Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 140: Find the blood-stained portrait

"Why is there still laughter in the room? Isn't the evil spirit outside? Are there two evil spirits? Or, the evil spirit just now is just a blind trick, the main purpose is to lead Liu Fang out, and then in the studio Hurt me?"

   Leng Chengyu listened carefully and found that the laughter came from those portraits.

   When Leng Chengyu turned his head, the laughter suddenly stopped.

   "Is the evil spirit really hidden in the portrait?"

   Leng Chengyu walked over.

   He wants to check the portrait again.

   When I checked it before, his hands were stained with blood. Is it possible that the painting that stained him was a portrait of an evil spirit?

   Leng Chengyu is now going to touch those portraits again to find out the evil spirits.

   "It’s not that easy to hurt me, right?"

   It seemed that this evil spirit thought that by drawing Liu Fang away, Leng Chengyu, the human ghost defender, would have no support, and there would be no way to deal with her, and she could only do whatever she wanted.

   However, what this evil spirit could not expect was that Leng Chengyu had never thought of using Liu Fang to deal with her.

  Because in the task introduction, the evil spirit's level is from level 5 to 9 of the black evil spirit, and Liu Fang's level is only the level 3 of the black evil spirit, which can't defeat the evil spirit at all.

   Actually, Leng Chengyu summoned Liu Fang, only to let Liu Fang find the evil spirit, and then use his Guan Gong knife to deal with the evil spirit.

   Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife can be used to kill the ghosts below level 9 of the black evil spirit.

   And the level of this evil spirit is just below the 9th level of the black evil spirit.

   Leng Chengyu quickly walked in front of the portraits, and then reached out to touch them.


  Who knows, at this moment, the light flashed and dimmed suddenly, and finally went completely dimmed.

   Leng Chengyu knew that the sudden extinguishment of the electric light must have been affected by the power of the evil spirit. The evil spirit extinguished the electric light to prevent him from looking for the portrait.

   The light in the room dimmed, and it was really difficult for Leng Chengyu to find out which portrait contained the evil spirit.

   However, as long as the light in the room becomes brighter, can Leng Chengyu continue to search?

   But it is daytime. To brighten the light, you just need to open the curtains.

  Because of the influence of the evil spirit power, Liu Fang went to draw the curtain, but he couldn't open it.

   However, Leng Chengyu has a way to pull it away.

   Leng Chengyu did not need to pull the public knife at all. He could cut the curtains directly with the Guan Gong knife and cut all the curtains. Then the light would come in?

   So, when the lights went off, Leng Chengyu walked to the curtains.

   Although it is dark inside, it is still barely possible to walk.

   To go to the curtain, you must go through the middle of the portrait.

   Leng Chengyu first took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space, and then walked to the curtain from the gap between the portraits.

   Just as Leng Chengyu was walking between the portraits, at this moment, the portrait in one of the portraits moved. She stretched out a pale hand and slowly stretched it towards Leng Chengyu.

   And Leng Chengyu only walked to the curtain, not knowing that a hand was stretched out behind him.

  The hand was getting closer and closer to Leng Chengyu, and the pointed nails of this hand were reaching towards Leng Chengyu's neck.

The nail was only a few inches away from Leng Chengyu’s neck, but Leng Chengyu didn’t know yet. Leng Chengyu was still groping towards the curtain in the dark, because he was carrying a Guan Gong knife in his hand, so he walked very hard. Slow.

   When the pale hand in the dark was about to touch Leng Chengyu’s neck, his hand suddenly shrank back, and then quickly stretched forward, and the pointed nails pierced towards Leng Chengyu’s neck.

   At this time, Leng Chengyu felt a cool breeze rushing towards his neck, and he turned his head, but the evil spirit seemed to want to kill Leng Chengyu.

   So, even if Leng Chengyu had turned his head, the evil spirit's hand still did not retract, and it continued to stab Leng Chengyu's neck.

However, just as the sharp nails of the evil spirit were about to pierce Leng Chengyu’s neck, the hilt of Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife was as high as his body, and it happened to be turned sideways when Leng Chengyu turned and touched. Go to this hand.

   just heard a "bang" sound.

   This hand was bumped by the handle of Guan Gong knife made of gold, a ray of black air appeared, and then he had to retract.

   And in the dark, Leng Chengyu did not see the pale hand at all, only saw a shining light and retracted. At the same time, he felt that the handle of the Guan Gong knife seemed to have touched something.

  Although he didn't see this hand clearly, Leng Chengyu still became nervous.

   "Is there something that wanted to pinch my neck?"

   "No! Go and open the curtains quickly!"

   Leng Chengyu was very careful when he walked through the portraits just now, because he was afraid of touching those portraits and ruining the portraits.

   Leng Chengyu is a person who respects art very much. These portraits are so realistic that he really can't bear to destroy them.

However, now this evil spirit is hidden in this studio, in the darkness, the enemy is dark, and I am in the light. If one is not careful, it may be harmed by the evil Before his life was threatened, Leng Chengyu didn't care whether he would encounter the portraits when he walked through those portraits.

   If these portraits are knocked down, they can be lifted up. If they fall on the ground and get scratched, there is no way.

   Leng Chengyu is very important to save his life, but to save his life, he has to brighten up the room quickly.

   Leng Chengyu turned his head. After seeing nothing, he turned his head back and walked quickly towards the curtain.

During   , he did knock down a few paintings, but he couldn't manage that much.

   As soon as Leng Chengyu walked to the curtain, he pulled the curtain forcefully, but the curtain couldn't be opened at all.

   Leng Chengyu raised the Guan Gong knife to cut the curtains.

   The curtains were cut by Guan Gong knife, and they burst one by one.

   And the light came in from the outside, and the inside of the room finally became bright again.

   Leng Chengyu came to the portrait again, holding the Guan Gong knife in one hand and touching the portraits in the other.

   After touching a few paintings, Leng Chengyu finally touched the blood-stained portrait of him.

   "It turns out that there are evil spirits hidden in this portrait."

   Leng Chengyu stared at this portrait, which shows the head of a young woman.

   The face of this woman is so familiar.

   By the way, it's the face of the woman who just crawled in from outside the wooden house.

   But now the head in this portrait is very normal, the face is very clean and dignified, there is no bleeding from the corners of the eyes, and no drooling at the corners of the mouth.

   However, standing in front of this picture, getting closer, there is still a faint smell of blood, which is completely different from the ink scent of other portraits.

   Since it has been confirmed that there are evil spirits hidden in the portrait, Leng Chengyu raised the Guan Gong knife.


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