Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 152: The man in the sedan chair

   After hearing the words of the cruel wandering soul, Leng Chengyu couldn't help his scalp tingling.

   Unexpectedly, he really wanted to bite me!

   Leng Chengyu quickly walked to the side of the road.

Although there is endless darkness on the side of the road, I don’t know what will happen if I fall into this darkness, but it’s better than facing the group of drunken wandering spirits behind and the cruel one who wants to bite his neck. Wandering soul, and the old lady who was dancing in front of her with unknown intentions.

   Leng Chengyu retreated to the side of the road, leaning on his side, he could see both the front and back of the road, the old lady in front, and the wandering spirits behind.

   After Leng Chengyu retreated to the side of the road, he held the long whip tightly in his hand.

   He also wanted to see if other wandering spirits would attack him like cruel wandering spirits.

   If it was just a cruel ghost attacking him, and if other ghosts continued to move forward without incident, then he would not be afraid of that cruel ghost, at least he wouldn't face so many enemies.

   The cruel wandering spirit saw Leng Chengyu retreating to the side of the road, and he approached Leng Chengyu with a greedy smile on his face.

   And the other wandering souls stopped at this time and stopped walking.

   And that old lady turned to Leng Chengyu while dancing ballet, getting closer and closer to Leng Chengyu.

   Are they in a group?

   Leng Chengyu now retreated to the side of the road, but faced many enemies. The long whip in his hand had long wanted to draw the cruel wandering spirit approaching him.

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't know what would happen if he took it out.

   Once he came, he didn't know what the ghost level of the cruel wandering spirit was.

  Secondly, he didn't know if the other wandering spirits, and the old lady dancing, would immediately follow the cruel wandering spirit and attack him.

   The cruel wandering soul is getting closer and closer, and Leng Chengyu has retreated to the edge of the road. He can no longer retreat. If he retreats, he will fall into the dark abyss on the side of the road.

   The cruel wandering spirit soon was less than one meter away from Leng Chengyu, and Leng Chengyu finally raised his whip.

   At this time, the cruel soul was still smiling greedily, and the other wandering souls stared at Leng Chengyu, and the old lady stopped dancing and stared at Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu realized that they might be a group, even if they were not a group, he would come to pick up the bargain when he was fighting with the cruel wandering spirit until both lose.

   In short, he must be hostile to him.

"Da da da……"

   Just as Leng Chengyu was about to raise his whip and slam at the cruel wandering soul, suddenly, a group of wandering souls appeared on the road on the right side of the crossroad.

   There is a red sedan chair in the middle of these wandering souls.

   After this group of wandering souls walked to the crossroad, they turned to the road where Leng Chengyu and the others were walking, and walked towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

   Leng Chengyu can see clearly. In front of the sedan chair are two rows of wandering souls wearing white clothes and white hats on their heads. As they walked forward, they raised their hands and threw paper money into the air.

   and the sedan chair is carried forward by four children wearing red belly pockets.

  Because the children are too young, their height cannot reach the car bar, so they use their young shoulders to support the four corners of the bottom of the car, and just like this, they move forward slowly.

   Behind the sedan chair was a group of wandering souls with pale faces in black clothes.

   Leng Chengyu saw this team of wandering souls, and he was able to guess what the big man must be in the sedan chair.

   And, watching him let the children walk on the sedan chair, and don't want those adult wandering souls to carry it, the wandering soul sitting in the sedan chair must be very cruel, and even tend to be abusive.

   And when this team appeared, the drunk souls who had surrounded Leng Chengyu before all retreated to the side of the road, standing with their heads down respectfully.

   Even the old ballet lady retreated to the side of the road and stood with her head bowed respectfully.

   They all seem to be very afraid of the group of wandering souls that just appeared, or in other words, they should be afraid of the big man in the sedan chair.

   Leng Chengyu saw the drunken wandering spirit, the old lady, and the cruel wandering spirit, all retreated to the side of the road. He was about to take advantage of this moment to walk forward and get rid of the dangerous situation of being attacked back and forth.

   However, the group of wandering souls that just appeared surrounded by the sedan chair was very strange. It was obvious that they were moving forward very slowly, but they flashed and flashed for a long distance.

   After a few flashes, he was in front of Leng Chengyu and the others, making Leng Chengyu too late to move forward.

When    flashed in front of Leng Chengyu and the others, this group of sedan chairs stood in front of Leng Chengyu and the others for about a few seconds.

In these few seconds, the sedan curtain was opened, and Leng Chengyu could see clearly. Inside the sedan chair was a man with a hideous face. After he opened the sedan curtain, he turned his head towards Leng. Cheng Yu looked over.

When he turned his head and looked over, Leng Chengyu found that one face of this hideous man was normal, but the other face seemed to be burned or something else, it was all rotten, revealing the blood-stained muscles inside. And bones looks terrifying and hideous.

   On the shoulders of a man with a hideous face, there are not only two hands, but also many snake-like tentacles.

   The hideous-looking man opened the car curtain, and after taking a look at Leng Chengyu, he put down the car curtain.

   Then, the team flashed again, and it flashed to a place ten meters away.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know whether this team also went to the white villa, because the road only leads to the white villa.

   But, no matter where the team goes, Leng Chengyu will go forward.

  Because he discovered that when the hideous man in the sedan lifted the sedan curtain, the bodies of the drunken wandering souls around him and the old lady were shaking.

   They lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at this hideous man. They were obviously very afraid of this hideous man.

   Even if the ferocious man has already walked ten meters away, but the drunken wandering spirits and old lady wandering around by his side, they did not dare to raise their heads, still standing there shivering and bowing their heads.

   And Leng Chengyu had to take this opportunity to move forward quickly.

   Leng Chengyu finally came to the front and got rid of the siege of the drunk ghost and the dancing old lady.

   And those drunk wandering and dancing old ladies, even if Leng Chengyu came to the front, they still stood there respectfully.

   Now that he got rid of the wandering spirits behind, Leng Chengyu continued to move forward and walked to the white villa.

   However, when he raised his head and looked forward, he found that the group of wandering spirits that had been surrounded by the sedan chair just now had disappeared. He didn't know if he entered the villa or disappeared somewhere.


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