Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 135: Looking for evil spirits

   Checked the mirror in the bathroom, the sink, and the potty pan. Nothing unusual was found. Leng Chengyu turned around and asked Liu Fang, who had been following him in the air, "Did you find anything?"

   Liu Fangyao's head: "I didn't find anything."

   No trace of the ghost was found in the bathroom, so Leng Chengyu had to take the girl ghost out of the bathroom.

   walked out of the bathroom, outside the bathroom is the kitchen, Leng Chengyu glanced at the kitchen.

   Except for a stove and a cupboard, there is nothing else in the kitchen. Whether there are ghosts hidden or not can be seen clearly at a glance.

   Unless the ghost is hiding in the cabinet, but the cabinet is not very big, can it hide a ghost?

   However, it’s hard to tell about ghosts, maybe he is hiding in a place where you think it is impossible to hide.

   So, Leng Chengyu walked over and opened the cabinet door.

   Looking inside, there is nothing in the cabinet except for a few stacks of cobwebs and dusty dishes, a few spoons and a bundle of chopsticks.

   There are no ghosts in the cupboards, so, where are the ghosts hidden in this house?

   By the way, there is one bedroom that has not been checked.

   Leng Chengyu took Liu Fang to the bedroom.

   pushed open the bedroom door, it was a bit dim inside the bedroom, turned on the light switch, the light turned on.

   Although it is remote and the room has been unoccupied for a long time, it is still powered on.

   As soon as the light is turned on, everything in the bedroom can be seen clearly.

   There are not many things in the bedroom, just a bed, a writing desk and a chair.

   Leng Chengyu glanced at the desk and chair, and saw nothing unusual.

   But when I looked at the bed, I found that there was a bulging quilt on the bed, which seemed to cover something.

   Although this quilt was covered with cobwebs and dust, it was not folded like that, and it was thrown in a mess on the corner of the bed. On the surface, no one had touched it for a long time.

   However, the quilt is bulging, which is a bit invisible. I don’t know if it’s because the quilt is crumpled and bulged, or there is something hidden in it.

   There may be ghosts hidden in the quilt.

   No matter whether there is a hidden ghost or not, Leng Chengyu walked over.

   When Leng Chengyu stretched out his hand to tear open the quilt, his hand suddenly stopped there.

   can't be so reckless! If there is a ghost in the quilt, the ghost will suddenly jump over when you pull it apart. What should I do?

   Leng Chengyu first turned his head and said to Liu Fang: "I am going to pull the quilt away. You should be on guard at any time. If there is something in the quilt, don't let him hurt me."

   "Okay, master."

Because Liu Fang followed Leng Chengyu to do a few tasks during the month of trial, he absorbed a few soul crystals, and his ghost level also improved. He felt that he had a future with Leng Chengyu, so he recognized it. Leng Chengyu.

   Therefore, I am willing to listen to Leng Chengyu.

   Liu Fang flew into the air beside Leng Chengyu, staring at the quilt.

   Leng Chengyu stretched out his hand and slowly pulled open the quilt.

   The quilt was torn apart, but nothing was hidden inside.

   After pulling apart the quilt, a torn straw mat was revealed, and the hole in the straw mat revealed the bed board under the straw mat.

   These are all very normal.

   But how did you see the quilt just now?

   Is it in the quilt?

   Leng Chengyu shakes the quilt again.

   As soon as the quilt shakes, a puff of dust splashes up. Part of the dust rushes into Leng Chengyu's nostrils. Leng Chengyu can't help throwing away the quilt. He stepped back and coughed a few times.

After   , Leng Chengyu looked at the quilt again.

   After discovering that the thrown quilt was piled up on the bed, it seemed to bulge like just now.

   Not right!

   Is there really a ghost hidden in the quilt?

   But I shake the quilt like this, why doesn’t the ghost come out?

   Is there such a patient ghost?

Leng Chengyu covered his nose and shook the quilt a few more times. Nothing came out, but he broke the quilt and found that the cotton in the quilt was loose. Cause the quilt to bulge up when piled there.

   There are no ghosts in the quilt, so there may be places where ghosts are hidden, as well as under the bed.

   Leng Chengyu took a few steps back vigilantly. After two meters away from the edge of the bed, he slowly squatted down, turned his head and looked under the bed.

   Under the light, although part of the bed is in the shadow, it can still be seen clearly. There is nothing under the bed.

   Leng Chengyu stood up, turned his head and looked around the bedroom again.

   By the way, there are curtains.

   The window over there was blocked by thick curtains, which caused the bedroom to be a little dark when I first came in.

   Then, are there ghosts hidden behind the curtains?


   Leng Chengyu just looked over the curtain and saw the curtain move a few times.

  Is the wind blowing in from the window just now causing the curtains to flutter, or was there a ghost inside the curtains?

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and said to Liu Fang: "I'm going to check the curtains, please be alert!"

   "Okay, master."

   Liu Fang floated into the air only two meters away from the curtains, became alert, and waited for Leng Chengyu to open the curtains.

   Leng Chengyu walked over and reached out and grabbed the curtain.

   The curtains are sticky, probably because no one has touched them for a long time so they are covered with dust, which caused Leng Chengyu's hand to get dust on it.

   However, this is not the most important thing, the important thing is whether there are ghosts behind the curtains.

   Leng Chengyu grabbed the curtain and was about to open it.

   However, it was discovered that the curtain was stuck and could not be pulled.

   Suddenly, at this moment, the curtain moved again, and there was a whirring sound.

   Is it the wind outside the window that is blowing the curtains, or is there a ghost hidden in the curtains?

   Whatever it is, just open the curtains and see.

   Leng Chengyu increased his strength and pulled aside.

   The curtain was finally torn open.

   A gust of wind blew out from inside.

   However, there is nothing inside the curtain except the wind blowing out.

   Leng Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief.

   There are no ghosts in the curtains.

   Not right!

   Leng Chengyu just breathed a sigh of relief, and became nervous again.

   Because Leng Chengyu saw that the window behind the curtain was obviously closed.

   Since the windows are closed, where does the wind come from?

   A gust of wind suddenly came out of it just now.

   Is that wind a ghost?

   Leng Chengyu looked back at Liu Fang and asked, "Did you notice anything unusual about the wind just now?"

   "It's a bit unusual, but I didn't see the evil spirit."

   "What do you mean?"

   "I think the evil spirit may control the wind just now from a distance."

   "In the distance? You mean the evil spirit is outside the studio?"

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   Just as Leng Chengyu said these words, suddenly, there was a penetrating laughter outside.


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