Leng Chengyu's greatest reliance is the Guan Gong knife, and the greatest power of his Guan Gong knife can only kill the ghosts of the black evil spirits below level 9.

If the hanged ghost raises the realm to a green-headed ghost, then Leng Chengyu can't help it.

Seeing Leng Chengyu had no choice, Zhao Zizhou also said anxiously: "In this case, let's quickly find the hanged ghost and prevent him from upgrading to the green-headed ghost."

Zhao Zizhou pointed to a wave of grass 100 meters in front and said: "According to my guess, the Yin Qi should be emitted from there, and there should be a place where the hanged ghost hides to improve its strength. It is better for us to look for it over there."

Against the cold, a few people controlled their ghosts and walked towards the wave of grass a hundred meters away.

When halfway through, suddenly the whole mountain shook.

"Is this going to be an earthquake?" Wu Siwei questioned, and then fell directly to the ground due to his instability.

"Oh, I can't stand anymore."

Simon Yiyi stepped forward and grabbed Leng Chengyu's arm to stabilize her figure.

And Leng Chengyu had to take out the Guan Gong knife and insert it into the ground, then grabbed the Guan Gong knife to prevent him from falling.

And Zhao Zizhou is the ghost that controls him, supporting his body with the horns on his head behind him.

The shaking of the ground lasted for about half a minute before it stopped.

After stabilizing his body, Zhao Zizhou said, "I am afraid this is not an earthquake. I am afraid this is a sign that the hanged ghost is about to break through."

Leng Chengyu drew out the Guan Gong knife and said, "Then let's go over quickly, and we must prevent the hanged ghost from raising the realm."

Unexpectedly, the sign of the hanged ghost's ascending state was already so terrifying.

For a while, it was cold and yin, and for a while, the ground was shaking. Then, if he broke through to the point of a green-headed ghost, then how powerful would he be? He must be stopped in time!

Several people continued to move forward quickly, and their yin air became thicker and thicker.

After walking another distance, Zhao Zizhou pointed to the wave of grass 50 meters ahead and said: "Yin Qi should have come from inside. I'll let my ghost go and check it out."

The ghost of Zhao Zizhou flew over, pushed aside the bushes, and found a hole in the bushes, which was as big as a door, and the inside of the hole was dark.

The branches and leaves of the grass outside the entrance of the cave were covered with frost, and it was obvious that the cold and yin air came from inside the cave.

In other words, the hanged ghost should be hidden in this hole.

"What to do? My ghost level is not enough." Zhao Zizhou turned to look at Leng Chengyu.

Zhao Zizhou didn't dare to let his ghost go into the cave to see if the hanged ghost was really inside. He wanted Leng Chengyu's girl ghost Liu Fang to check.

After all, Leng Chengyu's girl ghost Liu Fang is the highest level here.

"I'll go and investigate." Leng Chengyu said.

Leng Chengyu carried the Guan Gong knife and walked to the entrance of the cave with Liu Fang.

Suddenly, wisps of blue air erupted from the entrance of the cave.

The power of this blue aura was so great that Liu Fang was sprayed back and forth again and again before he approached.

Leng Chengyu carried the Guan Gong knife and stuck it on the ground, so that he could barely stabilize his figure.

Zhao Zizhou from behind said anxiously: "It's not good, the hanged ghost has already broken through to the green-headed ghost, it is too late to stop him, what should I do now?"

Decrease bX*wX*.C*o汜. As soon as Zhao Zizhou's voice fell, Wu Siwei raised his finger at the entrance of the cave in horror and said, "Look, what's on the entrance of the cave?"

Everyone looked up and found a white rope above the hole.

There are no branches above the white rope, but it hangs there like a tangle, which looks very strange.

After the white rope appeared, a long-haired head appeared in the white rope's bartacks, and then the body wearing a white skirt under the head gradually appeared.

"Is this the hanged ghost?"

Looking at this hideous, fat-eared man's face, he was painted in powder, dressed as a woman, with orchid fingers in his hands, his neck hung on a white rope, his body hung in the air, his eyes were looking affectionately. With Leng Chengyu and others.

Obviously he is a man, but he is dressed up as a woman, and he still learns the expressions of women's movements, which is indescribably weird.

Leng Chengyu and the others were glanced at by the hanged ghost of the women's clothing elder, and they couldn't help but frightened.

But the hanged ghost smiled sharply in a woman's voice, smiling, and also said in a woman's voice.

"Are you here as a guest? Are you here to introduce me to my boyfriend? The handsome guy in front is not bad, why don't you come and play a game of hanging with me, I still have a rope."

Then another white rope really appeared in the hands of the hanged ghost.

After the white rope appeared, he flicked his hand, and the white rope suddenly became long and rolled towards Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu quickly raised the Guan Gong knife and patted it.

Sacrifice such as 9bzw.com sacrifice such as. However, this white rope was about to wrap around Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

And when this white rope flew over, the yin qi exuded shook the other people and ghosts back several steps, including Leng Chengyu's girl ghost Liu Fang.

Leng Chengyu did not retreat because the male sword blocked part of the yin air, but his Guan Gong sword was also caught by the white rope.

Leng Chengyu hurriedly pulled the Guan Gong knife back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to pull the white rope out of the hands of the hanged ghost.

Who knows, when the hanged ghost tried hard, he actually pulled Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife away.

Sure enough, this hanged ghost had upgraded to the point of a green-headed ghost, and Guan Gong knife could no longer restrain him.

"I can't deal with him, everyone run away!"

Leng Chengyu, who had lost the Guan Gong knife, immediately fled back without hesitation, and the others followed suit.

When escaping, the few people let their respective ghosts carry Piaofei and escape, so they escaped relatively quickly.

When escaping, Zhao Zizhou asked Leng Chengyu: "What should we do now? Is it to escape from this mountain of the hanged ghost?"

Leng Chengyu said: "If you want to escape from this mountain, you can run away. I can't escape yet. When receiving the task, President Zhong asked me to hold the hanged ghost for at least two hours if I can't kill the hanged ghost.

The hanged ghost is not allowed to support the other subordinates of Guiying, so as to cooperate with other people to destroy the other subordinates of Guiying. "

Zhao Zizhou said: "Since you don't run away, then I will follow you, and even if we flee down the mountain and separate, we don't know who the hanged ghost will chase, but it will be more dangerous at that time."

While they were talking, Wu Siwei, who was a little behind, shouted.

"Ah! No good, the hanged ghost has been chased behind!"

Leng Chengyu looked back and found that the hanged ghost seemed to be teleporting, and suddenly his figure slowly appeared seven or eight meters behind them.

Mi He Mi. Leng Chengyu shouted to Wu Siwei: "Run away, don't let him approach you!"

Who knows, the white rope of the hanged ghost has flown over, and Wu Siwei was swept over at once.

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