Liu Fang tore the painting to pieces and still couldn't get rid of her hatred. She still used her feet to step on the fragments scattered on the ground.

   "Come out! The evil spirits of this house, come out! Do you dare to use such small tricks? Come out, I want to fight you!"

   While stepping on the debris on the ground, Liu Fang shouted.

   "Sha Sha Sha..."

   Suddenly, I don’t know where I heard the sound of something dragging on the ground.

   Leng Chengyu can still hear this voice even in Liu Fang's shouting.

   "Liu Fang, can you stop? What sound do you hear? Where did this sound come from?"

   Liu Fang also heard the voice, and she also became vigilant, no longer stepping on the debris on the ground, but tilting her ears to sound it.

   "It seems to be outside the painting room."

   "I also think it is outside the painting room, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to us."

Leng Chengyu’s judgment was the same as Liu Fang’s, and Leng Chengyu could still hear it. At the beginning, the voice seemed to be far away, but it slowly moved in further away from them, as if it was "rustling." The voice is approaching them.

   "Go! Go and take a look outside the painting room!" Leng Chengyu said to Liu Fang.

   Liu Fang was still the first to fly out of the bedroom door, and Leng Chengyu followed behind and walked out of the bedroom door.

   When Leng Chengyu walked out of the bedroom door, he couldn't help but look back at the bedroom door.

   There was no accident. Like the previous time, as soon as Leng Chengyu walked out of the bedroom door, the bedroom door screamed, and he quickly closed it automatically.

   Sha Sha Sha's voice continued, and Leng Chengyu no longer cares about the bedroom door, but looks in the direction of the sound.

   "Huh? It doesn't seem to be in the studio, it seems to be outside the door of this house."

   After walking out of the bedroom and coming to the studio, he discovered that the rustling sound turned out to be ringing outside the door of this house, and it was getting closer and closer.

   "I went to open the door to see what it was." Liu Fang said actively.

   Liu Fang made fun of her because she was ugly painted by the evil spirit. Therefore, her anger has not disappeared. She really wants to fight the evil spirit to relieve her hatred.


   But before Liu Fang flew over, the door of the wooden house slowly opened by himself.

   Liu Fang stopped in the air.

   As the door opened, the rustle outside the door became more pronounced.

   "It seems that he has climbed to the edge of the door."

   Yes, Leng Chengyu just felt that this thing was crawling over.

   Leng Chengyu’s sixth sense feels that this thing seems to be because his legs can’t move, so he crawls on the ground with his hands, dragging his body forward.

   Before, Leng Chengyu had also heard this kind of sound. Even when he was in Huzhong Village, the ghost of the girl with broken legs crawled like this, and the sound was also like this.

   Suddenly, a long hand with pale and thin nails came in from the door, followed by another hand, and then a head with long hair.

   As soon as the head protruded from the edge of the door, he turned his head and looked into the painting room.


   Leng Chengyu couldn't help screaming, and he took two steps back, staring at the terrifying face outside the door.

   When the head turned around, the face under the long hair was a woman's face. Leng Chengyu also felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

   However, that face looked terrifying.

   The whites of the eyes turned outwards, the corners of the eyes were bleeding continuously, and the corners of the mouth were flowing out of white and sticky saliva.

   looks not only scary, but also disgusting.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help covering his mouth. If he didn't cover his mouth, he would probably vomit.

   Even Liu Fang, who was flying in the air, couldn’t help cursing, “Damn! Are you the evil spirit of this house? Who do you want to be disgusting when you become like this?”

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   As soon as the evil spirit revealed its head, he suddenly laughed weirdly. While laughing, he still didn't stop crawling into the house.

   While smiling, she crawled into the room, and soon half of her body crawled into the studio.

   Not only that, he smiled and looked at Liu Fang flying in the air with provocative eyes.

   And when most of the evil spirit crawled into the studio, Leng Chengyu also saw that the legs of the evil spirit did not break like the broken leg girl in Wu Zhongcun before, but the legs were intact.

   But her leg didn't break, she didn't walk. This is how she crawled in. Is she here to scare people? Or is it disgusting?

   Leng Chengyu was also very disgusted with this evil spirit.

   Not to mention Liu Fang.

   Liu Fang was already very angry when the evil spirit painted two portraits that vilified her.

   Now, the evil spirit crawled in and looked at Liu Fang provocatively. The corners of his eyes were bleeding, and the corners of his mouth were even more viscous, making Liu Fang angry.

   "Stop! Stop crawling in if you are so sick! Climb in again, believe it or not, I will fly over and slap you to death!"

Under Liu Fang’s angry warning, the evil spirit did not stop at all, but continued to crawl into the studio slowly, while still rolling his eyes, continuing to look provocatively at Liu Fang in the ~ Liu Fang finally couldn't help it, so he floated over and raised his slap.

   But when Liu Fang wanted to slap the evil spirit on the ground, the evil spirit turned around very quickly and crawled outside.

   The evil spirit climbed out faster than Liu Fang's slap. Liu Fang's slap couldn't slap her at all. She had already crawled out of the door, turned the corner of the door, and disappeared.

   Wherever Liu Fang was willing to let him go, he chased him out.

   And Liu Fang's body just floated out of the door, and suddenly, only hearing a "g" sound, the door closed by itself, and very quickly.

   In the blink of an eye, the door closed completely.

   "She obviously wants to separate me from Liu Fang!"

   After the door suddenly closed, and after isolating Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang, Leng Chengyu suddenly wanted to understand some joints.

   Before, this evil spirit used two portraits in the bathroom and bedroom to vilify Liu Fang, angering Liu Fang, and now he deliberately crawled in to provoke Liu Fang.

   Obviously, I just want Liu Fang to chase him out, and then separate him from Liu Fang.

   After Leng Chengyu wanted to understand this, he immediately shouted outside the door: "Liu Fang, don't chase, come back!"

   However, Liu Fang did not respond at all.

   Leng Chengyu ran to the door, trying to open the door, but the door couldn't be opened at all.

   "Is this evil spirit trying to lead Liu Fang out to kill Liu Fang?"

Leng Chengyu already knows from the introduction of the mission that the level of this evil spirit is between level 5 and 9 of the black evil spirit, while Liu Fang's ghost level is only level 3 of the black evil spirit. Fight against evil spirits.

   "Jie Jie Jie..."

   While Leng Chengyu was worried about Liu Fang, suddenly laughter rang out in the studio.


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