"Let's take a look."

Almost all the tombs in this cemetery have been inspected, but a small house suddenly appeared in front of him. In any case, Leng Chengyu has to check it out to see if someone is actually living in it, or if someone is actually here. Guard the tomb.

   The night has just come, and the night is very quiet, especially on a hill, and there are piles of graves on this hill, which makes the quiet night even more weird.

   Leng Chengyu clenched the Guan Gong knife in his hand and walked vigilantly towards the cabin step by step.

   The door of the hut is closed.

   Leng Chengyu stood outside the door and listened for a while. The room was very quiet, and there seemed to be no one at all.

   Leng Chengyu stepped forward and knocked on the door.

   However, there was no response from the door.

   Leng Chengyu reached out and pushed the door.

   The door didn't close, it opened as soon as I pushed it.


   The sound of the door turning is very loud in this silent night.

   The door opened, and the cabin inside the door was a little dim. Leng Chengyu turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone and took a photo inside the room.

   There is only one bed in the house, and the space is very small. After placing this bed, there is only a space for one person to walk in, and there is no room for other items.

   The house is very clean, there are no spider webs and other things, there are some daily necessities on the bed, it seems that someone really lives here.

   Leng Chengyu didn’t know whether to walk in or not. It would be very impolite to enter someone else’s room without the owner’s consent if someone is actually living.

   However, in this cemetery, only this room has not been checked, and Leng Chengyu is here to solve the ghost incident in the cemetery.

   In the mission introduction, there was no mention of a small house. Suddenly, this small house appeared. Leng Chengyu was not at ease without checking it.

   If you don’t check this hut, and the danger is hidden in this hut, you may die because of it.

   After all, the unknown is the most terrifying.

   Leng Chengyu finally walked into the room. Under the shining of the flashlight of the mobile phone, the items in the room were unobstructed. There was nothing strange and no signs of ghosts appeared.

   Except for no inspection under the bed, everything else is normal.

   Leng Chengyu lowered his head and looked under the bed. The bed was very dark. The bed plate covered most of the bed. Even if there was a mobile phone lighting, if you didn't squat down and look at it, you wouldn't know what was under the bed.

   But even if he squatted down and looked under the bed, Leng Chengyu didn't dare to get too close to the bed, what if a ghost claw suddenly protruded under the bed.

   Leng Chengyu retreated to the door.

   Even so, it's not a metre away from the bed.

   But if you go out the door and take a picture of your phone under the bed, you will not be able to see the whole picture of the bed.

   Leng Chengyu had to hold the Guan Gong knife in one hand and his mobile phone to illuminate him. He squatted down by the door and looked under the bed.

  Leng Chengyu's pupils shrank suddenly when the light of the mobile phone flashlight shining under the bed.


   Leng Chengyu couldn't help but screamed, and at the same time his body moved back.

   There was a man lying under the bed, his pale face was staring at Leng Chengyu.

   And when Leng Chengyu walked back, he accidentally tripped his foot on the threshold and staggered his body. The mobile phone in his hand was unexpectedly unsteady and slipped to the ground. The screen of the mobile phone went black all of a sudden.


   Leng Chengyu’s screams just stopped, and suddenly, there was a scream from under the bed.

   Obviously the man lying under the bed was screaming. His scream sounded more scared than Leng Chengyu's.

   Is he afraid of me? Are people or ghosts under the bed?

   But when Leng Chengyu's phone fell to the ground and the screen went black, the screaming under the bed stopped.

   Everything returned to darkness and silence.

   Leng Chengyu picked up the phone, turned it on again, and the phone turned on again.

   After the screen turned on, Leng Chengyu turned on the flashlight function of the mobile phone again, and then took photos under the bed.

   However, Leng Chengyu was surprised to find that a man was clearly lying under the bed just now, but now there is nothing under the bed.

  Suffocation, a feeling of fear to suffocation, flooded into Leng Chengyu's heart.

   Leng Chengyu stood up, turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

   only a few meters away from the house did he dare to stop, and when he turned around and looked at the small house with the door still open, everything returned to darkness and silence.

   The house is dark and there is no sound.

   Could it be an illusion just now? My vision and hearing again?

   Leng Chengyu once again used the flashlight of his mobile phone to look inside the house. At the same time, he changed various angles and wanted to look under the bed again from the outside of the house.

   Even if it is outside, Leng Chengyu's flashlight can still shine under the bed.

   Under the part of the bed that was illuminated, I didn't see the man lying under the bed just now.

How is this going? Is there a ghost under the bed? Or do you have hallucinations because you are too scared?

   I don't understand what's going on under the bed, and the extra space under the bed can't be illuminated by changing the angle outside~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leng Chengyu stood up.


When Leng Chengyu’s mobile phone flashlight stood up with Leng Chengyu, and the light was shining upward, Leng Chengyu actually saw a man’s face on the frame of the door of the wooden house, just under the bed. The face of the man below.

   The man's face is very sluggish, whether it is his gaze or facial expression, it freezes there without any change.

   "Huh? No!"

When he took a closer look, Leng Chengyu found that the picture on the door frame was not a face at all, but a photo hanging on the door frame. It was just a man’s face in the picture, and he saw it under the bed just now. The man's face is very similar.

   This photo is a black-and-white photo, much like the photo on the gravestone.

   What are you doing with a photo like a dead photo on the door?

   Leng Chengyu doesn't know what the owner of this cabin thinks.

   took a flashlight and carefully observed the picture on the door frame, but found nothing unusual.

"Da da da……"

   Suddenly, when Leng Chengyu was checking the photo, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and the sound of footsteps got closer and closer.

   Leng Chengyu turned around to look, and a figure gradually appeared in the dark.

  He came up from below the mountain.

   And this person walked up in the dark, with no lighting tools in his hands.

   Leng Chengyu raised his mobile phone and flashed it.


   Leng Chengyu couldn't help screaming again.

   The man who walked up from the bottom of the mountain seven or eight meters in front was very similar to the man under the bed and the man with the picture on the door frame.


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