No matter which picture it is, as long as I touch it one by one, can't I recognize which one is staining my hands with blood?

   There are so many paintings here, even if you touch each one, it doesn't take much time.

   Leng Chengyu has decided to touch every painting once, and he must check which painting has caused blood on his hands.

   Now that the lights have been turned on, the inside of the studio has become brighter, as long as the blood is stained on the hand when the hand touches the painting, Leng Chengyu can see clearly.

   Leng Chengyu stretched out his hand and began to touch the portraits again.

   touched the first picture and looked at his hand again, but he didn't notice that it was stained with blood.

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   When Leng Chengyu wanted to continue to touch the next painting, suddenly, there was a penetrating laughter from nowhere.

   Because this laughter resounded like a reverberant sound in the whole room, the left ear seemed to come from the left, and the right ear seemed to come from the right.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't tell where it came from.

   There is no one else here. Leng Chengyu looked back at Liu Fang. Liu Fang didn't laugh. Then it must be the evil spirit in this house that made this laugh.

   But where did the laughter come from?

   Leng Chengyu stopped to touch the hand of the next painting, trying to identify carefully where the laughter came from, but at this time, the laughter suddenly stopped.

   Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang: "Did you hear that laughter just now? Where did it come from?"

   Liu Fang said: "The laughter is too short, I can't tell where it came from."

   Since he couldn't identify where the laughter came from, Leng Chengyu didn't care about it anymore.

   You have to do things step by step, and you should first find out the painting that stained his hands with blood.

   Leng Chengyu reached out to touch the next painting again.

   When Leng Chengyu's hand was about to touch the next painting, laughter rang out again.

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   Hearing the penetrating laughter again, Leng Chengyu couldn't help but think that the reason why the laughter sounded seemed to be to prevent him from touching the paintings.

   After the laughter sounded this time, Leng Chengyu was able to recognize where the laughter came from, which came from the bathroom of this wooden house.

   However, even if the direction of the incoming message has been recognized, Leng Chengyu no longer wants to pay attention to the laughter. Leng Chengyu wants to recognize the blood-stained portrait first.

   Leng Chengyu's hand finally touched the second portrait. After touching the painting, he turned his hand over. However, he did not find any blood stains or red things on his hands.

   "Not this picture."

   And when Leng Chengyu touched this painting, the laughter still didn't stop, and his laughter became sharper and more permeating.

   Liu Fang couldn't help but remind Leng Chengyu: "Master, where did I hear the laughter come from? Just from the bathroom."

   "Ignore it, first find out which painting caused my hands to be bloodied."

   Leng Chengyu took a step forward and stretched out his hand, wanting to continue touching the third painting.

  Who knows, the laughter that hasn't stopped, this time the laugh is abnormally sharp, like an electric drill drilled into Leng Chengyu's eardrum, making Leng Chengyu's ears hurt and his head swelling.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but blocked his ears with both hands.

   However, he can relieve the pain of ears by plugging his ears with his hands, but he can no longer touch the third painting.

   Moreover, not only Leng Chengyu, at this time, even Liu Fang who was flying in the air felt the discomfort caused by the laughter, and she even covered her ears with her hands.

   "Go to the bathroom and have a look!"

   There is no way, such a piercing laughter is too uncomfortable, and Leng Chengyu had to give up and continue touching the portrait.

   When Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang came to the bathroom door quickly, the laughter suddenly stopped.

   Now that I'm at the door, of course I have to go in and take a look.

   The laughter came from inside, maybe the evil spirit is in this bathroom.

   opened the bathroom door and glanced around. After no evil spirits were found, Leng Chengyu walked into the bathroom quickly, then walked directly to the mirror and looked inside the mirror.

   Leng Chengyu remembered that Liu Fang said that there were two deposits that prevented Liu Fang from detecting where the ghost was hiding. One was a portrait and the other was a mirror.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu wanted to check in front of the mirror when the evil spirit’s laughter stopped, to see if the evil spirit’s figure had not had time to disappear in the mirror.

   However, when Leng Chengyu walked to the mirror and looked into the mirror, he did not see the shadow of the evil spirit in the mirror.

  Since the shadow of the evil spirit cannot be seen, and Leng Chengyu's hands are stained with blood, he turns on the faucet of the sink and rinses his bloodied hands with water.

   "Liu Fang, what are you laughing at?"

   just washed his hands, at this moment, Leng Chengyu suddenly found that Liu Fang, who was in the mirror, was laughing strangely.

   "I didn't laugh, Master, what's the matter with you? How come you ask such a thing?"

   Liu Fang, who was flying behind Leng Chengyu, said in wonder. UU reading

   "You didn't laugh? I obviously..."

   Leng Chengyu just wanted to tell Liu Fang, I obviously saw you smiling, why didn't you admit it?

   However, he suddenly found something wrong.

   He found that the shadow of Liu Fang reflected in the mirror was clearly on the left side of his body, but the voice of Liu Fang behind him came from the right side of his body.

What exactly is going on?

   Leng Chengyu looked back and found that Liu Fang was indeed on the right behind him, not on the left, and he also saw Liu Fang's serious and wary face, and he didn't laugh at all.

   However, Liu Fang in the mirror is on the left behind him, and there is a strange smile on his face.

   This makes Leng Chengyu wonder what is going on.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head and looked in the mirror again, and found that Liu Fang still had a strange smile on his face in the mirror, and it was still on the left side of his body.

   This is so weird, Leng Chengyu couldn't help taking a breath.


   moved a bit, and when he looked closely, Leng Chengyu found that there were actually two shadows of Liu Fang in the mirror.

   One shadow is on the left, with a weird smile, and the other shadow is on the right, with a vigilant appearance.

   The one on the right is normal, and the one on the left is the evil spirit turned into Liu Fang?

   Is the evil spirit on the left behind me?

Leng Chengyu turned his head and looked to the left side behind him, but he did not see the evil spirit, but saw a painting hanging on the wall behind him. The painting actually painted a portrait of Liu Fang, and this painting painted Liu Fang. Very lifelike, with a weird smile on his face.


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