Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 184: White shadow blocking the way

In the afternoon, Leng Chengyu took the map given by Hong Qingsheng and set off with Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi.

Originally, Leng Chengyu could choose some more powerful ghost guards to complete this task with him.

However, as soon as Leng Chengyu told Zhao Zizhou and the others, they were very eager to go with Leng Chengyu.

After all, going out with Leng Chengyu once allowed everyone to earn a soul crystal.

Moreover, when their lives were threatened, Leng Chengyu suddenly created a surprise, which made them feel at ease, and made them trust Leng Chengyu very much.

The other ghost guards were not willing to go with Leng Chengyu.

After all, Leng Chengyu is just a rookie, and if he has never had a mission with him, I don't know what his level is.

In addition, Hong Qingsheng couldn't complete the task, but let the newcomer Leng Chengyu solve it.

In fact, other people's trust is more than skeptical, but Chairman Zhong strongly requested Leng Chengyu to go, so the others didn't dare to say anything.

Leng Chengyu and the others followed the map, but they didn't encounter any ghosts to stop them.

After all, there is a map, and this map is designed to bypass the defensive points of the ghost infant.

In addition, many of Guiying's subordinates have been eliminated, and now there are not many subordinates who can come out to guard Guiying's territory.

With a map, naturally you won't encounter any troubles, and you will go directly to your destination.

Who knows, after walking along the map for a long time, I didn't reach the destination.

Zhao Zizhou wondered: "There is nothing wrong with this map, right? Even if the destination is close to the ghost infant's lair, it should be there after such a long walk."

Leng Chengyu also felt that it took a very long time to leave.

"Didn't you bring the map from Captain Hong? Did you get it wrong?"

Zhao Zizhou said, "It's impossible to take it wrong. Captain Hong Zhong personally gave it to me."

Leng Chengyu said: "Then continue to follow the map, it may be to bypass the defensive point of the ghost infant, so it will take a little longer."

Zhao Zizhou said: "There is only this explanation."

Leng Chengyu and the others walked for a while, and according to the map, they hadn't reached their destination at all.

At this moment, suddenly, a white shadow flashed in front of him, and then disappeared again.

Leng Chengyu realized that the white shadow in front of him might be a ghost, but he still said: "Ignore him, we will continue to follow the map, reach the destination as soon as possible, and complete the task as soon as possible, so that President Zhong can be in the evening. Launch a general attack on the ghost infant before it comes."

Leng Chengyu and the others continued to walk forward according to the map, but after a short while, another cry came from the front, and the cry was very irritating.

Leng Chengyu still said: "Ignore him, we will go straight to the destination."

However, the few people didn't go far, and another white shadow appeared in front of him. This white shadow seemed to be afraid of Leng Chengyu and they didn't notice him appearing, and there was a crippling cry.

It was the cry just now.

And this white shadow obviously stopped in front of Leng Chengyu and the others.

Leng Chengyu summoned Liu Fang, the girl ghost, and asked Liu Fang to solve this white shadow.

Leng Chengyu went with Liu Fang, because the previous white shadow did not know the strength, so he had to be cautious. Sacrifice as

Leng Chengyu has a grand sword in his hand, and has a thousand-year-old willow branch. Because Liu Fang has not absorbed the soul crystal, his strength is still at level 5 of the black evil spirit.

However, Liu Fang was the first to make a tentative attack on Bai Ying.

After Liu Fang approached Bai Ying, he slapped him with a slap, and that Bai Ying opened his mouth wide, sticking out a long tongue, and curling towards Liu Fang.

Liu Fang opened his tongue with his hand, and flew over at the same time, slapped his slap quickly, and slapped the white shadow on the body.

When the palms slapped Bai Ying's body, everyone was surprised to see that Bai Ying was broken and dissipated like this, and his soul flew away. BxW*b

When this white shadow was killed and the soul crystal on his body was obtained, the size of the soul crystal was not as big as the one under the hanged ghost he encountered before when he was hanging the ghost.

In other words, the strength of this white shadow is very low now.

"Why is he so weak?"

"How can he dare to block the way in front of us when he is so weak?"

Looking at the soul crystals Leng Chengyu brought over, Wu Siwei, Ximen Yiyi, and Zhao Zizhou felt very incredible.

Several people continued to move forward.

At this time, another white shadow appeared in front of him.

This white shadow made a laugh, but it was still like the previous white shadow, stopping at Leng Chengyu and the others seven or eight meters away, not allowing Leng Chengyu to ask them to continue walking.

At this time, Zhao Zizhou preemptively said: "Would you like me and my ghost to solve him?"

"Yes." Leng Chengyu said.

After all, in addition to the contribution points of the mission, the ghost guard who came to do the task, if the ghost is killed, who kills who gets the soul crystal.

Leng Chengyu is not a person who monopolizes the benefits, and he will share some benefits with his subordinates.

Now that Zhao Zizhou saw that the previous white shadow was so low in strength, he also wanted to try if he could kill the previous white shadow and then obtain the soul crystal.

Zhao Zizhou soon passed by with his ghost.

And that Bai Ying did not give way, so he directly used his weapon white ribbon to roll towards the ghost of Zhao Zizhou.

The ghost of Zhao Zizhou pulled out the ribbons with his and the corners of his head quickly slammed into the white shadow.

After the white shadow was hit by the horns of Zhao Zizhou's ghost, it was suddenly broken and dissipated.

Zhao Zizhou collected the soul crystal, and when he brought it to compare the size of the soul crystal, it was the same size as the one that Leng Chengyu had just collected.

"Why are the two white shadow ghosts encountered here so weak? Also, why did they stop us in front of the road? It seems that they don't want us to go any further." Zhao Zizhou said in confusion.

"Regardless of him, we continue to move forward according to the map." Leng Chengyu said.

As he continued to move forward, another white shadow appeared in front of him.

This white shadow cried and laughed, blocking Leng Chengyu and the others.

At this time, Wu Siwei immediately said: "Would you like me and Yiyi's ghost to solve him?"

"Okay." Leng Chengyu nodded, "but you have to be careful."

Zhao Zizhou said: "Why don't we go together? Let the ghosts of the two of them take action together. Anyway, I guess Bai Ying won't run away anyway. He made it clear that he wanted to stop us."

"Alright." Leng Chengyu said.

Leng Chengyu wanted to follow the past together. Mi He Mi

And when Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi's ghosts attacked this white shadow, they only used one time to beat the white shadow to death.

Then, they also obtained soul crystals.

And the size of the soul crystal and the same size as Leng Chengyu and others.

"With such a weak strength, why dare to block our way?" Zhao Zizhou was puzzled.

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