Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 183: Hong Qingsheng's dissatisfaction

Zhong Dakui listened to everyone's report in the video.

In this campaign to encircle Guiying's subordinates, more than half of them were successful and were able to kill Guiying's subordinates.

And those who can delay Guiying's thoughts for more than two hours also accounted for the vast majority.

Only a few failed to complete the task.

Based on the results of this siege, Chairman Zhong consulted everyone to see if he could launch a general offensive this afternoon to conquer the nest of ghost infants.

However, because many of Gui Ying's subordinates have not been killed, the leaders of the major squadrons have suggested that more powerful ghost guards should be sent to kill those Gui Ying's subordinates, and it is not too late to wait for the second day to launch a general attack.

After listening to the opinions of the squadron leaders, Chairman Zhong seemed a little unhappy.

After all, if you have to wait until the second day to launch the general offensive, then, since so many Guiying's men have been besieged and suppressed before, isn't the Guiying moving at all?

And President Zhong is responsible for holding Gui Ying and preventing Gui Ying from uniting with his subordinates. During the day, he can still do his job at ease. At night, the situation becomes unpredictable.

In case something happens after tonight, it will be troublesome.

However, the opinions of the major squadron leaders were also put forward based on the actual situation, and Chairman Zhong couldn't forcefully say that the general offensive would be launched now.

If you launch a general offensive now, you really don't have the confidence to win, you can only listen to the opinions of the major squadron leaders, and in the afternoon continue to send stronger ghost guards to solve the ghosts who have not solved the subordinates.

If it's fast, maybe it won't take a long time to solve it. When that happens, you can join forces to launch a general attack on the ghost infant's lair, and you don't have to wait until the second day.

However, President Zhong is somewhat depressed.

Because his big plan has been planned for a long time, but it has not been as successful as expected.

Chairman Zhong couldn't help but complain: "Other ghost guards failed to kill Gui Ying's subordinates, I don't want to say so much, but this time there was a squadron leader who was unable to kill Gui Ying's subordinates. Then I have to question his ability."

When President Zhong said this, many people immediately turned to look at Hong Qingsheng.

Because Chairman Zhong is talking about Hong Qingsheng.

Hong Qingsheng failed to kill the Ghost Infant under his charge during this encirclement and suppression, but was only able to delay it for two hours.

Seeing so many people coming over, Hong Qingsheng was very unconvinced.

He said: "If President Zhong questioned my abilities, I think my abilities are there. The requirement to be a squadron leader is to reach the first level of the squadron, and I have fully achieved it.

It's just that the tasks assigned to me by Chairman Zhong this time are somewhat beyond the scope of my ability. According to the information, the Guiying subordinate that I encountered this time was only the first level of the green-headed ghost, but when I fought with him, I discovered that he turned out to be the third-level or even the fifth-level of the green-headed ghost.

I have tried very hard to delay him for two hours, and without sacrificing a ghost defender, everyone has returned safely, and the task has been successfully completed. "

Who knows, after Hong Qingsheng said a lot of reasons, Chairman Zhong on the video side still said dissatisfied: "You should not find so many reasons for your inaction. In this mission, many people are When I met Gui Ying's subordinates who had a higher value than in the intelligence, they all did a good job, but you, as the squadron leader, failed to set the example and dragged down."

Hong Qingsheng was even more unconvinced when he saw that the chairman said that he was so embarrassed.

"Among other people who have encountered Guiying's subordinates with a higher level than in the intelligence, who can delay enough for two hours like me, and there is no loss of a ghost defender, I think there is no such thing. Sacrifice like Sacrifice

So, I have already overfulfilled the task, how can I say that I am holding back? "

Chairman Zhong said: "The newcomer you recommended called Leng Chengyu, the level of the ghosts he encountered was also one level higher than the level in the intelligence, but he did not kill the ghosts the same. ."

Hearing President Zhong praised Leng Chengyu, Hong Qingsheng was so angry that he said, "Since you value him so much, then you let him complete my task."

No one else thought that Hong Qingsheng would say this, and Chairman Zhong was also taken aback for a moment, and then turned his attention to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu did not expect that he would lie down for no reason. He knew that the reason why Hong Qingsheng did not wait to see him was because the housekeeper Hong Baichuan asked Hong Qingsheng to recognize Leng Chengyu as the young master. This made Hong Qingsheng very difficult to live by, and was very sad in his heart. It's not a taste, so it turns from previous appreciation to resentment.

Others followed Chairman Zhong's gaze and looked at Leng Chengyu.

Chairman Zhong said at this time: "Leng Chengyu, I know the level of the hanged ghost you killed, and I have already got the first level of the green-headed ghost, but you still killed him all at once and beat him. The soul is scattered. BX wX 汜

You have created a lot of surprises for me. I wonder if you are willing to continue to create another surprise? "

Leng Chengyu was stunned: "You mean, let me solve the Guiying subordinate that Captain Hong can't solve?"

Chairman Zhong said: "Yes, UU reading don't know if you have this courage?"

Others were very surprised that President Zhong valued Leng Chengyu so much.

You know, Hong Qingsheng's Gui Ying's subordinates are very close to Gui Ying's old nest.

The reason why President Zhong is so angry is because Hong Qingsheng did not kill the ghost infant’s subordinates. It is very likely that the ghost infant’s subordinates will support the ghost infant when they carry out a general attack on the ghost infant. This will produce big variables.

However, now President Zhong asked a newcomer to deal with this ghost infant.

It has to be said that President Zhong's trick is too risky, and at the same time, President Zhong believes in this newcomer too much.

Leng Chengyu saw that so many people were casting complicated gazes at him, and he was also thinking about whether he could complete the task that Chairman Zhong said and kill the ghost infant who Hong Qingsheng could not kill.

Leng Chengyu now also has thousand-year willow branches that can kill the green-headed ghosts from level 1 to level 5.

And if the level of the ghost infant under Hong Qingsheng's responsibility is only the third level of Qingtou Ligui, he really has the ability to kill.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Leng Chengyu replied: "Since President Zhong trusts me so much, I am willing to try it."

"it is good!"

President Zhong said loudly at the end of the video. Mi He Mi

Others didn't expect Leng Chengyu to agree directly.

And Hong Qingshan lowered his head depressed there without saying a word.

At this time, President Zhong turned his head again and said to Hong Qingsheng: "Please give the detailed map you drawn to Leng Chengyu, so that he can kill the ghost infant who you can't kill as soon as possible."

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