After only hearing the "swish" sound, the Guan Gong knife slashed on the evil spirit leader's body, as easy as it was on tofu, and instantly cut the evil spirit leader's body in half.


   The evil spirit chief looked at his body that had been cut in half in amazement, and he was shocked.

"how can that be?"

   "Although your knife is made of gold, although gold restrains the power of ghosts, it is impossible to cut me in half with a single knife, right?"

   "This must be an illusion!"

   The evil spirit leader still doesn't believe that his body has been split in half by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

   "Your knife can actually make me hallucinate, I want to tear you apart!"

   As he said, the evil spirit leader threw out his other tentacle and tried to entangle Leng Chengyu's body again.

  Don't talk about the leader of the evil spirits, even the ghosts of men and women in white can't help blinking when they see them, worrying about whether they are dazzled.

   When they saw the evil spirit leader's tentacles swung past and was about to wrap around Leng Chengyu, they couldn't help reminding Leng Chengyu: "Go back and avoid! Now that you are out of trouble, run away!"

   And when Leng Chengyu saw that he succeeded with a knife, he was calm and relaxed. He didn't pay attention to the tentacle thrown by the evil spirit leader, but continued to raise the Guan Gong knife and slash at the evil spirit leader.

   The previous time, Leng Chengyu chopped vertically from top to bottom, but this time, he chopped horizontally from left to right.

   Hearing a "brush" again, the body of the evil spirit leader was cut in half again.

   And at this time, the tentacle of the evil spirit leader entangled Leng Chengyu's body.

However, when the evil spirit leader’s tentacles wrapped around Leng Chengyu’s body and wanted to tighten it, the evil spirit leader found that it could not be tightened anyway, and Leng Chengyu just used his hands to pick up the tentacle, the tentacle. It loosened down, and then fell to the ground.

"how can that be?"

   "An illusion again?"

   The evil spirit leader also wanted to lift the tentacle that fell to the ground, but found that he couldn't lift it up at all.

Not only that, even the two tentacles holding the man ghost and the white woman ghost have no strength to lift the two corpses of the man ghost and the white woman ghost in mid-air, and they have fallen from the air. On the ground.

   The tentacles of the evil spirit leader have no strength.

   "This? Why is this illusion so powerful! What kind of knife is your knife?"

   The evil spirit leader can still speak at this moment.

   But, because when he was chopped down from the top, he chopped from the lower jaw, and then chopped all the way down to the thigh. The chop was not very correct.

   However, the body was almost cut in half.

   Anyway, the lower part of the body has split, and it splits into two halves from the lower jaw to the thigh.

   The slit in the middle was almost fist-wide.

   When the evil spirit leader spoke, he was too excited, too surprised, and too angry. Originally, the crack only reached the jaw, not the mouth.

   But as soon as he spoke, his mouth cracked downward.

   Then the air leaked as I talked, and it became difficult to speak after the air leaked.

   "This...this illusion is real!"

  At this time, the evil spirit leader finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

   Leng Chengyu smiled and said to the evil spirit leader: "Of course it is true, don't you feel any pain?"

   The evil spirit leader said with difficulty: "Pain! The pain has long been numb to me, and my whole body is bitten by those rebellious ghosts. I don't feel the pain at all.

   To tell you the truth, the reason why I want to cook you raw slices for supper is to look at your pain, and then look for the pain back. "

   "Can't you feel the pain?"

   This answer from the evil spirit leader made Leng Chengyu very surprised. He didn't expect the evil spirit leader to take other people's wandering souls for supper in the next life so cruelly, and it turned out to be looking for the painful feeling.

The evil spirit leader continued to use the leaky mouth to continue to say with difficulty: "Except for my head splitting to the inside where I can feel the pain, there are few other places that can make me feel pain. However, if my head splits, then I'm so soulless and gone."

   "What you mean is that you are reluctant to use your death to experience pain, and you use the death of others to experience pain!"

   Leng Chengyu looked at the evil spirit leader coldly. It seemed that the evil spirit leader only had a pain in his head.

   Leng Chengyu also continued: "However, I want to tell you that you have to be willing to be a man or a ghost. Since you can't bear it, then I'll be willing to do it for you."

   As he said, Leng Chengyu raised his Guan Gong knife and slashed at the head of the evil spirit leader.

   The evil spirit chief wanted to raise his tentacles to block Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife, but he couldn't hold it anymore. His head wanted to leave, but even the deviation of his head became very slow.

   Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife slashed on the head of the evil spirit leader.

   The head of the evil spirit was chopped in half by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.


   The scream of the evil spirit leader rang, and then suddenly stopped, because his head was split, and his entire mouth was split in half, and he couldn't scream anymore.

   After Leng Chengyu split the head of the evil spirit The eyes on the face of the evil spirit leader were far apart, and then stared at Leng Chengyu in horror.

Leng Chengyu met the horrified gaze of the evil spirit leader and said coldly: "Don't you think it is an illusion that my knife can split your body? How do you feel now? Would you like me to cut more knives to make you recognize reality? ."

When Leng Chengyu was about to raise his knife and continue to slash at the evil spirit leader, he found that after the evil spirit leader’s head was cut, a lot of black energy emerged from the wounds all over his body, and his body slowly melted away. Those tentacles slowly turned into black energy and disappeared.

   When the body was about to disappear, a plume of white smoke suddenly appeared in the thick black air.

   At this time, the system in Leng Chengyu's mind rang.

"Ding! The system has detected that there is a ghost that has been dissipated. His soul crystal containing the power of the ghost will turn into white smoke and dissipate. The host can exchange it in the system store for a box dedicated to collecting soul crystals to install it. So as not to cause waste."

   There is also a box for collecting soul crystals?

   Leng Chengyu hurriedly checked the system mall in his mind, and he realized that a box made of gold appeared in the inventory of the system mall.

  The function introduction is that as long as you open the box close to the soul crystal, the box will automatically **** the soul crystal into the box, transform it into a crystal, and collect it.

   And the required ghost assistance is a music value of 50.

   Leng Chengyu immediately exchanged for this gold box specially used to collect soul crystals.

After    exchanged, the gold box appeared in Leng Chengyu's storage space.

  Leng Chengyu took it out and opened it, and the white smoke coming out of the body where the evil spirit leader had dissipated was sucked into the box and turned into a white crystal with the size of a thumb.


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