Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 181: Leng Chengyu's anomaly

After Wu Siwei and his old lady ghost were bound by a white rope and rolled over, the hideous and weird face of the hanged ghost was less than half a meter away from Wu Siwei, and Wu Siwei was trembling with fear.

At this time, the hanged ghost said to Wu Siwei with a smile: "Handsome guy, come back to the cave with me to play the hanging game? It's fun, I will let you enjoy the pain of being hanged."

Hearing the words of the hanged ghost, Wu Siwei was so scared that he almost fainted. He hurriedly shouted to Leng Chengyu and the others: "Help me!"

And the one who responded to Wu Siwei was Leng Chengyu: "Wu Siwei, you endure for ten minutes, I will find a way to save you."

Then Wu Siwei saw Leng Chengyu ran forward quickly, ignoring him at all.

Wu Siwei was desperate, and he finally fainted.

The hanged ghost dragged Wu Siwei, who had fainted, back to his cave.

Ximen Yiyi and Zhao Zizhou also followed Leng Chengyu and fled.

Ximen Yiyi shouted to Leng Chengyu: "Leng Chengyu, don't you really save Wu Siwei? He will die."

Leng Chengyu said: "It's useless for me to go, it's just that one more person died."

Zhao Zizhou also sighed: "He was right. Now the hanged ghost has been upgraded to the green-headed ghost. No one here can deal with the hanged ghost. If you go, you will die for nothing."

The two followed Leng Chengyu and fled around the mountainside.

However, soon, the hanged ghost appeared again seven or eight meters behind him.

Because Ximen Yiyi's ghost level is relatively low, and it is not flying as fast as Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou, so she lags behind.

Simon Yiyi and her ghost were quickly wrapped up by the white rope of the hanged ghost.

Ximen Yiyi shouted: "Help, Leng Chengyu!"

And Leng Chengyu still said: "You endure for a while, and I will find a way to save you."

Then, Leng Chengyu ran forward quickly, the route he ran was still halfway up the mountain.

And Ximen Yiyi, who was caught by the hanged ghost, had the heart to cry. She looked at the hideous face of the hanged ghost and said to her what she had said to Wu Siwei, saying that she should go back to the cave to play the hanging game. Suddenly I was shocked.

Leng Chengyu continued to run away with Zhao Zizhou.

Zhao Zizhou said to Leng Chengyu with some worry: "I'm afraid that even if we sacrificed them like this, we can't delay two hours. The hanged ghost should appear soon, and then grab one of us."

Leng Chengyu said: "You don't need to delay two hours, it only takes 10 minutes."

Zhao Zizhou didn't understand, "Didn't you say that President Zhong asked us to delay until two hours?"

Leng Chengyu did not speak, but ran forward thoughtfully, his escape route was still halfway up the mountain.

Zhao Zizhou looked at Leng Chengyu as if he wanted to run around halfway up the mountain.

When Zhao Zizhou saw that Leng Chengyu had run away, he couldn't help it. He also followed Leng Chengyu and continued to run forward.

And not long after they ran, the hanged ghost soon appeared seven or eight meters away behind them, and then a white rope flew over again, wrapping up the bodies of Zhao Zizhou and his ghost.

However, Leng Chengyu ignored Zhao Zizhou at all, and continued to let the girl ghost Liu Fang carry him and fly forward quickly.

Zhao Zizhou sighed and did not call for help, so he let the hanged ghost catch him and his ghost back to the cave together.

After Zhao Zizhou and his ghost were caught in the cave, it was discovered that Wu Siwei, Simon Yiyi, and their ghosts were all **** and hung in the air, and they had a rope knot in front of their necks.

As long as the hanged ghost untie the rope tied to them, their necks will be trapped by the rope's bar tacks, and then they will be hung up until they are hanged.

This is what the hanged ghost calls the game of hanging.

However, at present, the hanged ghost only **** a few of them, and did not hang them immediately.

It seems that the hanged ghost wanted to catch everyone and then hang them together.

Such a few people hanged together, the scene must be more spectacular, I am afraid it would be good to hang the ghost.

Zhao Zizhou felt chilled thinking about this.

Zhao Zizhou is not afraid of death, because as a ghost defender, he is always on the verge of life and death.

He had already thought that one day he would die in the hands of Li Gui, but he was a little worried that Leng Chengyu would not be able to complete Chairman Zhong’s mission for less than two hours, and would not be able to delay hanging the dead ghost to rescue other Gui Ying’s men. , Which made President Zhong’s plan collapse.

Time has not passed for long.

Zhao Zizhou suddenly discovered that Leng Chengyu had run into the cave.

Although there was a desire to die, Zhao Zizhou couldn't help but feel happy at this moment.

"Are you here to save us? This is the best way. If we are rescued and caught by the hanged ghost again, it will be able to delay more time."

And Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi have also woke up. They saw Leng Chengyu entering the cave, and they all shouted anxiously: "Come and save us, we don't want to die."

Who knows, after Leng Chengyu and his ghost Liu Fang came in, he did not rush to untie the ropes tied to the three of them.

Rather, he helped the hanger to clean up the messy furniture in the cave, and helped the hanger to clean up the thick leaves and branches on the ground inside the What is he doing? "Wu Siwei asked suspiciously and angrily, "Why didn't he come to save us?" Why is there to help the hanged ghost clean up the cave? "

Leng Chengyu cleaned up very quickly, and the things he cleaned up were placed there in an orderly manner, which made people look refreshing.

Ximen Yiyi looked at him and couldn't help frowning and said, "Is Leng Chengyu have OCD?"

And Zhao Zizhou just sighed.

"He has obsessive-compulsive disorder, he goes to clean up, and he can also let his ghost come and untie the rope on us, but he actually helped the hanged ghost clean up first, but ignores us. It is really hard to understand. He doesn't want to Has the task assigned by President Zhong been completed? Or is he already scared by the hanged ghost?"

At this time, Leng Chengyu was anxiously packing the cave, and soon he almost completely cleaned the cave.

At this time, Leng Chengyu turned his head, looked at Zhao Zizhou and the three of them, and said, "Don't worry, I will go to rescue you as soon as I finish packing."

Who knows, as soon as Leng Chengyu's voice fell, everyone saw that the hanged ghost had appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Zhao Zizhou yelled anxiously: "Quick! Come and untie the rope on us first."

Leng Chengyu immediately ordered his ghost Liu Fang to fly over and untie the rope tied to the three of them.

The hanged ghost came into the cave and was surprised to find that the cave was neat and clean. Mi He Mi

However, when he saw Liu Fang flying past and wanted to untie the ropes on the three of them, he immediately flew over with a white rope and bound Liu Fang.

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