Seeing Joy Kneel down, Leng Chengyu and Fan Zhong were both stunned.

   "Since everyone kneels down, then you can promise him."

   Just as Leng Chengyu and Fan Zhong didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly rang outside the door.

   This person's voice is a bit familiar, and Leng Chengyu seems to have heard it somewhere.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and found that the person here was Hong Qingsheng.

"How did you come?"

   Leng Chengyu did not expect that Hong Qingsheng would come here in person at such a late hour.

Hong Qingsheng walked over, glanced at Leng Chengyu with a condescending gaze, and said, "I won't come, I'm afraid I won't be able to move your big Buddha! Why? Why don't you want to work at our Xicheng District Defense Line Station? I'm afraid it is too dangerous. ?"


   Leng Chengyu didn't know what to say.

   "Since it is not, then I have to decide on you. Even if you work in other places, I will let you transfer to my squadron. How about? Are you still rejecting it?"

   Hong Qingsheng speaks very domineeringly.


   When Leng Chengyu was about to say something, then Fan Zhong came over to complete the game.

   "Since Captain Hong is so worthy of you, he came to recruit you personally. I think you should work under Captain Hong. There are many opportunities for development there, unlike our ghost guard office."

   "Well, since Senior Hong has come forward personally, I will go to the Xicheng District Defense Line Station."

   looked at Fan Zhong, who looked expectant, and looked at Hong Qingsheng who was determined to win, Leng Chengyu had no choice but to agree.

Hong Qingsheng made it clear that Leng Chengyu must work under his staff, and with Leng Chengyu’s current status and strength, Hong Qingsheng should not be offended. Even if he thinks that Hong Qingsheng is too scheming and overbearing, Leng Chengyu can only temporarily Accepted it.

   Leng Chengyu felt that Fan Zhong was right. Even if he went to work at the Xicheng District Defense Line, there would be nothing more than a springboard. As long as he performed well, he could go to a better place to develop through this springboard in the future.

   As for Hong Qingsheng's purpose, Leng Chengyu is also very clear, just want a subordinate who listens to him completely and is willing to work for him.

   However, even so, Hong Qingsheng is just a squadron leader. In the League of Ghosts, he doesn't have the final say.

   Leng Chengyu feels that if he works under Hong Qingsheng in the future, if Hong Qingsheng asks him to do things against his will and morality, then he will have to turn his face with Hong Qingshan.

   But, now is not the time to turn your face.

What's more, there are no scheming people where to work, even in the Yuguizhe Office in Xicheng District, with the exception of Fan Zhong, a good boss, wouldn’t other colleagues envy him or calculate him for their own interests? ?

   This kind of thing will happen everywhere.

   Even at the home of Leng Chengyu’s predecessor, Leng Chengyu’s predecessor was inexplicably poisoned by paper men every day.

   This was originally a world of horror resurrection. Leng Chengyu, who became a ghost defender, was originally drifting between life and death.


   "Oh, I heard that your second squadron has come to a genius. It won’t be him? What task is he taking on today? It’s not taking the lowest-level tasks for newbies, right? This is the virtue of a genius, hahaha..."

   In the mission hall of the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, a ghost guard from another squadron looked provocatively at Leng Chengyu and his group.

   Leng Chengyu agreed to Hong Qingsheng to work at the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station, and came here on the second day. After arranging accommodation, he immediately came to the mission hall to pick up the mission.

   The pace of work at the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station is really fast.

   The work flow here is to accept tasks, do tasks, complete tasks, routine defense patrols, and so on.

   There are a total of 6 squadrons in the Xicheng District Defense Line Station. Hong Qingsheng is the squadron leader of the Second Squadron.

   and Leng Chengyu was assigned to the third squadron of the second squadron.

   Now, Leng Chengyu is following the other members of the third team to the mission hall to pick up the mission.

  Because Leng Chengyu came on the first day, he was accompanied by other team members to let Leng Chengyu familiarize himself with the whole process.

  Who knows, he was taunted by ghost guards from other squadrons as soon as he entered.

   "Black Bull, why, do your first squadron envy our second squadron if you can't recruit talents?"

   The team member Zhao Zizhou who came with Leng Chengyu said coldly.

   "Jealous? What's so jealous? I just want to see if he has the courage to match a genius."

   Leng Chengyu didn't say a word from beginning to end, but went to the computer with Zhao Zizhou and turned on the computer.

   Just entering the taskbar interface, at this time, the black cow came over again, pointed to one of the tasks, and said arrogantly: "Dare you choose this task for your genius to do?"

   "Hei Niu, what are you kidding me? You dare not even take this task. You call him a newcomer to take this task?" Zhao Zizhou said with a dissatisfied expression.

   Leng Chengyu looked at this mission.

The brief introduction of the task is like this. This is a studio evil spirit event. The evil spirit level is probably between the 5th and 9th levels of the black evil spirits. The ghosts who are below the Qingyi evil spirits have a high failure rate in this task. , There have already been two folk wardens who lost their lives in the hands of evil So, you need to be cautious when choosing this task.

   Seeing that this mission is so terrifying, Leng Chengyu said: "Let's look at other missions first."

At this time, Hei Niu ridiculed: "Sure enough, he is just a genius who grows in a greenhouse. He has no courage at all. He is not worthy to be a ghost guard at the front line. Go to school and be a teacher. Why go to the defense line? Come?"

   "You think you say a few irritating things, and I will do what you say, idiot!"

   Leng Chengyu didn't want to pay attention to the black cow at all, but continued to check other tasks in the taskbar with Zhao Zizhou.

   Hei Niu didn't expect Leng Chengyu to say such a thing, his face flushed with anger, he suddenly shouted loudly, fearing that other ghost guards in the mission hall would not be able to hear it.

   "If you can complete this task, I will give you 5 contribution points, how about it, do you have the courage to take this task?"

   Seeing that Leng Chengyu was still unmoved, Hei Niu shouted again: "10 contribution points, how about? 10 contribution points!"

   However, Leng Chengyu was still unmoved.

   What Leng Chengyu lacks is not contribution points, what he lacks is to help ghosts for pleasure.

   Hei Niu sees that Leng Chengyu still ignores him, and giving 10 contribution points is already his bottom line. After all, 10 contribution points are equivalent to 10,000 yuan.

   Hei Niu had to walk away, but when he walked away, he said something that Leng Chengyu couldn't stand.

   "What genius, you're a coward! A waste of money! It's not suitable to be a ghost guard here at all!"

   "People fight for a breath, and trees fight for a piece of skin. I hate that others look down on me. Okay, 10 contribution points. I'll take this task!"

   Leng Chengyu stood up and said loudly.


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