Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 149: Constant reminder of the system


   Just as Leng Chengyu was hesitant, suddenly the voice of the system rang again.

   "The system has detected that the desire of one male and one female two ghosts is very strong, and I hope the host can help them. As long as the host successfully helps them, the system will give the host exceptionally rich rewards."

  Well, since the system reminds one after another, maybe these two ghosts also have their difficulties. Although they have hidden them, so far, they have not harmed me.

   After being reminded by the system again, Leng Chengyu said to a man and a woman two ghosts: "Okay, you guys protect my body, I will kill the evil spirit."

   Leng Chengyu is related to the public sword, and the mission introduced that the level of the evil spirit in the cemetery is between the 5th and 9th levels of the black evil spirit, and the Guan Gong knife can definitely kill the evil spirit.

   Leng Chengyu thought, trying to take the Guan Gong knife out of the storage space.

  Who knows it won't work at all.

Leng Chengyu discovered that he was already a soul at this time, not a body. The body was in the tomb, lying on the coffin board, and the storage space was in the body. This made him unable to take it out of the storage space. Guan Gong knife.

   Leng Chengyu had to go back, walked into the tomb, walked to the body lying on the coffin board, brought the soul closer to the body, and then thought about it again, but still couldn't take out the Guan Gong knife.

what happened? Is it necessary to return the soul to the body before it can be taken out?

   Seeing Leng Chengyu's soul suddenly returned to the tomb and stood before his body, the man ghost asked inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

   Leng Chengyu said: "I want my soul to return to my body and take something out of my storage space. I can't fight the evil spirit empty-handed."

   "Don't you masters of ghosts have their own ghosts to control?" The man ghost asked in confusion.

Seeing that Leng Chengyu didn’t speak, the man ghost stopped asking, but said, “It’s not that easy to get the soul back to the body. You can’t go back now. This is the territory of the evil spirit. Wandering souls will be affected by the power of the evil spirit, unless you kill the evil spirit or wait until dawn."

   "Can't go back? No way?"

   Leng Chengyu didn't believe it, and continued to let the soul lie back into the body, but the soul couldn't merge with the body at all. After a few attempts, it still did.

   Leng Chengyu frowned and said, "Then how do I take out the things in my storage space?"

   The man ghost said: "My soul is already in my corpse, which already means that I have a body and a soul. Therefore, I can take it out for you as long as you agree."

   In fact, the reason why the souls of men and women can temporarily return to their corpses is because they have used a kind of ghost technique. With the help of Leng Chengyu's power, Leng Chengyu's soul can't return to his body.

   And their souls can return to their corpses to increase their strength, protect Leng Chengyu's body, and ensure the safety of Leng Chengyu's body, but they dare not tell Leng Chengyu this.

   "Are you here to help me fetch it?" Leng Chengyu looked at the man ghost in confusion.

"Don't worry, I can take out the items in your storage space only if you agree. If you disagree, I can't take it out. Therefore, even if you leave your body, I cannot move anything in your body. Things, I agree that I can only take them once at a time."

   "Well, then I agree that you can take the items in my storage space once, and you can take out my knife."

   Leng Chengyu agreed with the man ghost.

   The man ghost walked into the grave, put his hand over Leng Chengyu's body, and said something, then a long whip and a paintbrush appeared in his hand.

   He passed the long whip and paintbrush to Leng Chengyu: "This is the item you want."

   Leng Chengyu is depressed: "I want to take the golden knife."

   The man ghost shook his head and said, "I can't take out the golden knife because gold restrains the power of our ghosts."

  Unable to take out the Guan Gong knife, Leng Chengyu didn't have the support to kill the black evil spirits from level 5 to level 9, he didn't know what to do now.


   At this time, the sound of the system rang again.

   "The host does not need to hesitate, listen to them and eliminate the evil spirit, and then they can fulfill their extremely strong desire, and the host can get a large amount of generous rewards from the system."

   The system has been reminded for the 4th time.

   Since there was a systematic reminder, Leng Chengyu had to take a long whip and a paintbrush to go.

   The system will never harm Leng Chengyu, and Leng Chengyu also feels that the brush has other functions that he hasn't tapped, maybe it can deal with the evil spirit.

   "How can I find that evil spirit?" Leng Chengyu asked the man ghost.

The man ghost said: "We will give you a sound transmission to remind you how to find the evil spirit. As long as we speak next to your body, you can feel our voice. Now you first walk to the big locust tree on the mountainside. , And we will continue to remind you later."

   Leng Chengyu walked out of the tomb and looked at the big locust tree on the mountainside.

   Leng Chengyu had never been to that place before. When he checked the tomb on the mountain before, there happened to be no tomb around the big locust tree, so he did not go over.

   Leng Chengyu walked to the big locust The big locust tree was not too far away, less than 100 meters, and Leng Chengyu walked there quickly.

   Just when he walked to the big locust tree, Leng Chengyu’s ears heard the voice of a man ghost, and the voice was like the kind of echo coming back from the valley.

   "You can walk directly into the locust tree."

   "Go straight into the locust tree?"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the locust tree: "There are no holes in the tree to get into, how can I get in?"

   "Let your body penetrate into the locust tree, you are now in the state of soul, you can penetrate into the locust tree."

   The voice of the man ghost came again.

   Leng Chengyu walked directly to the locust tree without any gaps, his body could really penetrate into the locust tree.

As soon as    entered the locust tree, the scene in front of him changed.

   A red-carpeted stone step appeared in front of him. The stone step went down, but there was no way to see what was inside.

"You keep walking down the stone steps and you see a villa. That villa is the home of the evil spirit. You just have to tell the gatekeeper that you are a new wandering spirit. If you want to meet the leader, they will take you there. See that evil spirit, that evil spirit is the leader of this cemetery."

   The voice of the man ghost came again.

   Leng Chengyu walked down the dark steps.

   Below the steps is like a tunnel, very dim.

   Suddenly, two green lights swam not far in front, Leng Chengyu grasped the long whip in his hand, and his paintbrush was inserted around his waist.

   approached, Leng Chengyu discovered that it was a wandering spirit with green eyes swimming near the steps. Except for the green eyes, this wandering spirit was dark all over, like a black shadow.


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