There was a cry of pain, and the tentacles grasping Leng Chengyu's hand were also released.

   After releasing the tentacle, he tried to retract, but it seemed to be sucked by some force and couldn't retract at all.

   "It's the power of painting!"

   Leng Chengyu's eyes widened in surprise.

   There is a magical force in the painting that pulls the tentacles and prevents them from retracting.

   It turns out that the portrait drawn by this brush still has this effect.

The tentacles could not be retracted, and the evil spirit head spirit hiding in the dark behind the door also guessed that it was because of the painting that Leng Chengyu just drew. He stretched out another tentacle and wanted to smash the painting on the ground. Painting.

   However, when his tentacles touched the painting, the tentacles were drawn to the tentacles in the portrait, and the tentacles in the painting and the real tentacles were glued together.

   The tentacles in the painting have a magical power, and I want to pull the real tentacles into the painting.

   The second tentacle of the outstretched head of the evil spirit was glued to the portrait and could not be retracted.

   No matter how hard the evil spirit leader tried to pull it back, it was a waste of energy.

   Leng Chengyu saw that this portrait was so powerful, he waved the animation pen again, and continued to draw the second portrait of the evil spirit leader on the floor.

   The second portrait was drawn, and the evil spirit leader hiding in the darkness behind the door groaned painfully from a headache, and his head hurt even more.

  The other tentacle of the evil spirit leader stretched out again, trying to take away the paintbrush from Leng Chengyu's hand, but it seems that there is also a force in front of the paintbrush blocking the touch of the tentacle.

   When the tentacles stretched out by the evil spirit leader wanted to grasp the paintbrush in Leng Chengyu's hand, it was like a hard glass door invisible, preventing his tentacles from continuing to grasp the paintbrush.

   "Quick! Stop him from painting!"

   The wicked leader shouted at his men in white and black clothes in the darkness behind the door.

   Those wandering souls in white and black who had not been hit by the long whip came to Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu no longer has the long whip in his hand, he can no longer use the long whip to beat the wandering spirits in white and black.

   "Come here again, believe it or not, I paint your portrait with the paintbrush in my hand, so that you will have a headache like your leader!"

   The wandering soul in white and the wandering soul in black stared at the paintbrush in Leng Chengyu's hand in horror, and the pace around them was also slower.

   And the evil spirit leader in the dark shouted again.

   "Quick! Take his paintbrush in the past, don't let him paint!"

   The wandering soul in white and the wandering soul in black continued to surround themselves.

   Leng Chengyu spotted one of the wandering souls in white that was closest to him, and then brushed a few times to draw the portrait of the wandering soul in white on the floor.

   The wandering soul in white also got a headache like the evil spirit leader.

Perhaps because the ghost level is too low to resist the power of the portrait, his headache is much worse than the headache of the evil spirit leader. Not only does he hold his head and shout there, but he continues to fall to the ground and roll on the ground. Rolling away, screaming in pain.

   This is not over yet.

   fell on the ground and screamed in pain for a while, only to hear a "bang", the head of the wandering soul in white actually burst.

   When the other wandering spirits saw this, they didn't dare to go forward anymore, staring at the paintbrush in Leng Chengyu's hand in horror.

   Leng Chengyu shouted at the wandering soul who was already very close to him: "Go back quickly, or I will draw your portraits, so that your heads will explode like him."

   The other wandering spirits kept backing away in horror, and they were all afraid of being drawn by the paintbrush in Leng Chengyu's hand.

   Leng Chengyu knew that painting a portrait with a brush could explode the head of a low-level white shirt, he wondered, if he continued to paint more portraits of the evil spirit head, would he also be able to explode the head of the evil spirit.

   Leng Chengyu thinks about it more and more feels that he can try it, and he continues to draw portraits of evil spirit leaders on the floor.

   As the number of portraits increased, the painful cry of the evil spirit leader in the dark behind the door really grew louder, and the traction on the three tentacles that had been unable to retract also increased.

The tentacles in the portrait of    finally pulled out the evil spirit leader hiding in the darkness behind the door.

   Unsurprisingly, the leader of the evil spirit is the hideous man in the sedan chair before.

   After the evil spirit leader was drawn out, his other tentacles were involuntarily pulled into the painting by those tentacles in the painting and stuck.

   This makes the head of the evil spirits seem to be **** by a lot of ropes. These portraits on the floor restrict the power of movement, and they are constantly being pulled into the painting.

  Because it is the tentacles of the evil spirits being pulled by the heads of many paintings, the heads of the evil spirits are like being divided by five horses, and the body seems to be pulled apart.

"this is okay too!"

   Leng Chengyu was surprised at the magic of the portrait drawn with this brush.

   When solving the studio ghost incident, Leng Chengyu’s ghost Liu Fang was also drawn by the studio ghost. However, Liu Fang did not have a headache and was not drawn by the portrait. Liu Fang was able to tear the portrait apart.

   But now, after Leng Chengyu drew the portrait the power of the evil spirit leader was restrained by the power of the portrait.

   Is it because it was newly painted, or because the brush is near the portrait, so the power can be maximized.

   Regardless of the reason, after Leng Chengyu knew that the paintbrush had this function, he certainly wanted to use the paintbrush's greatest function, so he continued to paint the portrait of the evil spirit leader.

   The head of the evil spirit became more and more painful, and at the same time, his tentacles were pulled into the painting, merged with the tentacles in the portrait, and disappeared. Even the body of the evil spirit head seemed to be divided by five horses.

   The evil spirit head kept struggling and fighting, and he kept emitting a lot of black energy from his body, trying to make every effort to pull the tentacles out of the painting.

   After a large amount of black air emerged from the evil spirit's leader, his tentacles could really tremble the painting on the floor, as if they were about to be pulled off the floor.

   Leng Chengyu continued to paint fiercely. After the number of portraits increased, his power became even stronger. Finally, the portrait on the floor was not pulled off the floor by the evil spirit leader.

   "Stop! Stop painting, I won't eat you anymore, I will let you go."

   The evil spirit leader began to beg Leng Chengyu for mercy.

   However, Leng Chengyu didn't stop at all. He came here to get rid of the leader of the evil spirit. Now that he has a chance, how could he give up.

  Who knows, this time a group of black wandering souls came in outside the door.

   The wandering spirit in black **** two corpses, which turned out to be the two corpses of the ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white.

   At the same time, they also carried a body, which was really Leng Chengyu's body.

  As soon as this team of wandering spirits came in, the man ghost said to Leng Chengyu with a look of guilt: "Sorry, we failed to protect your body."


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