"Starting to get a system of helping ghosts for fun (!

The two of them walked out from behind the big tree in the tomb and walked towards Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu also greeted the past and asked, "Why are you here? Are you here to perform tasks?"

Ximen Yiyi said: "We are here specifically to find you."

"Come to me specifically? Why do you come to me?" Leng Chengyu wrung his brows.

"Senior Hong said, I want to see people alive, and a corpse when I die. We are here to see if you are dead. If you die, we will carry the corpse back. If you are not dead, we will take you back, and then immediately call to tell the good news. Senior Hong."

Leng Chengyu glanced at Wu Siwei.

Wu Siwei's words are so unpleasant.

Leng Chengyu frowned and said: "What does it mean to see people alive and corpses? If you want to know if I'm still alive, don't you know if you call my cell phone?"

Ximen Yiyi said, "Your phone can't get through at all."

And Wu Siwei said: “You don’t know how early in the morning, President Zhong had already had a meeting with several squadron leaders in the Xicheng District Defense Line Station. They all thought you might have died, and Senior Hong was very serious. Not reconciled, so I sent us to take a look."

Simon Yiyi looked at Leng Chengyu with expectant eyes and asked: "Have you completed the task? Or did you escape from the hands of the evil spirit?"

Leng Chengyu said: "I have completed the task. The evil spirit has been killed by me, and his soul has been scattered."

"Really? Really?" Simon Yiyi showed a bright smile on his face.

Wu Siwei smiled awkwardly.

"Since the task has been completed, let's go back. The car is on the road outside. I will call back to report the good news first."

Wu Siwei immediately turned around and walked forward, taking out his mobile phone to make a call.

On the way here, Wu Siwei kept telling Simon Yiyi that Leng Chengyu could not complete the task. However, now he heard Leng Chengyu's affirmative answer. He now felt that he could not face Ximen Yiyi in front of Leng Chengyu, so he moved forward quickly.

"Let's go together."

Ximen Yiyi came over, trying to hold Leng Chengyu's hand.


Leng Chengyu ignored Ximen Yiyi's hand without leaving a trace.

Leng Chengyu is not the kind of person who is abusive, although he knows that Ximen Yiyi has a good impression on him, but Leng Chengyu is not tempted by Ximen Yiyi.

To be tempted, Leng Chengyu was a little tempted by the black-clothed commissioner who had previously come from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Leng Chengyu felt that the female commissioner in black was the type he liked.

At that time, when the female commissioner in black said her name to Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu never forgot.

Even if more than a month has passed, and never met again, Leng Chengyu still remembers her name.

Her name is Fang Zhirou.

Leng Chengyu even called Fang Zhirou's name many times in his dream.

However, Leng Chengyu didn't know if this was wishful thinking. After all, they came from the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, and they were commissioners.

Although in Leng Chengyu's feelings, she felt that Fang Zhirou also had a good impression of him, otherwise, she would not give a birthday cake, and then told him the name, and asked him to find her if he had something to do.

However, it's also possible that Fang Zhirou's personality is like this, maybe she is like this to everyone, so good to talk.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu is also not sure, will Fang Zhirou like him also, will he have the opportunity to socialize?

Wu Siwei walked forward quickly, Leng Chengyu also quickly followed in the middle, while Ximen Yiyi was a little embarrassed to follow behind, she did not see whether Leng Chengyu deliberately prevented her from holding hands. of.

When the three people walked out of the cemetery and came to the highway from the mountain path, they found that many cars suddenly came on the highway.

"Why are you here so many people?"

Leng Chengyu couldn't help asking in surprise.

"It's just the two of us, just one car. Why are there so many cars here? Maybe it's tourists who come to travel and explore."

Wu Siwei was also surprised.

"Our car is right there."

Wu Siwei walked towards the car they drove, followed by Leng Chengyu and Ximen Yiyi.

At this time, among the extra cars, one of the doors opened, and the one who walked out of the car door turned out to be Zhao Zizhou, a colleague of Leng Chengyu's Second Squadron and Third Squadron.

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi were in the fourth team of the second squadron, not in the same team as Leng Chengyu.

However, because Leng Chengyu graduated from the same school in the same term, they were asked to come to Leng Chengyu.

"Why are you here? Is there a mission nearby?" Leng Chengyu asked, walking towards Zhao Zizhou.

Zhao Zizhou smiled and said, "As soon as we received a call from your classmates and said that you had completed the task and came out of the cemetery, we drove up.

Captain Hong Zhong believes that you can complete the task very much, but the other squadron leaders are not so convinced. Captain Hong Zhong asked me to bring the special personnel to check the completion of the task immediately to check whether your task has really been completed. "

"Is it checked now?"

At this time, the doors of other cars also opened, and many people came out, including Xingquan.

Xingquan came to Hong Qingsheng's second squadron after his position as the director of the Yuguizhe Office in Xicheng District was revoked. However, he was not able to go out to perform tasks, and could only be a person who specializes in checking task completion.

Now, he is checking the authenticity of Leng Chengyu's mission with others.

The person in charge of checking the completion of the task walked to Leng Chengyu and said, "I hope you will cooperate. Now you will tell us how you completed the task."

"Didn't you go back and write the report?" Leng Chengyu was a little puzzled.

"Special affairs, you can tell us verbally right now here, and report you to go back and make up."

Leng Chengyu had no choice but to explain the whole process of how he killed the evil spirit leader immediately.

After hearing Leng Chengyu's report, these people rushed to the cemetery for inspection.

They also brought special instruments and equipment, the most important of which was to detect ghosts and spirits.

With this instrument for detecting ghost breath, the strength of ghost breath within 100 meters can be detected.

If Leng Chengyu completes the task, then the ghost spirit of the evil spirit leader of the black evil spirit level 5 to 9 will disappear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Compared with the ghost spirit before the task is completed, they will It can be inferred whether Leng Chengyu has really wiped out the evil spirit.

The inspectors went to check, and Leng Chengyu, Wu Siwei, Ximen Yiyi, and Zhao Zizhou went back to the Xicheng District Defense Line station first.

Leng Chengyu and their car had just arrived outside the gate of the Xicheng District Defense Line Station, and they found a group of people standing outside the gate.

Looking closely, it turned out that it was President Zhong Dakui and Hong Qingsheng, as well as other squadron captains.

Wu Siwei who drove was envious and said: "This pomp is really big!"

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