As soon as he was hit by the ghosts of Wu Siwei and Simon Yiyi, the shadow was so broken and dissipated.

"how can that be?"

Leng Chengyu originally wanted his ghost Liu Fang to help Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi when danger appeared.

Who knows, not only is there no danger now, but the black shadow that is flying over is suddenly gone.

You know, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi have not reached the level of the black evil spirits yet, and they were able to blow the black shadow and lose their souls.

How novice this shadow can do this!

And Zhao Zizhou also showed a surprised expression on his face, and he also felt very incredible.

Zhao Zizhou frowned and said, "How could the hanged ghost's subordinates be so weak? This is so unusual."

After the black shadow flew away, a wisp of white gas emerged from the broken body.

Wu Siwei immediately shouted happily: "Look, is that a soul crystal? That's great, I can really pick it up."

While shouting, Wu Siwei looked at Simon Yiyi and exclaimed excitedly: "Yiyi, hurry, take out the golden box and pack the soul crystals."

Seeing the appearance of the soul crystal, Simon Yiyi was also very happy, but when Wu Siwei asked her to take the golden box to collect the soul crystal, she became anxious and said, "Do you have a golden box yourself?"

"I didn't." Wu Siwei said with a look of embarrassment, "Because I have never obtained a soul crystal, it is too expensive to buy it, so I have not been willing to buy it."

Ximen Yiyi sighed: "I never thought about buying a gold box to collect soul crystals. I don't have it either."

"Then what to do with this soul crystal? Is it just being wasted for nothing?"

Wu Siwei watched that the white gas that had risen was about to dissipate, and there was an expression of hesitation on his face.

Then finally gritted his teeth and said: "Why don't our ghosts absorb it on the spot, but as soon as the ghosts absorb it, they will fall asleep. If we meet the rookies of hanged ghosts again, we don't want to miss a lot of soul crystals."

Ximen Yiyi looked at Leng Chengyu: "Leng Chengyu, use your golden box to help us collect soul crystals, can you?"

Wu Siwei also cast an expectant look at Leng Chengyu.

汜豜汜. "of course can."

Leng Chengyu took his golden box and handed it to Simon Yiyi.

Ximen Yiyi stepped forward to collect the wisp of white gas.

That wisp of white air formed the appearance of crystals in Leng Chengyu's golden box.

Looking at the crystal-like soul crystal, Wu Siwei was as happy as a child who got his beloved toy.

"This is the soul crystal! This is the first soul crystal I got!"

Simon Yiyi is also happy and forgets about it: "I have my share too, okay? Shouldn't we be one and half of them?"

Wu Siwei said happily: "Yes, half of one person."

And Zhao Zizhou walked over and took a look at the soul crystal that had just formed in the box, frowning and said, "This soul crystal is too big."

"What is big? How big is the difference between us? Your one is bigger than ours. We are not jealous of you yet. You are jealous of us first."

Wu Siwei stared at Zhao Zizhou dissatisfied and said.

"I didn't mean that." Zhao Zizhou sighed, "I just think..."

Seeing Zhao Zizhou hesitating to say something, Leng Chengyu asked: "Just say what you want to say. I think you have something to say before."

"I have a bad feeling." Zhao Zizhou said solemnly.

"What bad premonition?"

"The hanged ghost's men are too good."

Hearing Zhao Zizhou's words, Wu Siwei immediately dismissed: "What's wrong with the hanged ghost's subordinates who are too dishevelled? Don't we all get soul crystals now? Is there a problem with your brain? Doesn't it count? Is the soul crystal bad?"

Zhao Zizhou ignored Wu Siwei, but looked at Leng Chengyu and continued, "Do you think their two ghosts are capable of killing the shadow just now?"

When Wu Siwei heard Zhao Zizhou's words, he seemed to despise him and Simon Yiyi. He immediately refused to convince him: "Your ghost can be killed, why can't our ghost be killed? Can you get soul crystals and not let us? Do you get soul crystals?"

Zhao Zizhou still didn't look at Wu Siwei, but still faced Leng Chengyu and said: "Judging from the size of the soul crystals formed after the soul flies away, I think the strength of the black shadow is at least the first level of the black ghost.

But neither of their ghost levels can reach the first level of the black evil spirit. Even if they attack together, they can't beat the black shadow of the first level black evil spirit to disperse their souls, right? "

Hearing that Zhao Zizhou's analysis was well-founded, Wu Siwei did not speak any more.

Leng Chengyu asked: "You said this to show that the strength of the hanged ghost's subordinates does not match their level?"

Zhao Zizhou said: "This is indeed the case, and why the hanged ghost's subordinates are such a dish, I very much doubt that their strength has been borrowed by the hanged ghost."

"Can you still borrow strength?" Leng Chengyu wondered.

Zhao Zizhou said: "Some ghosts can forcibly extract part of the energy from other ghosts to use."

"Are you trying to say that the hanged ghost forcibly absorbed the energy from his subordinates to use it for himself?"


"Then what is his purpose?"

"Raise his level quickly."

"Raise his level?"

"The mission introduction said that the hanged ghost is about to break through to the green-headed ghost. I suspect that the hanged ghost used his energy to break through his level in order to deal with our encirclement and suppression."

"You mean the hanged ghost wants to break through to the green-headed ghost?"

"Yes, if the hanged ghost breaks through to the green head ghost, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with him, UU reading unless you have the ability."

Leng Chengyu worried: "I don't have this ability either. I can only kill the black ghost at level 9 at best. If the hanged ghost breaks through to the green-headed ghost, I can't deal with him at all."

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Ximen Yiyi and Wu Siwei immediately asked nervously at the same time: "Then what should we do now?"

Zhao Zizhou quietly looked at Leng Chengyu and said, "But I'm just speculating, and I don't know if this is the case."

Leng Chengyu said: "Whether your speculation is true or not? We must quickly find the hanged ghost and prevent him from improving his strength."

"Then we will go up the mountain to find the hanged ghost's lair, and stop him when he breaks through to the first level of the green-headed ghost."

Mi He Mi. When several people were about to go up the mountain to look for the hanged ghost’s nest, they suddenly felt a chill on the mountain, and their bodies became cold for no reason.

"What's the matter?" Leng Chengyu wondered.

Zhao Zizhou said: "It is possible that when the hanged ghost is improving his strength, the Yin Qi exuding from his body is too strong, making the surroundings become cold."

Leng Chengyu said anxiously: "That is to say, the hanged ghost really borrowed the power of his subordinates to improve his strength, then we have to find the hanged ghost quickly, or let him upgrade to the green-headed ghost, then we will be in trouble. Up."

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