
   As soon as he got out of trouble, the evil spirit chief laughed frantically.

   Under the crazy laugh, his already hideous face became even more hideous.

   Then, his bitter gaze turned to the rebellious wandering spirits who were biting his body.

  His tentacles also retracted and rolled around the neck of one of the rebellious ghosts who was biting his neck.

   I saw the tentacles tightening tighter and tighter on the neck of the rebellious ghost. Suddenly, just hearing a "click", the neck of the rebellious ghost was cut off as if it were being cut.

   is like a hard chain to strangle a head made of tofu.

   Black blood splashed from the neck of the rebellious ghost that had been strangled, and spilled onto the other rebellious ghosts who were biting the leader of the evil spirit.

   was biting the rebellious wandering spirits of the evil spirit leader with all his strength. Only then did he discover something was wrong, only to realize that the evil spirit leader had broken free from the shackles of the portrait.

   They all stopped in horror from biting the leader of the evil spirit.

   has a quick response, even has stepped back a few steps, trying to escape.

   However, the rebellious wandering spirit who stepped back and tried to escape was immediately caught by the tentacles of the leader of the evil spirit.

   The tentacles wrapped around the waist of the rebellious ghost. The tentacles tightened and tightened, and even cut the waist of the rebellious ghost in two.

   The internal organs in the abdomen splashed out, and after the upper body of the rebellious ghost fell to the ground, the lower body slowly fell to the ground.

   And the other rebellious wandering spirit who wanted to escape was even more miserable. He was strangled.

   is not the neck, but the head.

  'S head was curled up by the tentacles and tightened, and then half of his head was cut off like a cross section.

And the brain inside the head splashed out, the half of the strangled head also fell to the ground, and the villain's wandering spirit was still able to stand, his horrified eyes looked at the half of his head that fell to the ground, and then his body Then he fell slowly.

After throwing out the tentacles to cut off the two rebellious ghosts who were about to run away, the corners of the evil spirit leader's hideous face twitched slightly, and hysterically cursed: "Dare to bite me? I want you to be put in one by one It's more painful to fry in the oil pan!"

   As he said, the evil spirit leader threw out more tentacles to roll and bite his other rebellious ghosts. As soon as the limbs of the other villains were entangled, they would soon be strangled.

   Only less than half a minute passed, none of the rebellious wandering souls who bit the leader of the evil spirit were intact.

  At this time, the other rebellious wandering spirits reacted, only to know that the evil spirit leader was out of trouble.

   was constantly beating Leng Chengyu who were wandering in black and white with his whip. It was also at this time that he discovered that the evil spirit leader had escaped, and he was also very surprised to look at the evil spirit leader.

   At this moment, the evil spirit leader's body has been bitten off a lot of skin, as if he had been burned extensively, his body looked terrible, but it didn't make him weaker.

   Judging from the fact that he can still cut off the body of the villain's wandering spirit who bit him at will, at least it hasn't dropped much.

   Unexpectedly, he had been bitten like this, he hadn't been seriously injured yet, and his strength was so well preserved. Leng Chengyu was surprised at the tenacious vitality of the evil spirit leader.

   Now that the evil spirit leader is out of trouble, Leng Chengyu doesn't know how to deal with it anymore.

  His paintbrush has no raw materials, and he can no longer draw a portrait, so he will continue to trap the evil spirit leader.

   And the ghosts of the man and the woman in white also saw that the evil spirit leader got out of trouble, they were also very surprised, and there was a look of despair in their eyes.

   The other rebellious ghosts were even more frightened. Some of them near the gate of the banquet hall fled toward the gate.

   However, the evil spirit leader didn't want any rebellious ghost to escape at all. His tentacles quickly stretched over and closed the door first.

   The rebellious ghost who wanted to open the door was also severed by his tentacles, and the other rebellious ghosts did not dare to move closer to the door.

   "No one can escape. The consequence of rebelling against me is to go to the pan and make me and my supper."

   The evil spirit leader cut off the limbs of the rebellious ghost who was about to flee, while threatening other rebellious ghosts viciously, and at the same time ordered his men in white and black clothes.

   "Hurry up and grab the two corpses who led the rebellion, as well as the soul of the stranger and his body, and bring them to me."

Those wandering souls in white and black, seeing that their leader had gotten out of trouble, and all of them had regained their fighting spirit. They all obeyed the orders of the evil spirit leader, and began to face Leng Chengyu, the ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white. Attack over.

   Many white-clothed wandering spirits and black-clothed wandering spirits quickly came to surround Leng Chengyu, and the ghosts of men and women in white were also surrounded.

   The rebellious ghosts guarding Leng Chengyu's body were also surrounded by other white-clothed ghosts and black-clothed ghosts.

   Leng Chengyu frowned.

   What can I do now Can only fight!

Leng Chengyu yelled at the other villain’s wandering souls: "Left and right are dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's better to fight, use your best ability to kill the evil leader, even if You can't kill the evil leader, and kill his subordinates. Killing one is enough to kill two and you won't lose money."

   Leng Chengyu is also a bit mad at this time, because he is really desperate now, and he doesn't have any support to deal with the evil spirit leader.

   And the strength of other rebellious ghosts can't fight against the evil spirit leader.

   What else can I do? Can only fight!

Men’s ghosts and white-clothed women’s ghosts thought the same way. Strands of black qi emerged from their bodies to increase their strength. At the same time, they shouted heartbreakingly: "Fight! Kill! You must kill enough, don’t let it go. They made it!"

   "Anyway, they will be treated as a supper. Anyway, they will die. Then everyone will die together and kill!"

   The other rebellious wandering souls also went crazy.

   Everyone knows that there is no way to escape from this banquet hall tonight. It is better to kill all the subordinates led by the evil spirit to vent the resentment and dissatisfaction.

   Even some rebellious wandering spirits rushed to the evil spirit leader desperately to bite the evil leader.

   and the evil spirit leader uses his tentacles to cut off the bodies of the rebellious wandering spirits rushing towards him.

   However, there are still a lot of villains rushing towards the leader of the evil spirit.

   These rebellious wandering spirits all know that it is impossible for the evil spirit leader to let them go.

   Therefore, it is better to take a bite of the body of the leader of the evil spirit, so that he can also taste the pain of being cut by someone else and a knife on his body.

   After getting out of trouble, the leader of the evil spirit who thought he had already won the scroll, saw the rebellious wandering spirit that had become mad, he was also a little frightened.


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