Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 182: Leng Chengyu was misunderstood

Seeing that Liu Fang was also tied up, Zhao Zizhou sighed.

And Wu Siwei blamed: "Leng Chengyu, when did the OCD attack bad? It happened at this time. It's fine now, and the hanged ghost has come in. I think he not only can't save us, but he has to pay for it. ."

Simon Yiyi also gave birth to despair in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, I was about to die here before I got married. I really don't want to be reconciled!"

Zhao Zizhou finally couldn't help saying: "If he just let his ghost come and untie us when he just came in, maybe one of us can escape here, and it can also delay the hanging of the ghost for a period of time. Now, we are all trapped. In desperation, I'm afraid he can't escape the devil's claws."

At this moment, after the hanged ghost bound Liu Fang, he approached Leng Chengyu step by step.

Decrease And Leng Chengyu was still busy cleaning up when the hanged ghost approached him.

He cleaned up very quickly, but the **** in the corner hadn't been cleared away. He was clearing the rubbish.

Wu Siwei couldn't help but yelled, "Leng Chengyu, what is he doing? Is he going to die? All the hanged ghosts are here, so he doesn't need to run away. He will continue to help the hanged ghosts clean up?

Does he want the hanged ghost to discover that he is a hardworking human being and keep him as a slave? Want to survive this way? This is too hateful, really shame our ghost defenders. "

Ximen Yiyi and Zhao Zizhou saw that the danger of Leng Chengyu was approaching, and they were still cleaning up the hanged ghost. They also felt very uncomprehending.

"Unexpectedly, his obsessive-compulsive disorder was so severe."

There were tears in Ximen Yiyi's eyes, and he thought of waiting for Leng Chengyu to be caught too, and then the four people including their ghosts were hanged here, and the hanged ghosts watched them die one by one like a movie.

What a desperate scene, it makes people feel scared to think about it!

At this time, the hanged ghost was less than two meters away from Leng Chengyu.

The hanged ghost saw that Leng Chengyu was there to help him dispose of the garbage. He didn't fly out the white rope to tie up Leng Chengyu, but walked slowly over.

When he came to Leng Chengyu, the hanged ghost said with a smile: "You are very interesting, but you can't stop playing the hanged game."

Then, the hanged ghost finally took out a white rope, and threw the white rope's bartacks directly to Leng Chengyu's neck.

Zhao Zizhou and the others just saw Leng Chengyu lower his head to avoid him, and then, there was an extra branch in Leng Chengyu's hand.

I don't know if it was picked up from the ground, it seems to be picked up from the trash.

After having a branch in his hand, Leng Chengyu even raised the branch and ran over, trying to use the branch to kill the hanged ghost.

When Wu Siwei saw Leng Chengyu's abnormal behavior, he couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"This Leng Chengyu, seeing that the Hanged Ghost didn't let him go because he helped the Hanged Ghost clean up the cave, he was so confused that he used the branches to beat the Hanged Ghost.

Is this useful? A golden knife can't cut a hanged ghost. What effect can this small branch play on the hanged ghost? It's better to just let the hanged ghost tie it up.

Anyway, you are going to die, why do you still be so ugly? It's really embarrassing for us to defend against ghosts. "

Zhao Zizhou and Ximen Yiyi were also very disappointed with Leng Chengyu.

Before Wu Siwei's words were finished, Leng Chengyu's branch hit the hanged ghost.

Because the hanged ghost didn't bother to pay attention to Leng Chengyu's branches, the hanged ghost didn't avoid it at all.

Who knows, when Leng Chengyu's branch hit the hanged ghost, the hanged ghost screamed, and then his body was trembling, and then he fell apart and dissipated.

Wu Siwei was shocked and said: "What is going on?"

Simon Yiyi was also stunned: "Have my eyes blurred?"

Zhao Zizhou also widened his eyes in astonishment, as if he wanted to see exactly what is special about Leng Chengyu's branch, but he didn't see why.

This change was so fast that everyone hadn't recollected it before they discovered that Leng Chengyu had collected the spirit crystals of the hanged ghost, and then walked over to untie the rope for them.

After untying the rope, Zhao Zizhou couldn't help asking Leng Chengyu: "Did you pick this branch from the ground? Why did you beat the hanged ghost to death?"

Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi also cast inquiring glances at Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu smiled and said, "This is a life-saving method handed down from my family. It is a thousand-year-old willow branch that contains evil spirits."

After knowing the origin of willow branches, Wu Siwei blamed: "Since you have such a good baby, why don't you take it out sooner?"

Leng Chengyu smiled bitterly: "I also want to take it out earlier, but my willow branch needs to see the weakness of the hanged ghost, and hit on the weakness of the hanged ghost to be effective, otherwise it will be useless. When it is taken away by him, it will be even more troublesome."

"Then why didn't you help us untie the rope first after you came in, but went to clean up the hanged ghost's cave? Why on earth?" Simon Yiyi asked in doubt.

Leng Chengyu said: "Because to find the weakness of the hanged ghost, you have to surprise the hanged ghost before you can see where the weakness of the hanged ghost is."

"It turned out to be so."

Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi all breathed a sigh of relief and understood what Leng Chengyu did.

At this time, Leng Chengyu also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally explained it clearly. He could not say that this millennium willow branch with evil spirits is actually a systematic like . When I first encountered a hanged ghost before, the system in Leng Chengyu's mind had already sounded a reminder.

The system prompts Leng Chengyu that the hanged ghost’s nest is too messy. As long as Leng Chengyu cleans up the hanged ghost’s nest, he will be rewarded by the system.

After Leng Chengyu cleaned up, he finally got the reward of 1 million ghosts in the system.

At the same time, a thousand-year willow branch with evil spirits also appeared in the system mall, which can kill the green-headed ghosts of level 1 to 5, and the help for the redemption is only 5,000 for the ghosts. value.

Leng Chengyu exchanged it immediately.

Sure enough, the hanged ghost was beaten to death with this willow branch.

The hanged ghost was finally killed, and several people also left the hanged ghost's lair and returned to the defense line station in Xicheng District.

When they returned to the defensive station in Xicheng District, they found that the others had not yet come back. They were the earliest group to come back.

They went to lunch, took a nap, and other people came back at this time.

After returning, it was a meeting to conclude.

Mi He Mi. During the meeting, it was discovered that President Zhong hadn't come back at all. He was just outside the ghost infant's lair, using video to make a video call with the excellent ghost guards who came back for a meeting.

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