After    took over the task, Leng Chengyu set off alone.

  Because some tasks are done by groups, and some tasks are done by one person alone, after all, ghost guards are rare, so they must be used effectively and reasonably.

   And the task of this studio ghost taken by Leng Chengyu is a task to be completed by himself.

  According to the display on the map, the mission location is not too far away from the defense line station in Xicheng District.

   Fuyang City has 4 urban defense stations in the southeast, northwest and north, forming an encirclement to defend Fuyang City from the intrusion of ghosts in the wilderness area outside.

   However, Fuyang City is very large, and it is impossible for the defense lines of the four urban areas to connect the entire periphery of Fuyang City.

   Therefore, between the defensive lines, there will be places that are not guarded all the time.

   Due to the limited number of ghost guards, these places can only be patrolled once every few days.

   And the place where Leng Chengyu wants to go to the studio ghost incident is in these gaps.

   It's a bit remote, a bit deserted, and it's an independent house.

   There was a painter who built this house to paint in order to be able to paint quietly.

  Who knows, after a ghost incident, the painter moved out, and the painter died in depression afterwards, and I don’t know why.

And because of the existence of ghosts in this house, if tourists who went out to explore to rest in this vacant house, they will be harassed by the ghosts inside, and there have even been cases of tourists who went crazy and died when they stayed overnight in the house. example.

   Therefore, this house has attracted the attention of the Ghost Guardians Alliance, and the Ghost Guardians have also been sent to get rid of the ghosts in this house, but they have not been able to succeed.

   Although this house is remote, it is not difficult to find.

   According to the map, Leng Chengyu quickly found the house.

   Leng Chengyu looked up.

   This house is a simple wooden house. It is located halfway up a hill. There are a few big trees around the house with very lush foliage.

   Leng Chengyu walked towards the wooden house along the rugged mountain road.

   came to the wooden house, Leng Chengyu found that a very conspicuous notice was posted outside the wooden house.

It says:

   "This is a house that has been haunted by ghost incidents. It has caused the tourists who entered and stayed to die and go crazy. If there are passing tourists, please do not stay in the house, let alone spend the night in the house for cheap."

After   , the inscription read: "Fuyang City Royal Ghost Alliance Proclamation."

   looked at this notice. It is not about Leng Chengyu's business. Leng Chengyu is not a tourist. He is a ghost defender who has come to solve the ghosts in it. Of course he has to enter the wooden house.

   The door of the wooden house was closed, and Leng Chengyu opened the door.


   And when Leng Chengyu just opened the door and was about to walk into the wooden house, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a tomb not far from the wooden house.

   This tomb is covered by weeds, and it can be seen that no one has been worshipping for a long time. This caused Leng Chengyu to see it by accident.

   looked at the tomb. There was a photo of his death on the tombstone. The deceased was a woman, and the tombstone also reads his wife XX.

   Leng Chengyu just took a few glances, and didn't pay much attention to it.

   After all, even if it is a tomb, it is not necessarily related to ghosts.

   According to the mission, the ghost is inside the wooden house, not outside the wooden house.

   Leng Chengyu is here to solve the ghost in the wooden house, so Leng Chengyu still has to go inside the wooden house to check.

   Leng Chengyu raised his leg, and just stepped inside the door, a musty smell came to his nose.

   Obviously, no one has been in this house for a long time.

Inside   , a lot of weeds grew on the wooden floor.

   However, the most conspicuous things in the room are the portraits of people.

   These portraits are a little messy and are placed there on the drawing boards supported by a bracket, and the portraits are covered with a layer of dust.

   However, even so, it can be seen that the portraits of the characters are vivid.

   On the portrait, there are single-person paintings, multi-person paintings, there are old people, there are children, there are young people, there are men, and there are women.

   In short, there are various portraits of people.

   It can be seen that this house should be a studio.

   It’s just a little strange that these portraits only have heads painted without any background. They look like portraits.

   also thought of the existence of ghosts here, and it made Leng Chengyu feel that the characters in these portraits seemed to look at him, which was very strange.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but think of whether ghosts are in these portraits.

   Leng Chengyu was about to go forward and check it carefully. Suddenly, he heard the sound of "Ga——" coming from behind him.

   Leng Chengyu looked back and found that it turned out that the wooden door slowly closed automatically when there was no wind blowing.

   This made Leng Chengyu's back chill.

   stared at the wooden door for a long time, but found nothing unusual, and scanned the room for another week, and found nothing unusual in the wooden house.

   Why did the door close?

   did it happen to close because of inertia?

   Or the ghosts in the wooden house at work?

   Whatever it is, it’s better to be cautious.

   "Liu Fang, come out."

   Leng Chengyu called out the ghost of the girl in the arm tattoo space.

During the month of the previous trial, Liu Fang slept several times because he had absorbed too many soul crystals and needed to be However, she has now woken up, and her strength has also increased to black. Shagui third level.

   "Do you see anything abnormal?"

   As soon as Liu Fang came out, Leng Chengyu asked.

   Liu Fang looked around and glanced at the portrait, but still shook his head and said, "I didn't find any ghosts in this wooden house."

   There must be a ghost in the wooden house, but I can't find it. I can't think of the ghost hiding so secretly.

   Where is this ghost hiding?

   Leng Chengyu scanned the wooden house again. In addition to the studio outside, the wooden house had a bedroom and a kitchen connected to the bathroom.

   The bathroom is the heaviest, and it is the most likely place to hide ghosts.

   Leng Chengyu walked over the messy portraits on the easels and walked to the bathroom.

   There is a mirror, a wash tray, and a sitting toilet in the bathroom.

   Other than that, there is nothing else.

   Leng Chengyu stared at the mirror in the bathroom for a long time.

   There wasn't a black shadow or a hideous face suddenly appeared in the mirror, and there was nothing unusual in the mirror.

   The mirror is normal.

   Leng Chengyu turned on the faucet of the sink again, filling the sink with water.

   waited quietly for a while, but a pale hand did not suddenly come out from the sink.

   There is no ghost found in the sink.

   Leng Chengyu turned around again to look at the seated urinal and opened the lid of the urinal.

  Because it hasn't been used for a long time, there is a black stain on the inside of the potty pan, and there is a little musty smell. Other than that, nothing is abnormal.

   I didn't see any signs of ghosts such as blood flowing out suddenly.


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