"Starting to get a system of helping ghosts for fun (!

"The evil leader has been killed, he is already gone, and we are victorious!"

Just as Leng Chengyu just put the golden box containing the soul crystals back into the storage space, the man ghost stood up and cheered happily.

The other rebellious wandering souls all looked over here, and found that the leader of the evil spirits had really been beaten to death, and part of the black gas emitted from the dissolution of the rebellious body filled the sky above the banquet hall.

"The evil leader was finally killed, and we finally don't have to worry about being used as a supper by him, great!"

The rebel wandering souls cheered.

The black and white wandering souls under the leader of the evil spirits were stunned, and the fighting spirit just now collapsed, completely suppressed by the rebellious wandering spirits.

A rebellious wandering spirit asked: "What should the evil chief's subordinates do?"

The man ghost said loudly: "If they are willing to surrender, they will be locked up first, and those who are not willing to surrender will be killed."

Most of the subordinates of the evil spirit leader, whether it was a wandering spirit in black or a wandering spirit in white, immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

But there are also some stubborn resistance.

Soon, the subordinates begging for mercy were arrested and locked up, while those who resisted were killed on the spot.

The battle was over in less than a few minutes after the evil spirit leader's soul was scattered.

The joyous sounds of the rebellious ghosts, one after another in this banquet hall.

And the man ghost shouted: "Everyone, be quiet, don't forget, this time the great hero who helped us successfully kill the evil leader, we should thank this human ghost defender."

"Yes, you are too right."

"We want to celebrate him."

"We want to reward him."

"We should let him be the leader here."

Leng Chengyu felt very happy when he heard these rebel wandering spirits saying that he wanted to celebrate and reward him, but when he heard that he wanted to be the leader here, he felt scalp. hemp.

Leng Chengyu frowned and said, "You don't need to be the leader. I have completed the task. I also want to return to our ghost guard alliance. I only need you to live peacefully with humans in the future and do not harm humans. , The others are unnecessary."

"It was the human ghost guard who gave us rebirth, and we won't hurt humans anymore."

"Moreover, the wandering spirits in this cemetery, whoever hurt humans, are against us, and we will stop him."

These rebellious wandering spirits had been killed by Leng Chengyu because of the evil spirit leader. They all felt very happy. They were all very grateful to Leng Chengyu. At the same time, they also had a good impression of human beings like Leng Chengyu.

At this moment, the system in Leng Chengyu's mind rang.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for successfully helping the wandering souls of this cemetery get a new life, the system immediately rewards the host with 100,000 ghosts as a pleasure."

One hundred thousand helping ghosts for pleasure immediately appeared on the interface of the system.

Leng Chengyu was very surprised. The value of helping ghosts who had been rewarded the most in the past was only 2,000, but now he got 100,000 at once, and he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

It’s great to be able to get so much help from ghosts, and if you can continue to get such large rewards in the future, then there is hope that you can earn a hundred million worth of help from ghosts to redeem the strongest detox. Maru, come and get rid of all the poison on your one-time body.

After receiving the reward from the system, Leng Chengyu said to the man ghost: "The evil leader has been killed. I have completed the task now. I should go back. I don't know how to leave here?"

Because when Leng Chengyu came here, his soul entered here through the locust tree without any holes, but now his soul returned to his body, how could he continue to pass through the locust tree and leave? Here?

The man ghost also saw Leng Chengyu’s worry and said, “Don’t worry, there is a place to leave here. That place is the grave of the evil leader. The tombstone of his grave is a door. Open that door and you can leave. Up.

When I came here before, it was because the evil leader had not been killed. He had been living in his tomb and couldn't get in from there. Now it's different. Now he can leave there freely. "

Under the leadership of the man ghost, Leng Chengyu soon came to the grave of the evil leader.

The ghost of the woman in white and many other rebellious ghosts also followed the ghost of the man to bid farewell to Leng Chengyu.

The tomb of the evil chieftain is very luxurious. Inside the crystal coffin lies the evil chieftain's well-preserved corpse. Half of the face of the corpse is rotten like burns. It looks very hideous. It should be evil. The appearance of the chieftain when he died.

However, this corpse has no soul, and now no one is afraid of him.

The rebellious wandering spirits came over and lifted the corpse out and burned it.

Leng Chengyu, led by the man ghost, came to the tombstone of the evil leader.

Pushing the tombstone away, the morning light from outside came in, contrasting with the dim light inside the tombstone, it was very dazzling.

The man ghost said: "Let's send you here, because now it's dawn, we won't be able to stand the sunlight when we go out."

Before Leng Chengyu left, the ghosts of men and women in white all took out their beloved things from their bodies, and wanted to give them to Leng Chengyu. Other rebellious ghosts also took out their hands. I wanted to give Leng Chengyu the things I took.

However, Leng Chengyu looked at the things they gave away. They were all used by the dead and had no meaning to the living, so he didn't want it.

Under the reluctance of the crowd, Leng Chengyu finally walked out of the tombstone.

When Leng Chengyu walked out of the tombstone, he found that the tomb of the evil spirit leader occupies the other side of the mountain.

No wonder that when I first came to check the cemetery on the top of the mountain, I didn't see this tomb. This tomb was very secretive. The trees outside were very lush, and it occupies the other side of the mountain.

Leng Chengyu walked from this side of the mountain back to the side with a lot of tombs, wanting to go back the same way.

Leng Chengyu quickly walked to the side of the mountain where many tombs were buried.

Suddenly, Leng Chengyu noticed from a distance that there seemed to be figures flashing between the tombs.

Who will come to this cemetery early in the morning? Is it a ghost?

But aren't the ghosts here afraid of light? Why do you wander outside early in the morning?

Leng Chengyu was about to hide and take a closer look.

However, the two figures have already discovered Leng Chengyu.

"Finally I find you."

A familiar female voice came. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Leng Chengyu carefully identified it and found that it was the voice of Ximen Yiyi, the school girl.

Why did the school flower come here?

"So you are not dead yet."

Another voice came.

When Leng Chengyu heard it again, it turned out that it was the voice of squad leader Wu Siwei.

Why did he come here?

Leng Chengyu felt very puzzled.

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