Leng Chengyu was less than two meters away from the leader of the evil spirit, entangled in the tentacles and lifted high in the air.

   At this moment, the evil spirit leader glared at Leng Chengyu, his cold eyes full of resentment and bitterness.

   He said angrily: "It is you, the human ghost defender who led this rebellion. You are simply too damn! I really want to cut your neck right away, but this is too cheap for you!

I won’t let you die so happily. I want to deep-fry you raw. Put your feet in the boiling oil pan, and eat your feet first, let you watch me eat you. Spicy fried legs.

   Then, I will fry your hands again, and eat your sweet fried hands.

   Even if your hands and feet are gone, you still won't die. I want you to watch me chew on your limbs and make you desperate. You want to die but you can’t die.

   Next, I will peel your skin again, and deep-fried it into sweet and sour deep-fried crispy skin, which is crispy when you bite it, um, it's delicious when you think of it.

   Then you fried your breasts, waist and abdomen, and then grilled your head.

   Only by eating like this can I relieve my gluttony and my hatred! "

   Leng Chengyu listened to the purely intimidating words of the evil spirit leader, while struggling desperately.

   He is now surrounded by the tentacles of the evil spirit leader, and he is entangled together with his hands, and his hands cannot move at all.

   Not only that, the tentacles were squeezed to the body, and it was also very tight. His chest was almost squeezed, making him feel very suffocated, and breathing became difficult.

   Although Leng Chengyu was struggling desperately, he couldn't get rid of it.

   The power of the tentacles of the evil spirit leader is too great, he is an ordinary human, even if he takes the booster pill, his strength cannot be compared with the evil spirit leader.

   The evil spirit leader looked at Leng Chengyu who was struggling, and said with disdain: "Hey, wanting to break free of my tentacles, it's a wishful thinking!"

Then, the evil spirit leader shouted to his men in white and black clothes: "You clean up an open space, set up a frying pan, light up the firewood, and I want to deep-fry this little by little. The human ghost defender."

The subordinates of the evil spirit leader desperately repelled the rebellious wandering spirits, and swept out an open space about seven or eight meters wide around the body of the evil spirit leader. A pot filled with oil was erected in the middle of the open space and lighted up. firewood.

The ghosts of men and women in white were very anxious when they saw this. The ghosts of men shouted to the rebellious ghosts: "Don't let them deep-fry the human ghosts. If the human ghosts die, We have no chance at all, and we will quickly attack and save the human ghost defender!"

   The man ghost's words, although not able to arouse all the rebellious wandering spirits to work hard with him.

   However, there are also many rebellious wandering spirits with resolute hearts. Hearing the words of the man ghosts, they all attacked the evil spirit leader desperately.

   The ghost of the man and the ghost of the woman in white also tried their best, desperately trying to come and save Leng Chengyu.

   Suddenly, a rebellious ghost broke through the defensive circle of those white-clothed ghosts, entered a place near the oil pan, and was about to rush to step on the oil pan to prevent it from burning.

   However, the tentacles of the evil spirit leader quickly threw it over, cutting off the body of the rebellious wandering spirit, and losing the ability to resist.

   Other rebellious ghosts who rushed into the encirclement suffered the same fate.

At the same time, the ghosts of the man and the woman in white are already very close to the encirclement circle, but before they rush into the encirclement, the leader of the evil spirit flies out of the tentacles to engulf the ghost of the man and the woman in white, and then They also curled up in front of them.

The evil spirit head stared at the man ghost and the white woman ghost in front of him, and said viciously: "You two took the lead in rebelling against me. Although your soul is attached to the corpse, I hate the smell of the corpse the most. I want to deep-fry you to eat, but I feel sick again, but even if I don’t eat it, I will deep-fry you bit by bit, so that you don’t want to live, so as to relieve my hatred!"

After finishing speaking, the evil spirit leader shouted at his men again: "Come on! Set up two more oil pans. I'm going to fry these two corpses. Don't rely on the pan of the human ghost defender. Too close, the two bodies are too stinky, I don’t want to eat them, I just want to blow them up.”

After    was entangled by the tentacles of the leader of the evil spirit, the ghost of the man and the woman in white also struggled like Leng Chengyu, but they couldn't break free.

   Watching the two oil pans stand up again, the fire ignited, and the ghosts of the man and the woman in white also began to despair.

The man ghost turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu who was still struggling, and sighed: "Hey, I didn't expect this to happen, killing everyone. I thought I could use your power to kill this evil. Chief, who would have thought...

   I’m not afraid to tell you. In fact, my wife and I were folk wardens before they were alive, and they came here to kill this evil leader before they die. We endure the humiliation, just to get revenge.

   But now, it hurts you. Not only will you die, but you will also be destroyed after frying. You won't blame us? "

  While the man ghost is talking~www.wuxiaspot.com~Leng Chengyu is still struggling.

   And because the evil spirit leader is distracted and stretched out his tentacles to cut off the bodies of the rebellious wandering souls who have penetrated the encirclement, the power of the tentacles on Leng Chengyu's body will also be weakened.

   So, when the man ghost spoke, Leng Chengyu's hand could finally loosen a little while struggling.

   Hearing what the man ghost said, Leng Chengyu didn't expect that the man ghost and the white woman ghost were the two folk ghost guards who died in the mission introduction before.

However, looking at the desperate man ghost and the white woman ghost at the moment, Leng Chengyu smiled and said: "I want to blame you and I will blame you when you are fried, but I will not let this The evil spirit leader has a chance to fry me."

   As he said, Leng Chengyu thought, and the yellow light flashed in his hand, and there was an extra Guan Gong knife.

  As soon as the Guan Gong knife was held in his hand, Leng Chengyu flipped his wrist, and the blade of the Guan Gong knife slashed towards the tentacle that entangled him.

   The tentacles were cut off by the Guan Gong knife, and the end connected to the leader of the evil spirit fell to the ground, and Leng Chengyu also fell to the ground.

   As soon as he fell to the ground, Leng Chengyu quickly stood firmly, and broke away all the tentacles wrapped around his body that were no longer controlled by the evil spirit leader.

   Then, Leng Chengyu, who was no longer bound, grabbed the Guan Gong knife and quickly rushed towards the evil spirit leader.

   The evil spirit chief did not expect that a golden knife would suddenly appear in Leng Chengyu's hand to chop off his tentacles.

   He watched in amazement as Leng Chengyu rushed towards him, raised the Guan Gong knife and slashed at him, he wanted to avoid it.

   However, Leng Chengyu was very fast, and the Guan Gong knife had already been cut down.


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