Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 147: I don't know if I can trust

   The ghost of the woman in white stood still three meters away from Leng Chengyu, looking at Leng Chengyu, and said earnestly: "You should go to my husband's house to sleep, it is too dangerous outside."

   "Why do you have to ask me to sleep in the house? Is it just because it's too dangerous outside?"

   Leng Chengyu still doesn't believe that this couple is simply out of good intentions, and risking offending the evil spirits in the cemetery to help him, a foreigner, should have other reasons.

   After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, the ghost of the white-clothed woman unexpectedly shed tears in her eyes.

   The ghost of the woman in white was born weak and weak, and she was originally a pitiful appearance. Now it is raining with pear blossoms. It does seem to be very easy to make people feel soft, and she can't help but want to listen to her.

   However, Leng Chengyu couldn't understand the truth and falsehood of the ghost in the white-clothed woman. Before, Leng Chengyu also led the white-clothed ghost to the woman, but who knew that she was brought back to her cemetery later.

   This is simply making fun of people.

   And now, the man and the white-clothed ghost couple insisted that Leng Chengyu go into the house to sleep. Is it really to protect Leng Chengyu, or is there another purpose?

   Leng Chengyu prefers another purpose.

   "Can you tell the real reason why you must let me go to sleep in the house?" Leng Chengyu was not moved by the two lines of tears from the ghost of the woman in white.


   Suddenly, the ghost of the woman in white knelt down and kneeled in front of Leng Chengyu.

   "Please help us!"

   The words of a ghost in a white-clothed woman sound very real and very pitiful.

   But Leng Chengyu was a little confused.

   I said just now that I was allowed to sleep in the house to protect my safety, but now suddenly I kneel down and beg me for help. Is this change too sudden? Is there a connection?

Leng Chengyu looked at the white-clothed woman ghost on her knees suspiciously. When she was about to ask what she would like to help, he heard a "quack", the door of the cabin opened, and the man inside also walked out and knelt in the cold. In front of Chengyu.

   "Please help us."


   At this time, even the system came to join in the fun.

   "The system has detected that there are two ghosts, one male and one female, who need help. As long as the host successfully helps them, they will be rewarded by the system."

   Two ghosts, one man and one woman?

   Leng Chengyu turned his eyes to the kneeling man.

   The man previously said that he was a tomb guard and came to guard the grave for his wife, but the system recognized that he was a ghost at all.

   The words of the two ghosts of the man and the woman are half true and half false, and they are not worthy of belief.

   However, the system wants Leng Chengyu to help them, and they can get rewards. The system should not deceive Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu asked: "What do you two need me to help?"

   The man ghost said: "Help us except the evil spirit in this cemetery, we don't want to be controlled by him anymore."

   The ghost of the woman in white also said: "Yes, that evil spirit caused us so much suffering. You are a ghost defender. Please help us get rid of that evil spirit quickly."

   The two ghosts spoke very earnestly, but Leng Chengyu always felt that they seemed to conceal something, and whether this concealment was dangerous.

   In view of this consideration, Leng Chengyu really can't believe these two ghosts too much.

   However, Leng Chengyu still said: "My purpose here is to get rid of the evil spirit. There is no help at all. Getting rid of the evil spirit was originally my task."

   "Since you are willing to help, then you go into the house and sleep." said the ghostly woman in white.

   came back again, this really had to make Leng Chengyu suspicious.

   Leng Chengyu asked: "Can I ask you the real reason why you have to go in this hut to sleep?"

The man ghost replied: "Because that evil spirit can only see him in a dream. When you see him in a dream, we have to protect your body. Otherwise, when you fight the evil spirit, the evil spirit will send His hand will destroy your body, and you will be in danger at that time. Not only will you not be able to get rid of the evil spirit, you will also lose your life for it."

The woman in white also said: "Yes, we let you sleep in the house for your own good, and also to get rid of the evil spirit as soon as possible. Several groups of ghost guards have arrived, but still cannot get rid of that evil spirit. Spirit, we can't wait any longer. We don't want to be controlled by him anymore and be tortured by him anymore."

   The reasons these two ghosts said are very difficult to refute. They seem to be for Leng Chengyu's good, but Leng Chengyu still feels that they are hiding something and shouldn't just believe them.

   However, the sound of the system rang again.

   "Ding! The system has detected that two ghosts, one male and one female, are in great need of the host's help. As long as the host successfully helps them and helps them achieve their wishes, they will be rewarded with generous rewards from the system."

   Leng Chengyu frowned after listening to the system.

  Is this system not malfunctioning? Always want me to help these two ghosts? It was said that I was rewarded before, but now it has been upgraded, and it is said that I have received a generous reward.

   Out of trust in the system, and because even if you don’t sleep in the cabin, you take a lot of risk when you sleep outside.

   And it was a dangerous task to get rid of the evil spirit in this cemetery.

   After listening to the After thinking about it for a while, Leng Chengyu said to a man and a woman two ghosts: "Well then, I would like to sleep in the hut."

   After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, two ghosts, one male and one female, showed an imperceptible smile on their faces.

   the male ghost said: "Then you go in quickly, it is night, you can enter the dream to fight the evil spirit, because the bed will not go in, so as not to affect your sleep."

  As soon as Leng Chengyu walked into the hut, the male ghost immediately closed the door of the hut. He said to Leng Chengyu from the outside: "You can sleep inside, we will guard you outside."

   Leng Chengyu took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and took a photo under the bed. The bottom of the bed was empty. There was no face of the man before, and there was no other place to hide anything. Only then did Leng Chengyu go to bed and lay down slowly.

   Even now, Leng Chengyu has not completely let go of his vigilance.

   However, after Leng Chengyu lay on the bed, he couldn't sleep over and over.

I don’t know how long it took, Leng Chengyu heard the man’s ghost voice outside the door: "Can’t you sleep? If you can’t sleep, take the golden knife in your arms back, the golden knife. It may affect your sleep."

   "Will this knife affect my sleep?"

   Leng Chengyu touched the Guan Gong knife that was always beside him.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know that what the man ghost said was true or false.

   However, since the man ghost said so, let's put it in the storage space. Anyway, it can be taken out of the storage space with a single thought, and it is no different from releasing it outside the body.

   And when Leng Chengyu put the Guan Gong knife back into the storage space, he actually started to feel groggy, and he became sleepy immediately.


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