"It's so risky, so I managed to escape."

   Leng Chengyu took a breath.

   After Leng Chengyu fell to the ground, he was also very close to the previous chef's ghost, and the chef's ghost also took the opportunity to raise his kitchen knife to slash at him.

  Although Leng Chengyu fell to the ground, he still turned around. With the help of turning around, he raised his whip and threw it violently at the chef's wandering spirit.

   just hear a "pop".

The chef's ghost did not escape Leng Chengyu's whip this time, but was thrown on his body by the whip, and immediately fell on the ground, just like the previous ghost who sat at table 6 with Leng Chengyu. , No longer have the ability to act.

   At this time, the wandering soul in black raised his kitchen knife and slashed towards Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu didn't have time to stand up, so he raised his whip to the black-clothed wandering soul.

   The wandering soul in black did not use a knife to block Leng Chengyu's whip, but instead used his hand to catch it.

   He stepped back two steps first, then looked at the tail of the whip, and grabbed the tail of the whip with his hand.

   This black wandering spirit is obviously very rich in combat experience, much better than the chef's wandering spirit.

   Leng Chengyu stood up hurriedly, and then drew back his long whip.

   a twitch, because the long whip restrains the power of the ghosts below the first level of the black evil spirit, and this black ghost should not reach the first level of the black evil spirit.

   Therefore, with Leng Chengyu's pumping, the wandering soul in black fell forward.

   Leng Chengyu raised his leg and kicked.

  Because Leng Chengyu has eaten Zengli pills, his feet are also very powerful.

   This kick just hit the black-clothed soulful waist, and the black-clothed ghost flashed aside, then raised the kitchen knife and slashed towards Leng Chengyu.

   However, because the waist was kicked by Leng Chengyu's foot, there was pain, and the pain restricted his speed of swinging the knife. Leng Chengyu's whip was thrown over again, and it hit him, and he fell to the ground.

   Although he doesn't have the ability to move like a chef's wandering spirit, he also keeps supporting the ground with both hands in horror, allowing his body to move back.

   Apparently he was already very afraid of the long whip in Leng Chengyu's hand.

   Other nearby ghosts in white and black clothes, seeing that Leng Chengyu's whip was so powerful, they surrounded Leng Chengyu with a group of ghosts, and wanted to besiege Leng Chengyu together.

   Leng Chengyu did not wait for them all to come, first took the offensive, constantly swinging the whip, one whip towards one.

   quickly knocked this group of wandering souls upside down.

   Some were paralyzed on the ground and unable to move, and some fell on the ground and backed away in horror, and had no ability to fight back.

   And the other wandering spirits who had not come up to besie Leng Chengyu no longer dared to move on.

   "Where is your leader?" Leng Chengyu forced one of the wandering souls lying on the ground.

   The wandering soul was silent, but kept holding his hands and backing away.

   Leng Chengyu whipped at him.

   This is a black-clothed wandering spirit, the black-clothed wandering spirit is obviously higher than the white-clothed wandering spirit, and after a whip, there is still a certain amount of activity.

   However, when Leng Chengyu flicked him the second whip, the black wandering spirit also slumped to the ground, and had no ability to move at all, just like the white wandering spirits before.

   "Say, where is your leader? I want to see your leader."

   had already fainted a moment ago, Leng Chengyu went to ask another black wandering soul fell on the ground.

   "Do you want to see me? It depends on whether you have this ability!"

   At this time, a very harsh sound came into Leng Chengyu's ears.

   Along with the sound, there was a long tentacle like a snake, which rolled towards the long whip in Leng Chengyu's hand.

   The speed at which the tentacles rolled over was very fast, and Leng Chengyu had no time to escape, and the long whip in his hand was curled up by the tentacles.

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't want to let the whip easily let go, so he firmly grasped the whip, trying to pull the tentacles out.

   It's best to pull out the leader behind the tentacles.

   The tentacles came in from the door, and the leader must be outside the door.

   However, the power of the tentacles was too great, and Leng Chengyu's long whip was obviously unable to restrain his power.

   Leng Chengyu’s long whip was pulled off by him at once, and the long whip was rolled out by him and disappeared.

   The level of this leader is obviously far greater than that of the black evil ghost.

   It seems that this leader is introduced in the mission introduction, that is, the evil spirit of this cemetery that Leng Chengyu wants to solve. The level of the black evil ghost is between level 5 and 9, which is not an exaggeration.

   Not only was the long whip in his hand pulled out of the door by the evil spirit, if Leng Chengyu didn't let it go quickly, even he himself would be pulled out of the door.

   However, even so, Leng Chengyu didn't even see the face of this evil spirit, and didn't know what this evil spirit looked like.

   But this is not over yet.

   After the evil spirit pulled out Leng Chengyu's long whip, another tentacle came in and rolled over Leng Chengyu's body.

  Because the tentacle speed is too fast, Leng Chengyu keeps backing up, avoiding constantly, and can't hide.

   Leng Chengyu had to reach out and grab the tentacles.

   Leng Chengyu also knew that this was dangerous, but he had no choice but to resist.

   When Leng Chengyu's hand grabbed the tentacle, the tentacle wrapped Leng Chengyu's hand instead, and then dragged it out of the door.

   Leng Chengyu couldn't resist the power of this evil spirit at all, and was dragged to fly out of the door.

   Then he fell to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that the power of this tentacle should be stretched and retracted to produce power. Therefore, one effort can only make Leng Chengyu fly a few meters forward.

   Leng Chengyu, who fell on the ground, still wanted to get rid of the tentacles, but the power of the tentacles came again, and he was pulled away again, pulling him a few meters forward.

   "Since you don't want to be cooked, then I will eat you raw. I haven't eaten wandering spirits raw for a long time. That kind of chewing is even more enjoyable."

  The sound of evil spirits raging outside the black door, Leng Chengyu could feel that he had opened his mouth wide, as soon as Leng Chengyu was pulled out of the door, Leng Chengyu's body would enter his mouth.

   I can’t just be eaten by this evil spirit, I have to find a way to get rid of it. Leng Chengyu still has a paintbrush on his waist that is not used, but the paintbrush needs to know the appearance of the evil spirit to be able to paint.

   The appearance of the evil spirit Leng Chengyu also guessed a bit.

  Because the evil spirits are all those wandering souls in white and black clothes, which are very similar to the group of ghosts surrounded by sedan chairs on the way here.

   Leng Chengyu guessed that the hideous man in the sedan chair might be the leader of the evil spirit.

   Whether it is or not, Leng Chengyu has to give it a try.

   When the evil spirit was about to use the power of its tentacles for the third time to pull Leng Chengyu out, Leng Chengyu's other hand drew out the paintbrush from his waist and painted on the floor.

   quickly drew the look of the hideous man in the sedan chair.

   Leng Chengyu's paintbrush is very magical, and he paints very fast. As soon as Leng Chengyu imagined it, brushing the paintbrush on the floor a few times, he can paint the appearance of a man in the hideous man.

   "Ah! It hurts!"

   At this time, the screams of the ferocious man in pain came from the darkness outside the door.


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