It's not right, how could it be such a coincidence? How can Guan Gong knife become sleepy as soon as it is put in the storage space?

   The Guan Gong knife is rewarded by the system. How does a man ghost know that the Guan Gong knife can affect sleep?

   Leng Chengyu suddenly realized that there might be a man ghost in it.

   The man ghost may have used some ghost art to make Leng Chengyu fall asleep, but because the Guan Gong knife is made of gold, it will affect the effect of the ghost art.

   And Leng Chengyu can fall asleep after putting a Guan Gong knife back into the storage space, which proves that Leng Chengyu's guess is 80% correct.

   However, since it has been placed in the storage space, Leng Chengyu doesn't want to take it out anymore. After all, as long as his mind moves, the Guan Gong knife can be taken out.

   And since the Guan Gong knife affects sleep, whether or not a man's ghost tricks are performed by a ghost, he needs to fall asleep before he can see the evil spirit.

   When thinking about this, Leng Chengyu fell asleep hazyly.

   Time also passed a little bit.

"Da da da…"

   Suddenly, without knowing the sound of footsteps, Leng Chengyu woke up.

   Is the evil spirit coming?

   Leng Chengyu opened his eyes fiercely.

   Leng Chengyu discovered that the door of the hut had actually opened, and there was a ghost in white standing outside the door.

Do not! It's not a ghost of a woman in white at all.

   But, it's another ghost in white clothes.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know how to describe it.

   It should be said that the face of a woman in white is still standing outside, but the face has become very boring.

   And the white-clothed woman ghost stood outside the wooden house, and there was a burst of corpse smell.

   The ghost of the woman in white should have returned to her corpse with the soul, and it is her corpse who is standing outside the door.

   "You finally wake up, then you can get up and look for the evil spirit."

Outside the door, the corpse of the white-clothed woman's ghost spoke, and the voice was still that of the white-clothed woman's ghost, but speaking from the sluggish and awkwardly moving mouth of the corpse, the speech was very slow, and it was slightly hoarse. It feels very weird.

   "How did you become like this?" Leng Chengyu stared at the corpse outside the door warily.

   The corpse of the white-clothed woman ghost spoke again, and she said: "My soul will return to my corpse, and its power will be increased, which can better protect your body."

   "You can get up and look for the evil spirit." The white-clothed woman ghost continued.

   Leng Chengyu didn't quite understand what the ghostly woman in white meant.

   Leng Chengyu wondered: "Didn't I only see the evil spirit in a dream? I'm awake now, how can I see the evil spirit?"

   "Hey hey..."

   At this time, the ghost of the woman in white actually laughed, and the stiff and withered corpse laughed even more strangely.

   "I tell you the truth, don't be afraid, in fact, my man is dead."

   "So what?" Leng Chengyu became wary of the ghostly answer of the white-clothed woman.

   "I think you should get up quickly and leave this cabin." The ghost woman in white is still smiling, which seems to be threatening Leng Chengyu.

   "What do you mean?" Leng Chengyu was a little angry.

   "Because my husband's body is under your bed!"

   The ghostly smile of the woman in white makes the scalp numb even more.


   Leng Chengyu sat up coldly.

   "You quickly get out of the cabin."

   The ghost of the woman in white is still smiling weirdly, the voice comes from the mouth of her corpse, and the spirit of the woman in white is inside the corpse.

   The ghost of the woman in white repeatedly let Leng Chengyu out of the hut, which had to make Leng Chengyu wary. I don't know why the ghost of the woman in white insisted on getting him out of the hut.

   And what makes Leng Chengyu most troubled is that the ghost of the woman in white seems to want to scare him out of the hut.

   Leng Chengyu didn't listen to the ghostly words of the white-clothed woman. He still sat on the bed and walked out of the cabin without getting up.

   "You still listen to my wife's words, go look for the evil spirit outside the hut, hehehe..."

   Suddenly, a voice came from under the bed, which shocked Leng Chengyu.

   That voice is exactly the voice of a man ghost.

   "Why are you under the bed?" Leng Chengyu asked.

   "I've always been under the bed."

   "You come out!"



   There was the sound of something crawling under the bed, and then a head emerged from under the bed. It was the head of a corpse. It was the face of the man's ghost, but it was very dry.

   "Why is your body under my bed?" Leng Chengyu asked in surprise.

   "You will find out when you get out of the cabin."

   The words squirming from the mouth of the man's ghost corpse head were so close to Leng Chengyu that Leng Chengyu felt very frightened.

   There was a corpse lying under the bed. After the head was exposed, the smell of the corpse kept coming.

   No matter what, Leng Chengyu didn't want to lie on this bed.

   Leng Chengyu stood up, walked out the door quickly, and at the same time, stayed away from the body of the ghost woman in white outside the door.

   However, when Leng Chengyu walked out the door and looked back at the hut, UU reading found that it was not a hut at all, but a tomb.

   The photo on the tombstone is the photo of the man. It was hung on the door frame of the hut before, but now it is on the tombstone.

   At this moment, the tombstone is opening like a door, and a door-like hole is exposed behind the tombstone. From that hole, you can see a coffin inside the tomb and a person lying on the coffin board.

   Leng Chengyu looked carefully through the dim night and found that it was his body lying on the coffin board.

   "Ah! Why is my body inside? Then I now..."

   "You are out of your body." The man's body crawled out from the side of the coffin and walked out of the grave.

   "Did you scare me like this just to force my soul out of my body?" Leng Chengyu couldn't help but ask in surprise.

The man’s corpse’s mouth moved and said, “This is only one of the purposes, and the other is that our soul will return to the corpse and the power will increase. It is also to better protect your body when you remove the evil spirit. , Because the evil spirit will send his hands down to **** your body when fighting with you."

   The ghost of the woman in white anxiously said: "Since the soul has been able to get out of the body, then you should quickly get rid of the evil spirit. It is already very late, and it will be dawn if you don't go."

   Leng Chengyu’s soul stood looking at his body lying on the coffin board, and then at the two corpses of the man ghost and the white woman ghost not far in front of him.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know whether he should believe the words of these two ghosts, or whether he could give his body to these two ghosts without worry, and get rid of the evil spirits by himself.

   This male and female ghosts have been deceiving him all the time, at least they have been hiding something from him.


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