"A cemetery guard? Is there a cemetery that needs to be guarded? Why haven't I heard of it?"

   Leng Chengyu is so strange.

  According to the map, there is indeed a cemetery nearby, where Leng Chengyu is going to solve the ghost incident in the cemetery.

   However, there is no other cemetery at all.

   The woman in white said: "I don’t know if it’s a cemetery. My husband said that there is a cemetery on a barren mountain. There is a young woman buried in the cemetery. The young woman’s family hired my husband to replace his young son to keep his filial piety for three years."

   "Is that so? Could it be on the cemetery on the front mountain?" Leng Chengyu raised his finger to the front mountain, which is where he is going.

   Is that where the woman in white is going? Where is her husband's filial piety on behalf of others?

   If this is the case, it is really possible.

   After all, it is impossible for a small child to come to the cemetery to keep his filial piety. It is only natural to invite someone to come.

   "Is it above the mountain in front? Is there a cemetery there? If there is a cemetery there, my husband should be on it. Can you take me there?"


   Just as the woman in white was about to take Leng Chengyu to the cemetery, the system in Leng Chengyu's mind rang.

   However, when Leng Chengyu checked the system, he found that the system did not display other information at all.

   What is the system making noise at this time? Is it malfunctioning? Didn’t it appear before that there was only a ding sound and there was no following and no information appeared?

   "Let's go together, I'm going there for something, too." Ignoring the system, Leng Chengyu said to the woman in white.

   The two of them walked towards the mountain one after another.

   Leng Chengyu walked in front, and the woman in white walked behind.

  Because Leng Chengyu had to reach the top of the mountain to check the cemetery before night fell.

   So, Leng Chengyu walked forward very fast.

   Leng Chengyu is also worried that the woman in white is a weak woman and will not be able to keep up with him.

  Who knows, the white-clothed woman didn't even blush, and didn't breathe. She has been following Leng Chengyu no more than two meters.

   Does this woman in white do this because of her good physique? Or is this woman in white really a ghost?

You know, after taking Zengli Pill, Leng Chengyu's strength increased, and he walked much faster than the average adult man. Now he speeded up and walked faster, but the white-clothed woman was able to continue like a shadow. Follow him within two meters.

   This has to make Leng Chengyu doubt.

   No matter what, you still have to be vigilant and don't let her get too close.

   Soon, the two of them walked to the foot of the mountain and continued to walk up the mountain.

   When I walked up the mountain, there were some graves scattered on the mountainside.

   Some of these tombs have tombstones and portraits, and some do not.

   When Leng Chengyu walked up, he also observed these tombs.

   Suddenly, Leng Chengyu saw the portrait on the tombstone of a tomb very familiar.

   "Ah! This weak-faced woman, isn't it the woman in white who has been following me?"

   Leng Chengyu suddenly felt a chill on his back, but when he looked back, he no longer saw the woman in white.

   "Ah! I was leading the way for ghosts just now!"

   Leng Chengyu also didn't understand. Why did this female ghost lead the way when she returned to her grave?

   "Ah! Go back to your own grave! Did the woman in white get into the grave?"

   Leng Chengyu stared at the tomb with wide-eyed eyes, especially at the photo of his death on the tombstone.

   "Ah! Her eyes seem to be looking at me!"

   As twilight falls, the light has begun to dim, and there are tombs everywhere, and the eyes of the portrait on a tombstone are staring at him.

   This is really creepy!

   Leng Chengyu's hair on his body stood up.


   At this time, the system in my mind suddenly rang again.

   Because in this quiet and dimly lit place, there was another portrait staring at it, and suddenly there was a sound, Leng Chengyu was taken aback.

   This time the system in my mind continued to sound after a ding sound.

   "Congratulations to the host, for successfully leading the way for the white-clothed woman ghost, and getting the system rewards 2000 ghosts as a happy value."

   2000 helping ghosts is a pleasure?

   According to the previous reward rules of the system, it seems that the higher the level of the ghost, the more rewards, and now that there are so many rewards, does that mean that the ghost level of the woman in white is very high.

   Regardless of whether it is high or not, you have to be more vigilant.

   Leng Chengyu didn't even care about getting 2,000 ghosts for pleasure, but quickly summoned Liu Fang in the arm tattoo space.

  Who knows, Liu Fang had just sucked the soul crystal in the studio this morning, and had fallen into a deep sleep, and now he can't wake up at all.

   can't wake up, and Leng Chengyu can't help it.

   Leng Chengyu originally wanted to summon Liu Fang and ask her to help find which grave contains ghosts, so as to avoid some risks.

   unable to summon Liu Fang, Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space.

   This Guan Gong knife is also Leng Chengyu's greatest support.

   After taking out the Guan Gong knife, I felt a little settled~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leng Chengyu continued to walk slowly up the mountain, slowly exploring the tombs passing by.

   And the grave with the ghost of the woman in white just now needs special attention, Leng Chengyu has already noted the location.

   I don't know if the ghost of the woman in white is the evil spirit of the cemetery ghost incident to be solved.

   Even if it is not, you have to be vigilant. Just now somehow someone led the way. Is this something you want to warn? Or give it a try?

   On the way up the mountain, Leng Chengyu found no other ghosts.

   "Huh! Are those in front of white smoke or fog?"

   More than ten meters in front, a cloud of white things suddenly appeared. It didn't look like white smoke, it looked like mist.

   But, it's almost night, how can it be foggy, and it's just a cloud of fog in one place?

   Leng Chengyu looked intently.

   "Huh! There seems to be a house in the fog."

When    just walked up, he also glanced at the top of the mountain. Although he didn't look carefully, there was no house in his impression.

   How come a cloud of fog suddenly appeared, and there was a house?

   After Leng Chengyu saw this house, the fog quickly dissipated.

  Although the night has gradually fallen, Leng Chengyu can still see that the hut is rectangular, much like a coffin.

   is not Leng Chengyu's random thoughts, but at first glance, it does look like a coffin, but after a closer look, it is known that it is a small house.

   This cabin is very small, I am afraid that after putting down a bed, there is no room left.

   How can there be a hut on the mountain, and it is also near the cemetery, is it true that the ghost woman in white is saying that there is a tomb guard here?


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