"There is no wind, why is there a sound? Is there something hidden?"

Zhao Zizhou doubted.

"It may be a hanged ghost's subordinate or a hanged ghost. I'll check it out."

"Be careful." Leng Chengyu said solemnly.

"I will." Zhao Zizhou responded.

Zhao Zizhou arranged his ghost in front of his head to explore the way, and he followed behind.

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi also watched Zhao Zizhou walk by nervously.

Wu Siwei even said nervously: "Isn't he going to meet a hanged ghost here? Does he have only one subordinate?"

And Ximen Yiyi said: "The hanged ghost is at least a leader of this mountain. How can it be hidden in the grass, at least there is a house, there is no house, there is a cave, etc., you must have a residence to be able to be. Look like a chief."

Leng Chengyu did not speak, but fixedly watched Zhao Zizhou walk by.

After all, the ghost can’t make it clear, if the hanged ghost doesn’t play cards according to common sense, and he doesn’t stay in his lair, he will come out and be stuck in the middle of the mountain, then it’s troublesome.

Zhao Zizhou and his ghost quickly walked to the dense grass.

The grass in that brush is more than two meters high and very dense. If you don't remove the brush, you can't see exactly what's inside.

And when Zhao Zizhou walked over, the "creak" sound was still ringing.

When Zhao Zizhou walked less than three meters in front of the grass, he asked his ghost to go over the grass.

At this time, the "creak" sound suddenly increased.

Leng Chengyu here immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

Because when I was above the big tree before, the noise suddenly increased, and then the ghost inside flew towards Liu Fang.

Leng Chengyu was worried that if there were ghosts in the grass, the squeaking noise increased, which was a sign that he was about to pounce.

Sure enough, Leng Chengyu's shouts hadn't stopped, and a black shadow flew out of the grass, pounced on the ghost of Zhao Zizhou, and at the same time the sharp claws also grabbed the ghost of Zhao Zizhou.

The ghost of Zhao Zizhou was also very vigilant, he immediately turned away from his body, avoided the sharp claws of the shadow, and then immediately rammed the body of the flying shadow with the sharp corners of his head.

Zhao Zizhou's ghost has two horns on his head, like a cow. These two horns are Zhao Zizhou's ghost's attack weapons.

The front ends of these two horns were very sharp. When they hit the black shadow's body, the black shadow could not escape, and the two pointed horns sank deeply into the black shadow's body.

The ghost of Zhao Zizhou shook his head fiercely, trying to throw away the body of the shadow.

Because the horns on Zhao Zizhou's ghost's head were submerged in Sombra's body, his vision was restricted. In this way, if Sombra took the opportunity to attack him, it would be difficult for him to avoid it.

That's why he wanted to get rid of the black shadow's body.

As soon as Zhao Zizhou's ghost flicked, the shadow flew out.

And not only that, the black shadow body that was thrown out was so fragmented and dissipated.

"how can that be?"

Leng Chengyu was stunned. Sacrifice as 9duxs.com Sacrifice as

"How could this dark shadow ghost be killed so easily? He only hit a corner. It should be just a little bit injured. How could it be so soulless."

And Wu Siwei said: "I can't imagine that all of the hanged ghost's subordinates are so good."

Ximen Yiyi also curled his lips and said, "Yes, just hitting a corner will cause you to lose your soul. I'm afraid that my ghost will not be lost if you hit a corner. It seems that that ghost is not as good as mine."

The person involved, Zhao Zizhou, was also very shocked, and even his ghost was stunned in shock. Minus bxwx.co

After Zhao Zizhou was shocked, he took out a golden box to collect the white gas that emerged after the soul of the black shadow ghost flew away, that is, the soul crystal.

After collecting the soul crystals, Zhao Zizhou and his ghosts walked towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

When he walked over, Zhao Zizhou was holding his golden box with the lid open. He came to Leng Chengyu and the others, and immediately said, "Look, my soul crystal is so big!"

Wu Siwei immediately said sourly: "You said your soul crystal is big, wouldn't it be showing off to us? I don't know why, this hanged ghost's subordinates are so good, and you have picked up a soul crystal for nothing."

Ximen Yiyi also looked at the soul crystal in Zhao Zizhou's golden box enviously.

When Leng Chengyu looked over, he found that Zhao Zizhou seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it. Moreover, there was no ostentatious expression on his face. He just wrinkled his brows, and seemed to have some unsolvable heart. Knot.

Leng Chengyu moved his lips, wanting to ask Zhao Zizhou what he thought, and worried that Zhao Zizhou was angry because of Wu Siwei's words, so he didn't ask.

Instead, he said: "Since that ghost has been killed, let's continue walking up the mountain. It's best to find the hanged ghost quickly."

A few people continued to walk up the mountain.

After not walking very far, suddenly, I heard a "sorrowful" sound coming from behind a dirt bag on the mountainside.

Wu Siwei immediately said in advance: "Is there something behind the dirt bag? Is it also a ghost? Is it also a rookie who hangs the ghost?"

Leng Chengyu said to Liu Fang who was flying above his head: "Go, let's go and see."

And Wu Siwei immediately stopped and said: "Leng Chengyu, or you let me explore ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com~ In case you also let me pick up a leak, my ghost can kill the rookie subordinate of the hanged ghost, then I can also get a soul crystal."

Soul crystals are generally obtained by whoever kills the ghost.

At this time, Simon Yiyi also said: "I really want to go, I really want to miss it."

Leng Chengyu sighed: "Then you two will go together. However, for the sake of safety, I will follow you and will not be too far away from you, so as not to meet the rookie subordinates of the hanged ghost, but Vigorous subordinates, or the hanged ghost himself."

And Zhao Zizhou also said: "Then I will go there too, everyone is together, if you really encounter a hanged ghost, you will have more strength."

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi controlled their ghosts to walk towards the dirt bag in front, while Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou followed their ghosts a little behind.

A few people quickly came not far in front of the soil pack.

Wu Siwei and Simon Yiyi controlled their ghosts to explore.

Suddenly, the sound of "sighing" behind the soil bag suddenly increased.

Leng Chengyu immediately shouted: "You guys be careful!"

At the same time, he said to Liu Fang who was flying above his head: "You are ready to fight."

Sure enough, just like the previous two times, as soon as the voice increased, a black shadow suddenly threw out from behind the dirt bag, and directly pounced on Wu Siwei's old lady ghost, and the old lady ghost hit that with her weapon cane. The black shadow flying over.

And Simon Yiyi's ghost also used her weapon to attack the black shadow. Mi He Mi

When the two weapons attacked the black shadow, the black shadow still did not evade, so he was easily hit by the two ghosts.

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