Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 136: Small actions of evil spirits

   Suddenly hearing this laughter, Leng Chengyu couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

   Because the laughter seemed to sound in my ears, but I knew it was coming from a distance. It sounded very strange and very oozing.

   "Where do you think the laughter came from?"

   Leng Chengyu turned around and asked Liu Fang.

   Liu Fang said: "It should have come from outside the studio."

   Leng Chengyu nodded.

   When he heard it just now, he thought it was coming from outside the studio, but he was not sure, so he asked Liu Fang to confirm it.

   "Quick! Then let's go outside the painting room to explore."

   First, Liu Fang drifted out of the bedroom door, and then Leng Chengyu followed.

   And when Leng Chengyu just walked out of the bedroom door, suddenly, there was a "bang" behind him.

   The sound was very sudden, and Leng Chengyu jumped.

   Leng Chengyu looked back and found that the bedroom door was closed by himself.

   "Why is the bedroom door closed?"

   There was no wind at all, and the bedroom door closed very quickly and suddenly behind Leng Chengyu. It must be controlled by ghost power.

   "The bedroom door should be closed under the control of the evil spirit in this house. Do you think my guess is correct?"

   Leng Chengyu stepped forward to push the bedroom door, and turned around to ask Liu Fang.

   Liu Fang said, "Yes, it was controlled by the evil spirits.

   "Huh? Why can't the door be opened?"

   When Leng Chengyu turned the doorknob to open the bedroom door, and checked the bedroom again, Leng Chengyu found that the doorknob could be turned and the door should not be locked, but it just couldn't open.

   "This must be an evil spirit doing a ghost, come and take a look."

   Liu Fang floated over to open the door, but she couldn't open it either.

   Leng Chengyu couldn’t help asking: “Do you think the evil spirit is hiding in the bedroom? Or in the studio? It’s mainly why he closes the door? Is it to confuse our vision, so that we can’t find him?”

   Liu Fang said: "The bedroom has been explored just now. If this evil spirit wants to escape my eyes and not be discovered by me, he must find a very secret deposit and hide it inside.

And there is no such deposit in the bedroom. I think that the portrait in the studio and the mirror in the bathroom may be the deposit of evil spirits. If he hides these two things, I can't see it. . "

   "Okay, let's check those portraits first."

   Now the bedroom door can't be opened anyway. If you want to go into the bedroom to check, there is no way, you can only check the portrait outside.

   The portraits in the studio outside are still the same as when they first came in, and they are placed there in a mess.

   The portrait was covered with spider webs and dust.

   Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang walked over, looking carefully one by one.

   But after watching it for a while, I still couldn't see anything abnormal.

   However, when Leng Chengyu looked at the portrait, he always felt that the eyes of the characters in the portrait were staring at him, as if they were looking at him, making him uncontrollable.

   The reason why these eyes were staring at him, Leng Chengyu felt that it was because the portraits were too realistic.

   Otherwise, it's impossible to hide an evil spirit in every painting.

   However, the mission description clearly stated that there was only one evil spirit in this house.

   And if this evil spirit is really hidden in the painting, it must be hidden in one of the paintings, but I don't know which painting it is in.

   After reading all the paintings, Leng Chengyu did not see anything unusual.

   Leng Chengyu turned around and asked Liu Fang: "Which painting do you see abnormal?"

   Liu Fang shook his head.

   Just looking at it, I can’t tell, Leng Chengyu wanted to touch these portraits with his hands.

   Leng Chengyu felt that if there are ghosts hidden in the portrait, it should be cooler than other paintings.

   After all, hiding the portrait of the ghost must be very dark.

   Leng Chengyu pulled away the spider web and reached out to touch the portraits.

   However, after touching several paintings, they all felt the same, and I couldn't tell which one was colder.

   "Ah! Master, your hand!"

   When Leng Chengyu wanted to touch other portraits, Liu Fang suddenly yelled.

   Leng Chengyu raised his hand and found that his hand was stained with blood.

   "Why? When did my hands get blood? Which painting has blood on it?"

   Leng Chengyu looked back at the paintings just now.

   However, no blood was found on any of the paintings.

  Because the portrait is in color, there will be many kinds of dyes dyed together and arranged to form a realistic portrait.

   And these paintings are mixed with more or less red dye.

   "Is the blood on my hand just those red dyes?"

   However, Leng Chengyu checked it carefully and did not find any of the paintings discolored.

   "Then how come my hands are stained with these bright red blood-like things for no reason? Is my hand blood or dye?"

   According to reason, these paintings have been painted for so long, and the dye can't fade anymore, right?

   Leng Chengyu wanted to use his other hand to continue to touch those portraits just to see which painting made his hand stained with red blood or dye.

   At this time, a "creak" sound suddenly came.

   Looking up, Leng Chengyu found that the curtains of the studio windows were moving fast by themselves, and they opened to cover the windows.

   The windows were covered by curtains, and the whole studio was dimmed.

  Because the bedroom door that turned on the light was closed, the door and curtains of the studio outside were also closed, but the light did not turn on.

   "Go and pull the curtains open."

   Leng Chengyu turned around and said to Liu Fang.

   Liu Fangpiao flew over to pull it hard, but he couldn't pull it away at all.

   Obviously the evil spirit in this house is controlling these curtains to close, and the power of this evil spirit is obviously greater than that of Liu Fang.

   Then, why did this evil spirit suddenly close the curtains?


   Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered that when he wanted to reconfirm which painting made his hand stained with red, the curtain suddenly closed.

   This evil spirit should be afraid that he will confirm which painting is stained with blood, and that painting stained with blood should be the hiding place of the evil spirit.

   That's right, it must be so.

   Leng Chengyu wanted to understand the joints, and immediately said to Liu Fang quickly: "Quick! Fly over and turn on the lights!"

   Liu Fang flew over, pulled the switch, and the light turned on all of a sudden, and the whole studio was also on.

   Leng Chengyu looked back at the paintings he had touched just now.

   "Huh? How did the position change?"

   Leng Chengyu found that the positions of the paintings had changed just now, making him unable to identify which paintings he had touched.


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