Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 146: The man who appeared suddenly

   The man who came up also saw Leng Chengyu, he stopped and stood there, his eyes fixed on Leng Chengyu, and Leng Chengyu also stared at him.

   Leng Chengyu judged that this man is a ghost in all likelihood.

   I have seen him three times because of Leng Chengyu.

I saw him under the bed once, and then disappeared inexplicably. Although it may be visual and auditory, I saw his head on the door frame. The black and white head is very similar to a photo of his death. In the end, I saw him from the mountain. Stepped up below.

   It is night now, the night has fallen, and ghosts will start to haunt.

   Leng Chengyu held the Guan Gong Knife tightly in his hand, as long as the man in front of him hurt him, he would raise the Guan Kung knife and slash it.

   Regardless of whether you are a ghost or a ghost, there is a public knife in your hand, and once the Guan Gong knife smashes it, the ghosts below the 9th level of the black evil ghost will be frightened.

  Although seeing ghosts will speed up his heartbeat and become nervous, Leng Chengyu is not afraid.

   After looking at each other for more than ten seconds, the man suddenly showed a strange smile on his face.

   Leng Chengyu still clenched the Guan Gong knife in his hand and looked at the man vigilantly.

  At this time, the man spoke.

   "Are you a wandering soul nearby? Why haven't I seen you?"


   This sentence made Leng Chengyu a little startled.

   Leng Chengyu really wants to say, you are the wandering soul, and your whole family is the wandering soul.

After a daze, Leng Chengyu asked, "Have you seen all the wandering souls here?"

The man still smiled weirdly, and said: "I have been guarding the tomb in this cemetery for some time. I have probably seen all the wandering spirits in the cemetery. They are all in peace with me, and I also hope to be able to talk to you. There is nothing wrong with each other."

   "Are you the gravekeeper here?"

"Of course, this house belongs to me. Most wandering spirits passing by here will not hurt me, because my wife is also a wandering spirit here. She has been dead for more than two years. I am here to guard her spirits and prepare to be here. Keep it for three years, or 30 years, or even die here."

   "You have such a good relationship with your wife?"

   "Yes, I am here to guard her spirits, and she will also protect me from other wandering spirits. Therefore, I hope you will not hurt me, because my wife is guarding me not far away."

   Leng Chengyu listened to the man's words, it seemed that the man was not a ghost, but just a tomb guard, and he also regarded Leng Chengyu as a wandering soul.

   However, Leng Chengyu would not be so easy to believe what a man said, because he was deceived by a white-clothed woman ghost when he first came.

   Now that this man is a ghost or a man, I can't easily believe it.

   Therefore, Leng Chengyu still did not relax his vigilance. He still held the Guan Gong knife in his hand and looked at the man suspiciously.

The man seemed to see Leng Chengyu’s doubts. He took out a photo from his body and said, “If you don’t believe that I am the grave guard here, you can look at this photo. The person on the photo is my wife."

   After the man said, he walked over to Leng Chengyu.

   The man still smiled when he walked over. No matter how he looked at it, Leng Chengyu felt that this smile was very strange.


   When the man was less than two meters away from Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu suddenly shouted.

   The man really stopped. He threw the photo in his hand at Leng Chengyu and said, "You can take a look."

   Leng Chengyu bends down to pick up the photo on the ground, while still holding the Guan Gong knife tightly, alerting the man.

   picked up the photo on the ground and found that it was the photo of the ghost of the woman in white and the man before.

   The woman in white in the photo is wearing a wedding dress, and the man in the photo is also wearing a wedding gown.

   The woman in white in the photo is sitting on a chair, while the man is standing behind the woman in white, holding the woman in white by her neck, and seems very restrained.

   This should be their wedding photo.

   The photo is not big, only a little bigger than a slap, and the photo is in color. The two people in the picture also feel a little green, but very warm.

   After looking at the photos, when Leng Chengyu looked up at the man again, his vigilance had been relieved.

   "Are you really a grave guard?"

   "I'm here to guard the grave for my wife, so I hope you don't hurt me."

   "I am not a wandering soul." Leng Chengyu said, "I am the ghost guard who came here to perform the task."

  "Are you a ghost defender? Some ghost defenders have been here before to get rid of the evil spirit in this cemetery, but some people died and some were injured.

   I advise you to leave as soon as possible. This evil spirit cannot be killed at all. This evil spirit can only be seen when I am asleep, and if I were not protected by my wife, I am afraid I would have been killed by this evil spirit a long time ago. "

   "Since I have come, I won't leave." Leng Chengyu threw the photo to the man.

   Even now, Leng Chengyu still hasn't let go of his guard against men.

   After all, all words are men's side words.

   In the mission introduction, there is no mention of a grave guard here.

Perhaps the ghost guards who came here to perform tasks before felt that the tomb-keeper was not important, so they did not include it in the introduction, but it is also possible that there is no such tomb-keeper at all. The tomb-keeper is a ghost at all, or just That evil spirit.

   In short, I just can’t trust the man in front of and at this moment, the man speaks again.

   "Since you don't leave, you can go to my room to sleep tonight. The previous ghost guards also slept in my room. The soul guardian who did not sleep in my room is dead.

  He is a folk guardian of ghosts. He doesn't believe my wife can protect him.

  The ghost guard who sleeps in my room is only injured at best. For the sake of my wife's face, that evil spirit will not kill you. "

   "You mean, if I don't sleep in your room, I will be killed by the evil spirit?"

   "Maybe you won't believe me, but even the ghost guard can't escape. The evil spirit can only meet when you are asleep, unless you don't sleep all night.

   If you don’t want to come into my room, you can stay up all night without going to bed. "

   The man did not force Leng Chengyu to sleep in his house. After seeing Leng Chengyu ignore him, the man walked into the house by himself and closed his door.

   Before closing the door, he said a word to Leng Chengyu.

"good luck!"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the closed door, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know whether he should trust this man or not.

  If you sleep outside, will you really be killed by the evil spirit?

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't want to sleep in the same house with a strange man who didn't know whether it was a ghost or a man.

   Both options are dangerous.

   Just as Leng Chengyu was hesitant, suddenly, a white shadow flashed behind him, and Leng Chengyu looked back and turned out to be the ghost of a woman in white, which is what the man said was his dead wife.


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