"Starting to get a system of helping ghosts for fun (!

"What's on this tree? Isn't it a ghost?"

Zhao Zizhou nervously looked at the tree that was less than 5 meters away from them, which was more than ten meters high.

However, when everyone looked up, because the leaves were too lush, they couldn't see what was inside the tree at all, but only heard the sound of rustling from the leaves.

"Why don't I go and see?" Wu Siwei volunteered.

He walked under the big tree and looked up to the top of the tree, but, still because the branches and leaves were too lush, he didn't see what the "rustling" sound was.

He walked back and said to the others: "There must be something on the tree, but I just can't see it. What should I do?"

Finally, Wu Siwei's gaze stayed on Leng Chengyu's face, consulting Leng Chengyu's opinion.

After all, Leng Chengyu is the head of this team.

And Zhao Zizhou preemptively said: "Or, let my ghost go up and check it out?"

"Let my ghost go up." Leng Chengyu said solemnly, "The situation is unknown. In case the ghost on the tree is a hanged ghost, his level is between the eighth to the ninth level of the black evil ghost."

Zhao Zizhou’s ghost level is black evil spirit level three, while Leng Chengyu’s girl ghost Liu Fang’s current ghost level is black evil spirit level five. Last time Liu Fang absorbed the studio evil spirit’s soul crystals. Ascended.

Among all the people here, the highest ghost level is Leng Chengyu's, the situation is unknown, only Leng Chengyu's ghost went up to check.

Leng Chengyu motioned to Liu Fang, the ghost girl floating above his head.

Liu Fang floated to the top of the tree.

Leng Chengyu hurriedly yelled to Liu Fang: "Be careful and explore slowly. Be wary of him suddenly flying towards you in the tree. Be prepared to retreat and don't be reckless."

After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, Liu Fang slowed down, and then slowly approached the dense leaves and pushed away the branches.

Suddenly, the sound of rustling inside the leaves suddenly increased, and then Liu Fang couldn't help flying backwards.

I saw a black shadow flying out of the leaves, rushing towards Liu Fang, and the sharp claws grabbed Liu Fang at the same time.

The speed of Sombra was very fast, Liu Fang was already unable to retreat, so she had to lift her slap and slap towards Sombra.

This change was so fast that Leng Chengyu and the others hadn't seen it clearly, they had already seen Liu Fang's slap on the dark shadow.

Liu Fang’s slap and the black shadow are about to collide together, but the black shadow seems to be unavoidable, allowing Liu Fang’s slap to slap him, and at the same time, the black shadow’s claws are about to grab Liu Fang’s neck. on.

"It's over, if the ghost level of the black shadow is too much higher than Liu Fang, Liu Fang's slap on the black shadow will have no effect at all, and the black shadow's claws will definitely smash Liu Fang's neck, maybe , It will cause Liu Fang to be severely injured, and even lost in spirit."

Leng Chengyu worried.

Think about it, a ghost might be a black evil spirit of level 8 to 9, and a sharp claw caught on the neck of Liu Fang, a ghost that only has a black evil spirit of level 5. What would be the result?

Leng Chengyu took a breath.

The others became nervous when they saw this scene. They were all thankful that they didn't send their ghosts up there, but at the same time they were worried about Leng Chengyu's ghosts.

At this time, Liu Fang's slap finally slapped Sombra's body, and Sombra's claws finally caught Liu Fang's neck.

However, things didn't happen as everyone expected. Liu Fang would be seriously injured by the black shadow. Instead, after Liu Fang slapped the black shadow on his body, the black shadow shattered and dissipated, and his soul flew away.

"Huh? This?"

Seeing this scene, everyone watching below was very surprised.

Zhao Zizhou sighed and said, "This should not be a hanged ghost, it should be a subordinate of a hanged ghost."

Ximen Yiyi couldn't help but curl his lips and said: "How can this hanged ghost's subordinates cook so much? With the slap of the hand, his soul is gone."

Wu Siwei also said: "Yes, when the ghost spirit was awakened in school, the ghost spirit of Fan Baiyi was slapped several times by this girl ghost spirit of Leng Chengyu, and there was no loss of soul. Could it be that the subordinate of the hanged ghost was better than Fan Baiyi's The ghost level is even lower."

Leng Chengyu also felt very strange.

Logically speaking, the level of the Hanged Ghost is from the 8th to the 9th level of the black evil ghost, and it is almost necessary to break through to the first level of the green-headed evil ghost. His men should be very powerful, at least they can reach the level of the black evil ghost. You won't be slapped by his girl ghost, right?

She was also very surprised after Liu Fang fanned the black shadow that flew towards her.

However, when a wisp of white gas emerged from the black shadow after the soul flew away, Liu Fang immediately wanted to inhale the white gas, because the white gas was a soul crystal.

However, the following Leng Chengyu immediately stopped and said: "Liu Fang, don't go to the soul crystal, you will fall asleep again. Now you can't sleep, the hanged ghost has not been resolved, you use this golden box to come. Collect soul crystals."

With that, Leng Chengyu threw up his golden box for collecting soul crystals.

Liu Fang took the gold box, opened the lid, and Bai Qi was sucked in.

After the golden box collected the white gas, it formed the appearance of a crystal inside the box. When Liu Fang took it down and handed it to Leng Chengyu, the box was still open.

Because Liu Fang was still coveting the soul crystal, she couldn't absorb it immediately, and it was a pity that she could not absorb it immediately.

Leng Chengyu comforted Liu Fang and said, "Let you breathe after you go back, now is not the time."

Only then did Liu Fang smile.

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi looked at the soul crystals in Leng Chengyu's golden box very enviously.

Wu Siwei sighed: "So this is the soul crystal. If you get the ghost weapon market, you will definitely make a lot of money."

And Zhao Zizhou looked at the soul crystal in Leng Chengyu's golden box, and frowned. He wanted to say something to Leng Chengyu, but he didn't say anything.

However, in the end he couldn't help saying: "This soul crystal is a bit big."

Then, he lowered his head and thought, as if the soul crystal made him think of something, but he was not sure whether he was thinking right or not.

But Leng Chengyu and the others did not notice Zhao Zizhou's abnormality.

Leng Chengyu looked at this dense tree. There was no rustling sound on it at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, to be on the safe side, Leng Chengyu still said to Liu Fang: Go up and check if there is anything else in the tree?"

Liu Fang went up to check, and found no other ghosts hidden in the dense branches.

Leng Chengyu said: "Since the ghosts on this tree have been killed, let's continue walking up the mountain and continue to look for the hanged ghosts."

Everyone continues to walk up the mountain.

Not long after they walked, suddenly, Leng Chengyu heard a "creak" sound in a dense grass more than ten meters away.

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