"Huhuhu, bang bang bang bang..."

   The turntable turned from fast to slow, and finally stopped after a while, and the pointer of the turntable pointed to the number 6 position.

   The other wandering souls were relieved to see the pointer stopped at the position of the number 6.

   The wandering spirit who sat at table 6 with Leng Chengyu had cold sweat on his forehead, his hands clasped the dagger tightly, and his eyes stared at Leng Chengyu very bitterly.

   But Leng Chengyu doesn’t know what’s going on?

   At this time, the echoing voice in the banquet hall rang again.

   "The supper chosen by the leader is the ghost at table 6, and the other ghosts can leave."

   Only for a while, all the wandering souls in the banquet hall floated away, and the dining table was quickly moved away.

   The entire banquet hall suddenly became empty, leaving only Leng Chengyu and the wandering soul sitting at table 6 with Leng Chengyu.

   At the same time, Leng Chengyu found that there were black wandering souls guarding the two exits of the banquet hall. They were all watching Leng Chengyu and the wandering soul sitting at the same table with Leng Chengyu warily.

   And a few wandering souls in white moved in to a stove.

   There is a pot standing on the stovetop, it has caught fire, and the water in the pot has been boiled.

  There are cooking utensils next to the pot table, kitchen knives, spoons, and various ingredients, etc.

   Looking at this posture, Leng Chengyu can know what's going on no matter how slow.

   It seems that this leader wants to cook one of Leng Chengyu and the No. 6 board game soul as a supper.

   At this time, the echoing voice in the hall rang again.

   "The two wandering souls at table 6 can fight each other. Whoever wins can be a chef, and whoever loses is the cooking ingredients."

   Leng Chengyu heard it, no wonder the wandering spirit who was sitting with him at table 6 has been holding the tip of a knife against him, and has always been very hostile to him, it turned out that it was for this reason.

   The echoing voice just stopped, and suddenly, the one who was at table 6 like Leng Chengyu rushed towards Leng Chengyu, and at the same time raised his knife and slashed towards Leng Chengyu.

   And Leng Chengyu was also prepared long ago, and he also shook the whip in his hand and drew it towards the wandering spirit that was coming.

   Leng Chengyu did not expect that the leader did not see it, but was selected as the leader’s supper.

  Leng Chengyu certainly won't sit still.

And the wandering spirit who flew towards Leng Chengyu with the knife was really cruel. He ignored the long whip that Leng Chengyu threw at him. He still held the knife and continued to slash at Leng Chengyu, just let it go. Leng Chengyu's long whip was thrown on him.

   When Leng Chengyu's whip was thrown on this wandering soul, the knife in this wandering soul's hand was less than two inches from Leng Chengyu's forehead.

   If Leng Chengyu retreats, his whip will not have enough power. If he doesn’t retreat, if the whip doesn’t play its due role on the wandering soul, then Leng Chengyu will also die.

   This is really the rhythm of fighting.

   Hearing only a "pop", Leng Chengyu's whip hit the wandering soul.

   When the tip of the wandering soul's knife was less than an inch from Leng Chengyu's forehead, the wandering soul's body finally weakened and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, the wandering soul widened his eyes and looked at Leng Chengyu desperately, and his knife fell aside. Even if it didn’t fall, after he was hit by the whip, his whole body had no strength. She was unable to resist Leng Chengyu anymore.

   It seems that the level of this wandering soul is lower than the level of the black evil ghost, and can't withstand the power of the long whip at all.

   Leng Chengyu also breathed a sigh of relief.

   At this time, the echoing voice in the hall rang again.

"Congratulations to the wandering spirit with the long whip. You won the duel and became a chef. You can get the kitchen knife next to the stove to cut another wandering spirit. The leader likes to fry his head, grill his limbs, stir-fry his body, and the stove. There are corresponding ingredients next to it. You can cook it this way."

   The sound of the sound in the hall is very clear, that is, Leng Chengyu must dismember the wandering soul that has fallen on the ground and cannot resist, and then cook the wandering soul according to the prompt method.

   It's too cruel for this leader to make such a supper. As a traverser, even as a ghost defender, Leng Chengyu can't be so cruel.

   He stood there without any movement.

   After a while, seeing that Leng Chengyu still hadn't gone to take the kitchen knife to cut the wandering soul lying on the ground for cooking, at this time, the sound in the hall rang again.

"Remind the wandering spirit with the long whip. If you do not cook according to the prompts, you will become the cooking material together with the defeated wandering spirit. The chief will send another full-time chef to cook for you, only for you. One minute to think about it, if you don’t do it again, then you will become a dish that you can’t regret."

   One minute passed quickly, but Leng Chengyu still did not move.

   Leng Chengyu is waiting, he is waiting for the leader to appear.

   However, Leng Chengyu did not wait for the leader. He was waiting for a chef who had just brought the stove over.

He was dressed in white clothes and a white hat, with fat head and big ears, and holding a kitchen knife in his hand. He walked over and said viciously to Leng Chengyu: "Since you don't want to be a chef, UU read www.uukanshu.com Then you can use it as a vegetable, I'll chop off your head first."

   This chef is like an executioner, his head is very big, his eyes are also very big, his eyes widened, very cruel, people can't help but be scared when they see it.

   Leng Chengyu squeezed the long whip in his hand.

   And this chef also approached Leng Chengyu step by step.

   When the chef approached, Leng Chengyu raised his whip and threw it over, while the chef raised his big kitchen knife and slashed at Leng Chengyu's whip.

   However, what the chef didn't expect was that his knife was thrown at the blade by Leng Chengyu's long whip.

   He was stunned, he couldn't expect Leng Chengyu's long whip to be so tough.

   Leng Chengyu continued to throw his long whip to the chef for the second time.

   Leng Chengyu did not hesitate, because he wanted to deal with the chef quickly, and then force the leader out.

However, when Leng Chengyu’s whip was thrown at the chef, he didn’t know if the chef was frightened, or what was the reason. Leng Chengyu discovered that the chef was standing there, his eyes staring at Leng Cheng. Yu, his mouth was smiling weirdly.

   Leng Chengyu didn't understand, how did this chef suddenly become so courageous? Just now the chef used a knife to block his whip, but now the chef is standing there waiting for his whip to pass.

   Suddenly, Leng Chengyu saw a white light flashing in the chef's wide-open eyes, and at the same time, he felt a gust of wind coming from behind his head.

   Leng Chengyu suddenly realized something was wrong, he leaped forward, his head tilted, and avoided the wind behind.

   Then he turned his head. He found that a wandering spirit dressed in black was holding a kitchen knife and was cutting it down, less than an inch from his head.


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