Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 143: The woman in white suddenly appeared

   In the evening, in a deserted hilly area, on a small road between mountains and mountains, a young man was holding a map and looking for a path.

   This young man is Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu did not expect that he had just solved the ghost incident in the studio, and he was sent here to solve the ghost incident in the cemetery.

   Regarding this cemetery ghost event, the mission description is not very detailed, only the location and the approximate level of the ghost are mentioned.

   The approximate level of the ghost is between level 5 and level 9 of the black evil spirit.

   This Leng Chengyu is acceptable, he is related to the public sword, which can kill the 9th-level ghost of the black evil spirit.

   It’s just that the ghosts in this cemetery ghost incident are so special.

   According to the mission introduction, this ghost will not come out during the day. When it comes out at night, it will appear in the dreams of others.

  In other words, if you want to see this ghost, you have to sleep in the cemetery. You will not dream of him until you fall asleep.

   And if you just squatted there at night without sleeping, no matter how many nights you squat, you won't be able to wait for the ghost.

   Anyway, this is the introduction in the mission introduction, but I don't know whether it is true or false. It should be the experience summed up by the ghost guard who took this mission before.

   And the mission introduction did not introduce the death and injury of the ghost guard who solved the ghost incident in the cemetery.

However, before departure, Zhao Zizhou, a member of Leng Chengyu's third team, reminded Leng Chengyu that, as far as he knew, this mission had caused 2 deaths and 2 injuries to the civilian ghost guards, and the ghost guards sent by the Union of Ghost Guards Three people were injured.

   At that time, the ghost guards sent by the Union of ghost guards were able to escape back without causing death because the three of them went together.

   Besides, they didn't know how they were injured, they were all injured in their sleep.

   The 2 dead and 2 wounded folk wardens are the same, and they all caused these serious consequences in their sleep.

   And those traveling explorers or ordinary people passing by have caused serious consequences such as the disappearance or even death of more than a dozen people for no reason.

   This cemetery ghost incident was also taken seriously by the Xicheng District Defense Line Station. Several groups of ghost guards have been sent there, but they have not been able to resolve it.

In short, when Zhao Zizhou talked about this task, he was full of worries about Leng Chengyu. Had it not been known that this was directly assigned to Leng Chengyu, it was a task that was used to test Leng Chengyu. Zhao Zizhou hoped that Leng Chengyu Don't accept this task, but because it is directly delegated, it won't work if you don't accept it.

   "That cemetery should be on the top of the hill in front, right?"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the map while observing the surrounding terrain.

   The map is very detailed and understandable.

   For example, what trees are on the mountain where the ghost incident occurred in the cemetery, how high the mountain is, what shape, etc. These obvious characteristics are very clearly described.

   Leng Chengyu made a comparison and finally determined that the cemetery was on the top of the hill 100 meters away.

   It's evening, the sun has set, and the night is about to fall. Now that it has been confirmed, Leng Chengyu wants to go there quickly and check it out on the top of the mountain in front.

   Although the ghost incident in the cemetery must be solved at night, and it must be sleeping in the cemetery, in order to be able to see the ghost in a dream.

   But, before the sky is completely dark, check it out, there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

   And when Leng Chengyu was about to speed up his pace and walked to the top of the mountain, suddenly, there was a sound of "Da Da Da" footsteps not far behind him.

   "It's so late, who else will pass by here? There have been so many accidents here, hasn't it been listed as a forbidden place for a long time, don't people come here?"

   Leng Chengyu turned his head to look, but only heard footsteps, but no one was seen.

"what happened?"

   Leng Chengyu became vigilant.

   He didn’t know if he should walk over and see if the footsteps were walking.

   But, if he walked over to check, he would definitely not be able to go to the hill over there to check the cemetery before night fell.

   While Leng Chengyu was hesitating, suddenly, a cold wind came from behind him, and Leng Chengyu turned his head to look, his eyes widened suddenly.


   Leng Chengyu was only two meters away from him. I don't know when a woman in a white coat appeared.

   Why did she suddenly appear without a single footstep?

   Is it because it’s evening, I didn’t pay attention just now?

   Still saying that this woman is a ghost, did she just fly over?

   Even though Leng Chengyu himself is a ghost defender and has seen many ghosts, he can't help but speed up his heartbeat because of the sudden appearance of the woman in white. It is definitely not the acceleration of love, but the acceleration that is really scared.

   And the most weird thing is that as soon as the white-clothed woman appeared, the dad da da footsteps that had appeared not far away disappeared.

   Leng Chengyu really wants to ask, are you a human or a ghost?

   However, Leng Chengyu looked at the woman in white clothes who looked calm and quiet, and worried that the woman in white clothes was a human being. Such a question would be very abrupt and would also cause a psychological burden to the woman in white clothes.

   But, it's almost night, why is this woman in white alone in this wilderness?

   Although it is not too far from the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, it is only a few kilometers away.

   But, if she is it's so late, why is she here?

   Before Leng Chengyu asked, the woman in white smiled and said something that made Leng Chengyu shudder.

   "I finally found a living person!"

   This sentence makes Leng Chengyu a lot of ambiguity.

   What does it mean to finally find a living person?

   Are all the dead people you saw before?

   You said that too scary, right?

   Leng Chengyu finally couldn't help but ask: "You are..."

   However, before Leng Chengyu asked, the woman in white asked Leng Chengyu first: "Are you familiar with this neighborhood?"

   Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking: "Are you lost?"

   Leng Chengyu really wanted to say, why did you come here? There is a cemetery nearby that is often haunted. It's almost night, and it's dangerous here.

   However, Leng Chengyu looked at the pitiful face of the woman in white, but he didn't have the heart to say it.

   And listening to the woman in white, it seems that she is lost.

   Sure enough, the woman in white replied: "Yes, I have been around here for a long time, but I can't find the way."

   Leng Chengyu asked: "What are you doing here? Where are you from?"

   The woman in white replied, "I'm from Fuyang City. I'm here to find my husband."

  A city man came to look for her husband in this barren mountain?

   Leng Chengyu's full of questions were written on his face.

   The white-clothed woman seemed to see Leng Chengyu’s doubts. She sighed: “My husband is not a ghost defender and has nothing to do. It is difficult to find a job in the city. Therefore, he found a job nearby.”

   "Working here? What kind of work can you have here in the wilderness?"

   "The Tomb Keeper."


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