Part of the black-clothed ghosts who came in besieged the man ghost and the white-clothed woman ghost who guarded Leng Chengyu's body, and some of them besieged Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu has a long whip in his hand. Although there are a lot of black wandering spirits surrounding him, as soon as the black wandering spirit is struck by Leng Chengyu's long whip, he will fall to the ground.

   Leng Chengyu can barely support it.

However, the ghosts of men and women in white are different. Although their souls have entered the corpse and their strength has increased, they can be surrounded by so many black wandering souls with strength equivalent to them. Independence is hard to support.

  Before in the man's ghost cemetery, it was because of being besieged by too many black wandering spirits that Leng Chengyu's body could not be defended and he was arrested here.

   Now this scene will be repeated again.

   Leng Chengyu worried that the ghosts of men and women in white would not be able to support him, and his body would be taken away by the ghosts in black again.

   Therefore, he desperately continued to beat the black wandering spirits who were surrounding him, and at the same time, he moved closer to the ghost of the man and the ghost of the white woman.

   In the case of using a long whip to beat the wandering spirit in black that was close to him, Leng Chengyu was finally able to reunite with the ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white, and guard him next to his body.

   But, even so, after a long time, Leng Chengyu's power will be slowly consumed, and the speed of his swinging the whip has also begun to slow down.

   There are too many black wandering souls besieging him, he has already defeated a dozen of them, but there are still more than a hundred black wandering souls besieging him.

   The ghosts of men and women in white are even more miserable. Their bodies have been injured in multiple places.

  Under this situation, a few wandering souls in black have already crossed Leng Chengyu's defensive line and went up to fight for Leng Chengyu's body.

   Leng Chengyu turned around and beat the black wandering souls that were close to his body, but there were more black wandering souls approaching Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu can care about the left but not the right, the front but the back.

   And so are the ghosts of men and women in white. They are now surrounded by a group of wandering spirits in black. Don't say come over to protect Leng Chengyu's body. Their own bodies are hard to protect.

Suddenly, just hearing a "bang", the body of the white-clothed woman ghost was knocked down on the ground. Several black-clothed wandering spirits stepped on the body of the white-clothed woman ghost with their feet, and even tore them with their mouths. bite.

The man ghost and the woman ghost have always fought back to back, so he was closer to the white woman ghost. He saw that the white woman ghost was knocked down and couldn't get up, and other black ghosts went up to hurt the corpse. He went over to help.

   However, he was besieged by other black wandering spirits, and he was accidentally kicked by a black wandering spirit when he passed, and his body fell to the ground.

   In the end, he was like a ghost in a white-clothed woman. After falling to the ground, he was constantly kicked and beaten by the wandering spirit in black, and even bitten.

Although Leng Chengyu has not been injured and his body has not been robbed, he can't help the ghosts of men and women in white. He can only watch the ghosts of men and women in white. Yi Yuhun was devastated.

  At this time, the ghost of the man who had fallen on the ground and was constantly kicked and beaten by the wandering spirit in black suddenly shouted hysterically.

   "What are you waiting for? Will you dare to show up until my wife and I are gone, and the soul of the ghost guardian is also killed?

   I am afraid that you will never have a chance again.

   Now that the evil chief has been trapped by the portrait, this opportunity is so rare, if you don't seize it, are you willing to let the evil chief treat you as a supper? "

   Leng Chengyu heard the shout of the man ghost, a bit inexplicable.

   Who is he calling?

   Suddenly, a large group of hundreds of people wearing various clothes rushed outside the door.

   Leng Chengyu is a bit familiar, it is the wandering souls who were sitting in the banquet hall before.

   They are taking the opportunity to rebel against the evil spirit leader.

After this group of wandering spirits rushed in, they saw those black-clothed wandering spirits and white-clothed wandering spirits, they fought, and then some rushed to rescue the ghosts of men and women in white, and some rushed past Leng Chengyu. Here, help Leng Chengyu guard his body.

  The number of rebellious ghosts that rushed in were as many as hundreds of people. Although not every ghost was so strong in terms of strength, they were also stronger than black ghosts.

   After these wandering spirits rushed in, they finally reversed Leng Chengyu's disadvantages.

   Those black wandering souls were forced to surround the leader of the evil spirits.

   And the evil spirit leader stared fiercely at the group of rebellious ghosts who might have been supper on his table, and said angrily: "Okay, you dare to rebel against me, I want you all to go to the pan!"

   "If you don't let you off the frying pan today, you will also be let off the frying pan later."

   The man ghost had been saved by these rebellious ghosts who had just entered, and he angrily rebuked the leader of the evil spirit.

"We've had enough of you cruel evil spirits. Everyone rushed over and shreds this evil leader bit by bite, so that he can also taste the taste of being treated as food by At this time, the wandering spirits were all excited, because although the leader of the evil spirits was angry, he was still trapped by the painting, and his movements were restricted, and he couldn't do anything to them at all.

   Some rebellious ghosts have even begun to besiege the black ghosts who have retreated to the head of the evil spirits, wanting to bite the head of the evil spirits.

   However, Leng Chengyu did not go over.

  Because he knew that his long whip had no effect on the evil spirit leader, and he also found that the evil spirit leader had been struggling, and now it seemed that he was able to stay away from the portrait.

   The body that was deformed and pulled by the portrait has already recovered, and his tentacles stuck in the painting can be stretched back a bit.

   Without the support of Leng Chengyu's paintbrush, and without the continued addition of the portrait, I am afraid that the leader of the evil spirit can no longer be trapped.

   Leng Chengyu cannot bite the leader of the evil spirit, Leng Chengyu is just a living soul, unlike other wandering souls, each has its own abilities.

   Leng Chengyu hopes that those villainous spirits who have besieged the past can bite the evil spirit leader until it has no ability to fight back before the evil spirit leader gets out.

   Otherwise, if the evil spirit leader gets out of trouble, Leng Chengyu can't deal with the evil spirit leader.

   Those black and white wandering souls under the head of the evil spirits, Leng Chengyu can also rely on the whip and suppress them while possessing a large number of rebel wandering souls.

   However, the strength of the evil spirit leader is too strong, even if these rebellious wandering spirits are numerous, if they are relieved by the evil spirit leader, the number will become powerless in the face of strength.

   If they could, they would have rebelled long ago.


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