Leng Chengyu continued to walk down the steps while holding the whip tightly with one hand.

   Leng Chengyu has decided that as long as the green-eyed wandering spirit dares to do something harmful to him, he will use the long whip to slap it.

   is getting closer and closer to the green-eyed wandering spirit.

   The green-eyed wandering spirit walks from left to right, while Leng Chengyu walks from top to bottom.

   And if they went down at Leng Chengyu's original speed, they would definitely collide.

   Leng Chengyu had to stop, wanting to wait for the green-eyed wandering soul to pass first.

  Who knows, this time the green-eyed wandering spirit also stopped.

   Leng Chengyu stared at the green-eyed wandering soul warily.

  The green-eyed wandering soul is very blank, and it seems that he hasn't seen Leng Chengyu at all.

   Leng Chengyu didn't understand why this green-eyed wandering spirit had to stop, did he want to scare me? Still want to hurt me?

  Since he won't leave, then I will leave. I am not scared.

   Leng Chengyu has a long whip in his hand, which can kill the ghosts below the first level of the black evil spirit.

   Although I don't know what the ghost level of this green-eyed wandering spirit is, but with a long whip in his hand, and a brush that has not fully digged out the function, Leng Chengyu will not be afraid of this green-eyed wandering spirit.

   Leng Chengyu stepped forward and continued to walk down.

  Who knows, at this time the green-eyed wandering spirit also started to move forward at his original direction and speed.

   And at this speed and in this direction, Leng Chengyu and this green-eyed wandering spirit would definitely collide with each other.

   Leng Chengyu saw that the green-eyed wandering spirit was obviously deliberate, and deliberately came over and collided with him.

   want to scare me? I was not scared!

   Leng Chengyu raised his long whip and whipped it up the steps in front of him.


   The sound of the long whip breaking through the air sounded.

   The green-eyed wandering spirit also stopped. He stared at the long whip in Leng Chengyu's hand for a while, then turned and left, and drifted away very fast, and soon disappeared.

   "Want to scare me? You have to have the ability!"

   Leng Chengyu continued down the steps.

   The light gets darker as it goes down, and Leng Chengyu can only fumble down step by step based on his feelings.

After walking for a while, not far in front of Leng Chengyu, a black shadow was drifting from left to right, just like the green-eyed wandering spirit just now, the speed of the black shadow drifting from left to right, and The speed at which Leng Chengyu walked down from top to bottom had a point of intersection.

  In other words, if Leng Chengyu fumbled down at his current speed, and the group of dark shadows drifted from left to right at his current speed, then they would collide together.

   Leng Chengyu continued to walk down.

   The group of dark shadows continued to drift from left to right.

  Because the neighborhood is very dark, and the stone steps extend down like a tunnel, but the width of the stone steps is also four or five meters wide.

   And Leng Chengyu walked down in the middle position.

   When those stone steps extend down, there will be a flat space behind the long stone steps.

  The flat place is about two meters long.

   In short, the stone steps extending downward are very regular.

   After each seven-to-eight-meter-long stone step, there is another two-meter-long flat area, which extends downward in a regular manner.

   And that group of black shadows drifted slowly from left to right on that flat place, while Leng Chengyu descended step by step on the stone steps.

   At the previous speed, Leng Chengyu should have collided with the group of black shadows.

   However, because when Leng Chengyu fumbled the steps to a flat place, because it was not that difficult to walk, Leng Chengyu quickened his pace.

  This caused the black shadow that drifted over. If he continues to drift from left to right at the original speed, then he will fall behind Leng Chengyu.

   At this time, seeing Leng Chengyu speed up the black shadow, he also speeded up suddenly.

   Leng Chengyu only felt a gust of wind blowing from left to right, and he turned his head to look.

  At this time, because it is very close to the group of black shadows.

   Although it is in the dark, the black shadow and the darkness have merged, and it is difficult to distinguish.

   However, because the black shadow was moving, Leng Chengyu still saw a silhouette.

   is the silhouette of a person, with a head, a neck, a body, hands, and feet.

   As soon as this group of black shadows moved, Leng Chengyu could see it.

   Leng Chengyu stopped instinctively, trying to let the dark shadow drift over first.

   However, the group of black shadows unexpectedly changed direction and slammed into Leng Chengyu's body obliquely.

   just listen to the sound of "Peng".

   After the group of black shadow hit Leng Chengyu's body, Leng Chengyu could see that the head of the black shadow of the man's outline fell down from his neck.

When    fell on top of the stone steps, there was a sound of "Gudong Gudong", rolling down the steps from top to bottom, and then it was submerged in the darkness and disappeared.

   "Ah! My head!"

   The group of dark shadows screamed, and hurriedly turned to chase the rolling head.

   The screaming sound came from the position of his abdomen, and it sounded sharp and piercing.

   After the black shadow chased down more than ten meters, the head and the sound of rolling down disappeared.

Sombra did not chase his head, so he turned around and drifted towards Leng Chengyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only two meters away from Leng Chengyu, he stopped, and then "Chi" came from the abdomen of Sombra. "Hu Chi Hu" voice.

   That is an angry voice!

   Leng Chengyu can tell, it's like the sound that a cow makes when he is angry and prepares to hit a person with his horns, blowing out his nostrils.

   "You hit my head flying, you lose my head."

   The screaming voice was mixed with a sharp and piercing sound, which came from the abdomen of the black shadow, and passed into Leng Chengyu's ears through the darkness, making Leng Chengyu's heart tremble.

   Leng Chengyu squeezed the long whip in his hand and asked, "How do you want me to pay your head?"

Leng Chengyu has always known that the group of black shadows had deliberately smashed into him, and it is even possible that the head was not broken by him at all, but the group of shadows broke by himself and let his head roll down. .

   This group of black shadows obviously wants to frustrate him.

   "The long whip in your hand is very good, just use it to pay for my head."

   The voice came from the belly of the black shadow, with excitement, contempt, and playfulness.

   "Okay, come and get it if you have the ability."

   Leng Chengyu stretched out his hand holding the whip.

And just as the group of black shadows drifted over and was about to take the long whip in Leng Chengyu's hand, Leng Chengyu's hand suddenly shrank, then raised the long whip and swung it forward, and it fell on the group of black shadows. .

   The group of dark shadows made a strange cry of "Ah".

   Then, his entire headless body overturned on the steps and rolled down the steps.

   Soon, the body and the sound of rolling disappeared into the darkness.

   Leng Chengyu sneered at the rolling black shadow: "Want to frustrate me, get rid of me!"


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