"Go over and bite him!"

   Leng Chengyu saw that a rebellious wandering soul was already very close to the leader of the evil spirit.

   However, because the wandering soul was afraid of the evil spirit leader, after he walked there, he didn't dare to go any further.

   And the man ghost also shouted at the wandering spirit: "Quick! We stop his black man, you go and bite him off."

   The rebellious wandering soul finally took a few steps forward, but when the evil spirit leader turned his head and glared at him, he couldn't help but stop.

   He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fight!"

   Then, his hands stretched out, his nails became very sharp, and he pierced the neck of the evil spirit's head.

   He didn't dare to go forward, biting the neck of the evil spirit leader with his mouth.

   If you go forward and bite, it will definitely hurt more than nails.

   The evil spirit's head was pierced into the neck by the villain's nails, and a puff of black blood flowed out. He was very angry, his mouth lowered, and he wanted to bite the hand of the rebellious ghost.

   But he couldn't do it at all. He struggled again, trying to pull out his tentacles to entangle the hand of the villain's wandering spirit.

   However, I still can't do it.

   The hand of this villain's wandering soul can also stretch freely, like a snake, avoiding the resistance of the evil spirit leader.

   But, because of this, the nails of the villain's ghost did not penetrate deep into the neck of the evil spirit's head, and could not cause serious damage to the evil spirit's head. It just caused a little skin trauma.

   However, under the constant struggle of the evil spirit leader, the length of the tentacles he can pull out is longer, and it is farther away from the portraits that stick to him.

   has been farther away by half a meter than before.

   And the other villain, who is closer to the leader of the evil spirit, can't stand it anymore.

   "Since you dare not bite him, then come and help me block the black man on my side, I will bite him!"

When the former rebellious ghost heard the words of the latter villain, he breathed a sigh of relief, and he took his hand back, and then ran to fight against the black ghosts, so that the latter villain could free his hands. Come, cross here and bite the leader of the evil spirit.

   And Leng Chengyu also continuously beat the black wandering souls who were close to him with the long whip. Under Leng Chengyu's long whip, the black wandering souls also fell down one by one.

   Leng Chengyu also hopes that through this method, the pressure of those rebellious ghosts can be relieved, so that more rebellious ghosts can free their hands to bite the evil spirit leader.

After all, Leng Chengyu is a wandering soul of a living person. He does not have the ability to bite the leader of the evil spirit, and his long whip cannot cause damage to the leader of the evil spirit. He only has the black clothes that keep the evil spirit leader here. The wandering souls fall, causing more black-clothed wandering souls to lose the ability to fight, so that the rebellious wandering souls can bite the leader of the evil spirits faster.

   Leng Chengyu believed that the evil spirit leader had been trapped by those portraits, and if he were torn his body by so many other rebellious ghosts, he would definitely be seriously injured, and even his soul would be lost.

   After all, there are hundreds of rebel wandering souls, and each one will go up and take a bite. What if the power of the evil spirit leader is strong.

   The evil spirit leader wants to break free from the shackles of the portrait, and I am afraid that he has been bitten to death before he can break free.

   Leng Chengyu is looking forward to this moment very much. If that happens, then Leng Chengyu can complete the task.

The villain who bravely stepped forward to bite the leader of the evil spirit finally came to the leader of the evil spirit. Although his body was trembling, he still worked hard to overcome the fear in his heart and faced the angry gaze cast by the leader of the evil spirit. .

   He finally opened his mouth and bit at the neck of the evil spirit leader.

   However, the evil spirit leader didn't want the villain's ghost to bite his neck, he was also struggling back, and he also wanted to use his tentacles to wrap around the head of the villain's ghost.

   However, the heart of this villain's wandering spirit is too determined. Although the tentacles of the evil spirit leader near his head can wrap around his head, he still bears the pain and continues to bite the evil spirit leader.

   As the evil spirit leader evaded, the neck was not bitten by the rebellious wandering spirit, but the roots of the tentacles on the shoulder of the evil spirit leader were bitten.

   No matter where it was bitten, this rebellious wandering soul was very determined, and he fought hard to bite the flesh of the head of the evil spirit.

   The evil spirit leader couldn't help crying "Ah" in pain.

   After biting a piece of meat from the leader of the evil spirit, the villain's wandering spirit became even more hideous.

   "You call it! When you used to treat my brother as a supper to let others chop up like vegetables, have you ever thought that you have today?"

   It seems that this rebellious soul is so determined because it is full of hatred. It is not only worried that one day the evil spirit leader will also eat it as a supper.

   After this rebellious ghost has succeeded in biting the evil spirit head, the fighting spirit of the other villains has also been stimulated.

There are many rebel wandering spirits close to the leader of the evil spirits, and they fought back the black wandering souls who stopped them, and then they rushed towards the leader of the evil spirits to bite the body of the leader of the evil spirits~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Some of them bite the legs of the evil spirit leader, some bit the tentacles of the evil spirit leader, and some bit the body of the evil spirit leader.

   The evil spirit leader is struggling hard, trying to break free from the shackles of the portrait, on the other hand, a large amount of black air emerges from his body to resist and offset the pain caused by his body being bitten.

  At the same time, the evil spirit leader was bitten by so many rebellious ghosts, and he kept screaming in pain.

   screamed very terribly.

   However, none of the rebel wandering souls are softened.

   After all, this evil spirit leader is too cruel, and at this moment he is also committing evil and cannot live.

   The head of the evil spirit was bitten by so many rebellious ghosts, and a lot of skin fell off, revealing the blood-stained muscles and bones inside, just like the half of the face of the evil spirit's head.

   Leng Chengyu originally thought that the leader of the evil spirit had been bitten into this way, and his body was like a large area burn.

   However, the evil spirit leader seemed to be extremely angry at this time. He gritted his teeth with a hideous face, screaming in pain, and braving a strong black air on his body, while struggling to break free from the shackles of the portrait.

   The portraits on the ground were also trembling by him. Not only were they trembling, but some of them were deformed and showed signs of being pulled off the ground.

   "Quick! A few more people will bite him!"

   Leng Chengyu shouted at the villain's wandering spirits who were close to the evil spirit's head, while continuing to beat the white and black wandering spirits who were protecting the evil spirit's head around the evil spirit's head.

   However, at this moment, only hearing a loud roar sounded, the leader of the evil spirit broke free from the shackles of the portrait.


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