The background of this painting is this wall. Against this background, this painting has been integrated with the wall, just like Liu Fang's portrait is painted on the wall.

   It's no wonder that Leng Chengyu couldn't see it for a while. If it weren't for the two shadows of Liu Fang appearing in the mirror, if Leng Chengyu didn't look carefully, he couldn't see it at all.

   "Liu Fang, why is there a portrait of you here?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but ask in surprise.

   Liu Fang looked over, and she was also very surprised. When she came in just now, she was like Leng Chengyu. She only paid attention to the mirror, but didn't notice that there was a portrait of her behind.

   Now that I saw it, Liu Fang said angrily: "How can there be a portrait of me here? It must be the ghost of this house!"

   Leng Chengyu guessed the same.

   "Is it the ability of the evil spirit of this house to randomly change other people's portraits in the painting? Or is it that this evil spirit is hidden in this portrait and uses your shadow to cover it?"

   Leng Chengyu looked at this portrait with eyebrows.

   The portrait of Liu Fang smiles very strangely and sluggishly. It seems that Liu Fang is deliberately painted like a clown.

   "If the evil spirit is inside or not, just tear the painting to pieces!"

   Liu Fang's anger has not disappeared. The evil spirit in this house painted her so ugly, and hung it in the bathroom in a magnificent manner, and it was on the top of the toilet. This was an insult to her.

   Liu Fang flew over and tore down the portrait with one hand.

   Then he opened his bow left and right, tore a few times, and shattered the portrait.

The portrait of    was torn apart, and there was a ray of black air, but other than that, no evil spirits were seen.

   "Damn it, this must be the evil spirit's blindfold."

   Liu Fang saw that after tearing up the portrait, he still couldn't find any evil spirits, so he threw the broken pieces of paper into the potty and washed them away with water.

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

The shreds of   's portrait had just been washed away, and a harsh and oozing laugh came from outside the bathroom.

This laughter is sharper than the previous ones, it is like taking a gong to ring a person’s ear, making people’s ears hum; it’s like holding an electric drill into the ear, If I keep listening, I'm afraid the eardrum will rupture.

   And this laughter didn't stop after he laughed, and it became sharper and sharper. Even though Leng Chengyu covered his ears, he still felt very uncomfortable.

   "Did the laughter come from the bedroom side, go, go over there and see."

   Leng Chengyu said to Liu Fang.

   I can’t go over and take a look. If I continue like this, I will be deaf by the laughter.

   Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang soon came outside the bedroom door.

   As expected, laughter came from the bedroom.

  Because the bedroom door could not be opened before, Leng Chengyu lifted his foot to kick the door and kicked it open.

   However, just as Leng Chengyu raised his foot, the door opened by itself.

  As soon as the door opened, the laughter inside suddenly stopped.

   Although the laughter stopped, Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang still walked in.

   turned his head and looked around. The contents of the entire bedroom were clear at a glance, and there was no evil spirit at all.

  If the evil spirit is in this bedroom, where can it be hidden?

   The quilt on the bed is still the same as before, and nothing has changed except for the curtains.

   Leng Chengyu remembered that the curtains had been opened before, but now they are closed again.

   When Leng Chengyu looked at the curtains, suddenly, there was a "whoo-" inside the curtains, and then the curtains fluttered.

   "Quickly! Look over the curtain, you watch!"

   Leng Chengyu shouted to Liu Fang.

   Liu Fang flew into the air about two meters from the curtain, waiting for Leng Chengyu to come over and pull the curtain open.

   Leng Chengyu came over very quickly.

   In order to find out if there is an evil spirit hidden in the curtains, and because the evil spirit has no time to escape, Leng Chengyu walked to the edge of the curtain when Liu Fang just flew past and pulled the curtain forcefully.

   Just hearing the sound of "brushing", the curtains were quickly opened.


   No ghosts were seen in the curtains, but suddenly a gust of wind blew from inside.

   The wind was very obvious, like a whirlpool, after spinning out of the curtain, it suddenly got under the bed not far away.

   "Will this wind be the result of evil spirits?" Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang.

   "I can't see it." Liu Fang said, "I think this is just a trick for evil spirits."

   "Look under the bed."

   Whether or not the evil spirits turned into this wind, since the wind has penetrated under the bed, you have to look at it no matter what.

   Leng Chengyu walked over, squatted down three meters away from the bed, and looked under the bed.

   Although the light under the bed is not fully illuminated, it can still be seen clearly.

   "Ah! The evil spirit is here!"

   Leng Chengyu, who squatted down, couldn't help backing a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

   Because Leng Chengyu saw that the evil spirit was lying flat under the bed with a weird smile.

"Are you OK?"

   Liu Fang saw that Leng Chengyu was so frightened, she also hurriedly flew over, watched vigilantly under the bed, and assumed that as long as the evil spirit under the bed came out, she would go forward desperately.


   After a few steps Leng Chengyu suddenly noticed something wrong again.

With a quick glance just now, under the light of the light, Leng Chengyu was only surprised by the strange smile of the evil spirit under the bed. He didn't notice anything else. Looking back now, he discovered the unusualness of the evil spirit. .

   "Why is the evil spirit lying flat under the bed?"

   "Never lie flat, his body is not three-dimensional at all, but flat, like a thin piece of paper."

   And for this evil spirit, Leng Chengyu is inexplicably familiar. By the way, the face of this evil spirit seems to resemble Liu Fang.

After    calmed down, Leng Chengyu leaned down again and turned his head to look under the bed.

   finally discovered the truth.

   It turned out that the strange smile under the bed at Leng Chengyu was not an evil spirit at all, but a portrait of Liu Fang.

   Yes, another portrait of Liu Fang appeared under the bed.

   And the weird smile on the portrait is even more exaggerated than the one seen in the bathroom, it is simply an attempt to ugly Liu Fang.

   After seeing it clearly, Leng Chengyu said to Liu Fang: "It doesn't seem to be an evil spirit under the bed, but another portrait of you."

   "My portrait?"

   Liu Fang, who was flying in the air, turned his body upside down and looked under the bed.

   found out that there was a portrait of her under the bed, and this portrait made her even more ugly.

   Liu Fang angrily used the power of the ghost to **** out the portrait under the bed, held it in his hand, and then tore the portrait to pieces like a vent.

The portrait of    was the same as before, after a few gusts of black air, there was nothing left, only a pile of broken pieces of paper fell to the ground.


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