do copywriting. Then he will have any face in the Soul Guardian League in the future, and there will be no chance to raise his head in the future.

   I was so happy that I had to raise my hand and knock on Leng Chengyu's door again.

   "Open the door!"

   However, there was no movement at all.

   I was so happy that I reluctantly started to persuade me at the door.

"Leng Chengyu, don't you cherish the opportunity to work in the Xicheng District Defense Line? You know, as long as you can work there, your future will be limitless. The development opportunities you can get there are a lot of."

   However, no matter how happy you are, Leng Chengyu still did not open the door.

   In fact, Leng Chengyu could also guess that Hong Qingsheng must know that there is a rift between Xingquan and him, but Hong Qingsheng specially sent Xingquan to recruit here by himself, stating that he wanted to embarrass Leng Chengyu.

After that, I gave a special name to explain that you Leng Chengyu’s job was given to you by Hong Qingsheng. I gave you permission to come to my defense station. You have to be grateful, and you will be my person in the future. , You have to listen to me.

   Hong Qingsheng actually played such a trick in order to get a loyal subordinate.

   Leng Chengyu felt that Hong Qingsheng could not be a purely good person like Fan Zhong. Hong Qingshan should be a very scheming person.

   Actually, Leng Chengyu doesn't want to work under such a person.

  Because this kind of human defense is indefensible, sometimes I don’t know what’s going on if it’s used.

   Seeing how he knocked on the door outside and how to persuade him, Leng Chengyu didn't open the door, so he had to leave.

   However, Gao Shengquan did not give up the idea of ​​hiring Leng Chengyu, he had to put his hands down to ask Fan Zhong.

   I am glad to know that the relationship between Leng Chengyu and Fan Zhong is very good. Fan Zhong persuaded that Leng Chengyu would definitely be willing to work in the Xicheng District Defense Line.

   At the same time, I am glad to know that Fan Zhong especially hopes that Leng Chengyu can go to the Xicheng District Defense Line to work.

Sure enough, I was happy to say to Fan Zhong that Fan Zhong was willing to come to Leng Chengyu to persuade Leng Fan Zhonghe Xingquan came to the door of Leng Chengyu’s single luxury apartment and knocked on the door. At that time, Leng Chengyu heard Fan Zhong's voice and had to open the door.

   After entering the house, Fan Zhong persuaded Leng Chengyu: "I think, since you can get your senior's permission to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line, you should cherish this opportunity.

   Don't affect your future future just because of some trivial things.

   Even I think that using your ability to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line station is just a springboard.

   If you pass this springboard, you may still have the opportunity to go to the alliance headquarters or other better places to develop. You have to think carefully. "

Seeing Fan Zhong’s words, Leng Chengyu also said, "Actually, if I and you worked at the Yuguizhe Office in Xicheng District, it would be pretty good. At least I have a good boss and won’t suffer. Other people’s anger, and as long as they have the strength, this place can be used as a springboard."

   Leng Chengyu did not compromise because of Fan Zhong's persuasion.

   Glad that Quan finally knew that he had kicked the iron plate at this time.

   If he can invite Leng Chengyu to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line Station if he kneels down, he will kneel down.

   He really has the thought of kneeling down now.

  He walked up to Leng Chengyu and said with a smile on his face: "Leader Fan is right. You should think about your future, and you should not ruin your future for the sake of a momentary mood."

   Leng Chengyu didn't want to talk about Xingquan at all, if it weren't for Fan Zhong's here, he wouldn't even want to let Xingquan come in.

   Seeing that Leng Chengyu was still indifferent and gritted his teeth with joy, he knelt down with a sudden plop.

   "Today is considered my fault. I beg you to go to the Xicheng District Defense Line to work. I really don't want to be demoted to do copywriting!"

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