Although the team of wandering souls surrounded by the sedan chair disappeared, Leng Chengyu did not pay much attention.

   After all, the purpose of his coming here is to kill the evil spirit living in the villa.

   His destination should be inside the villa.

   Leng Chengyu finally came to the door of the villa.

   The door of the villa is blood-red, just like a paint made of blood and applied to the door, it still looks very conspicuous in the vision where the light is all red.

   However, at this moment, the door is closed, and there is no guard in front of the door.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't understand, didn't the ghost of the man who guarded his body said there was a guard here? How could he not see it.

   Suddenly, Leng Chengyu saw that there was a box like a trash can beside the gate.

   The box is dark red with three **** characters written on it: "Gatekeeper".

   Is this trash can the gatekeeper?

   No, even if the world of ghosts is strange, the trash can is not ghosts, right?

   Just as Leng Chengyu looked at the box like a trash can, suddenly, a sound came from the box.


   A small rectangular door opened in front of the box.

   Leng Chengyu looked intently and found that there was a broken leg standing inside the box.

   This short leg is completely gone above the knee, only the part below the knee is left.

   Suddenly, an eyeball appeared on the broken leg.

   There was an eye on his broken leg. Now that he opened his eyes, his black eyes were exposed, and Leng Chengyu was surprised when he saw it.

   Suddenly, a seam broke apart from the lower part of the eye of the broken leg.

   "Ah, it turned out to be a mouth!"

   There are eyes and mouth on this broken leg.

   At this time, the eyes of the broken leg looked at Leng Chengyu, his mouth was closed, and he started to talk.

   "Why are you wandering soul so face-to-face, what are you doing sneaky in front of the chief's mansion?"

   "Are you the guard?" Leng Chengyu asked in surprise.

   "Why? Can't it?" The mouth with the broken leg closed one by one, looking very disdainful.

   "If you are the doorman, that would be fine. I'm here to meet the new wandering spirit of the leader, can you open the door?"

Although Leng Chengyu feels very strange that he has a mouth and eyes and speaks like a human being with a broken leg, but this is the world of ghosts and it is difficult to explain it with common sense. Leng Chengyu doesn’t care what a broken leg looks like. Now, Leng Chengyu just wanted the broken leg to open the door, put him inside to find the evil spirit, and then look for a chance to kill the evil spirit.

   However, Leng Chengyu doesn't know how this broken leg can open the door, will the broken leg grow another hand?

   "You come with me."

   The doorman with the broken leg didn't embarrass Leng Chengyu too much. He jumped out of the box and walked out of the box. When he came to the door, he didn't know where he had stepped on, and the door opened by himself.

   Leng Chengyu walked into the gate with his broken leg, and the gate closed automatically.

   The broken leg took Leng Chengyu to a hall in the villa.

   There are many dining tables in the hall, and the decoration here looks like a banquet hall.

The broken leg took Leng Chengyu to a table with a "table 6" sign, and said, "Sit down at this table. Also, if you want to see the leader, don't change the table, or you will be driven out. The chief's mansion."

  It doesn't matter where you sit. Anyway, I came here to see the evil spirit. As long as the goal is achieved, Leng Chengyu doesn't pay much attention to other small details.

   Leng Chengyu sat down.

   But the broken leg brought Leng Chengyu here and left.

   Leng Chengyu glanced around. There were many tables in this banquet hall that were already seated by other wandering souls.

   However, all of these wandering spirits have very solemn faces and seem to be panicked, but they have to wait here for something terrible to come.

   When they saw Leng Chengyu walking in, they didn't even bother to look at Leng Chengyu. What they noticed was a turntable in front of the hall and a ticking clock next to the turntable.

   Leng Chengyu doesn’t understand, isn’t it for eating in this banquet hall? Shouldn't it be cheerful? Why are they so panicked? Could something bad happen? Is it scary to sit at the table in this banquet hall?

   Leng Chengyu then remembered that the broken leg said that he can’t sit on another table. Is there any ulterior secret in this? What's the secret to sitting at this table?

   Leng Chengyu really can’t understand.

   Leng Chengyu was about to change the table. At this moment, a wandering soul in waiter costume walked towards Leng Chengyu with a glass of wine.

   "Sir, please use it slowly."

   The waiter put the wine in front of Leng Chengyu.

The waiter was very polite, but Leng Chengyu suddenly discovered that the waiter’s head was turned upside down, and his face was behind instead of on his chest, because the bow tie of the clothes he was wearing was tied in front of his back and he didn’t look carefully. , Really can't see it.

   The waiter put down the wine and left, but Leng Chengyu looked at the dark red wine and didn't know what it was made of, so he didn't dare to drink it.

   sat for a while, and the broken leg brought another wandering soul, and he also sat at Leng Chengyu's No. 6 table.

   As soon as the wandering spirit sat down, he stared at Leng Chengyu fiercely, holding a sharp knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife pointed at Leng Chengyu, as if Leng Chengyu was his enemy.

   Leng Chengyu didn't understand how this wandering soul was like this.

   However, when I came here, all the wandering souls seemed to be very hostile to Chengyu ignored it either.

After all, even though they are sitting at the same table, the new wandering soul is sitting opposite Leng Chengyu, not close to Leng Chengyu. Although they are holding a knife, they still cannot make Leng Chengyu so far away. Threatening, besides, Leng Chengyu also held the long whip tightly in his hand.

  The wandering soul sparsely walked in under the leadership of the broken leg, and sat at the table designated by the broken leg.

   Before long, all the tables in this banquet hall were almost full of wandering souls.

  Each dining table has only two chairs and two positions.

   Leng Chengyu was surprised to find that the two wandering souls sitting at the same table were both hostile to each other, not only at Leng Chengyu’s table, but at every table, they were wary of each other.

   Leng Chengyu didn't know why this happened.

   Suddenly, the wall clock on the wall in front of the banquet hall rang with a "boom".

   Then, I don't know if it was because there were so many speakers in the banquet hall, there was a loud echoing sound.

   "It's time for the leader to choose supper, and the turntable starts to rotate."

   After Leng Chengyu heard this, he didn't know what it meant.

   The leader chooses supper?

   The chief is in the banquet hall?

  Which one is the leader?

   Leng Chengyu couldn't see it at all, because the positions of each table were the same, and none of them stood out.

  At this time, all the wandering souls in the banquet hall stared at the turntable in front, and the turntable began to rotate.

   Why are they so nervous about the rotation of the turntable? What does the turntable indicate?

   Leng Chengyu really can't figure it out.


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