After the fright, the evil spirit leader showed a fierce light, and he became even crazier. He frantically flicked his tentacles to entangle the villain ghosts who were rushing towards him. Every ghost was strangled by him. Fragmented.

He shouted grimly: "Do you want to be crazy with me? I have seen scenes that are bigger and crazier than now. I can have today's strength, not for nothing. You can't scare me. If you do this, it will only make your death more painful, more painful than frying!"

   shouted, his tentacles were constantly slamming at the rebellious ghosts that were close to him, and every rebellious ghost entangled by the tentacles was directly cut off.

   The ground in front of the evil spirit chief was covered with broken limbs.

   The madness of the evil spirit leader made the rebellious wandering soul who had just gotten excited hesitated. When they saw the broken limbs of other companions scattered all over the floor, they all began to be timid, and some had begun to back away.

   However, the evil spirit leader still has no intention of stopping.

   The evil spirit leader looked crazy as if he had become a lunatic. Even the rebellious ghosts who were not close to him, he rushed over by himself and stretched out his tentacles to break their bodies.

  The rebellious ghosts approaching the leader of the evil spirit all stepped back to avoid being caught by the tentacles of the leader of the evil spirit.

   And the evil spirit leader attacking forward is not without purpose. He has three purposes, one is Leng Chengyu's soul, another is Leng Chengyu's body, and the other is the ghost of a man and the ghost of a woman in white.

   After his attack on the rebellious ghost was not so powerful, he kept trying to get closer to these three goals.

   The first to approach the evil spirit leader is the ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white.

   As soon as the evil spirit leader approached, he no longer stretched out his tentacles to pester other rebellious ghosts, but specifically pestered the ghosts of men and women in white.

But the ghosts of men and women in white are surrounded by many rebellious spirits, and they are also very tough. It may be that they hate the evil spirit leader too much. The tentacles of the evil spirit leader want to reach out to the man ghost and When the white-clothed women were ghosts, they went forward to bite the tentacles of the evil spirit's leader.

  Because of this, the evil spirit leader could not immediately entangle the ghosts of men and women in white.

   He had to give up these two goals and first strangle those villains who hated him deeply.

   And the other rebellious ghosts with a floating heart, at this time, they all began to stay away from Leng Chengyu's soul and body, as well as the ghosts of men and women in white, wanting to temporarily avoid the edge of the evil spirit leader.

   This has caused a situation where so many rebellious wandering souls can have a slight advantage, and may be able to compete with powerful evil spirit leaders, but at this moment, they have begun to show signs of decline.

  Because the ghosts of men and women in white were guarded by too many wandering spirits who hated the evil spirit leader and were determined to rebel, the evil spirit leader turned his target to Leng Chengyu again.

   After cutting off the bodies of a few rebellious wandering souls, he moved towards Leng Chengyu.

   Leng Chengyu had to retreat continuously, to his body.

The rebellious ghosts who guard Leng Chengyu’s body are also very determined to rebel. They have been guarding there and never left. Unlike other rebellious ghosts, for temporary self-protection, Just avoid the edge of the evil spirit leader.

   Leng Chengyu felt that if he retreated there, he might still be able to support it for a while.

   Leng Chengyu waved his long whip and knocked down the black and white wandering spirits that were besieging him, and finally opened a **** road, merged next to his body, and fought together with the rebellious wandering spirits who guarded his body.

   However, Leng Chengyu was able to repel the wandering spirits in black and white, but he couldn't stop the evil spirit leader from attacking him.

   No matter how determined the rebellious wandering spirits are, they will still be severed by the tentacles in front of the powerful evil spirit leader, and then lose the ability to fight.

   Soon, the tentacles of the evil spirit leader could extend to Leng Chengyu's side.

Leng Chengyu waved the long whip to beat the tentacles stretched out by the evil spirit leader, but it was useless. The evil spirit leader’s tentacles immediately entangled Leng Chengyu’s long whip and swept away Leng Chengyu’s long whip. Up.

After    swept away Leng Chengyu's long whip, the evil spirit leader stretched out another tentacle, trying to swallow Leng Chengyu's soul.

   But, at this time, beams of white light came in from outside the villa.

   "It's dawn, great!"

   The ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white are both happy at this time.

"Its daybreak?"

   Those rebellious wandering souls, as well as black wandering souls and white wandering souls black and so on, many wandering souls looked up at this bunch of white light.

   And the evil spirit leader, er, also raised his head to look at the white light, and the tentacle reaching Leng Chengyu also temporarily stopped.

He snorted coldly: "What will happen after dawn? My strength will weaken after dawn, but it is more than enough to kill you. Also, you are also wandering souls, you think you are yours after dawn. Will the strength not weaken?"

   The other rebellious ghosts had already ignited a little hope, but after hearing these words from the evil spirit leader, they all lost their fighting spirit.

The man ghost shouted: "Although we are all wandering souls, although our strength will be weakened at dawn, there is a ghost who lives here. As long as his soul returns to his body, then his strength It will be strengthened. He is our only hope. Protect him quickly and let him return to his body!"

   Leng Chengyu heard it, yes, I can get back into my body.

Before   , he wanted to let his soul return to his body.

   However, because of the influence of the power of the evil spirit leader, unless the evil spirit leader is killed, or until dawn, he can return to his body. Now that it is dawn, he can finally return to his body.

   Leng Chengyu's soul rushed towards his body.

   And other rebellious wandering spirits also blocked the tentacles of the evil spirit leader, preventing him from reaching out and trying to restrain Leng Chengyu's soul, so that Leng Chengyu's soul could return to his body smoothly.

   Leng Chengyu's soul finally returned to his body smoothly.

   However, due to the disparity in strength, those rebellious ghosts soon could not stop all the tentacles of the evil spirit leader from reaching out.

  A negligence, a tentacle led by the evil spirit smoothly reached onto Leng Chengyu's body, and wrapped Leng Chengyu's body.

At this time, Leng Chengyu’s soul just returned to his body, a little uncomfortable, a little dizzy, when his soul fully adapted to his body, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that he had been caught in the evil spirit head. In front of.


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