Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 185: The abnormality at the feet of Ximen Yiyi

Leng Chengyu couldn't figure out what was going on, so he didn't bother to think about it, so he continued to move forward according to the map.

After walking not far, white mist appeared in front of him.

Zhao Zizhou doubted: "No, according to the map, there shouldn't be white fog here. It's early afternoon, and other places are sunny. White fog appears here, and there is no hint on the map. It shouldn't be. "

Leng Chengyu and the others checked the map carefully.

The map clearly shows that there is a way to go, and then it will take a long distance to reach the destination.

In the road signs and precautions shown on the map, there is no indication that it is a white fog area or there will be white fog.

Leng Chengyu said: "Maybe when the map was made, I didn't expect that there would be these white fog. Maybe there has been no white fog before. When making a map, you can't cover everything."

Zhao Zizhou retorted: "But President Zhong has been preparing for this big plan for several months, and this map should have been produced with the experience accumulated over the past few months. Could it be that there has been no fog in this place in the past few months? And it’s just foggy today? I always find it a little strange."

"You don't mean to say that there are ghosts in the fog?" Ximen Yiyi looked at the long invisible fog in front of him a little worried.

"If there are ghosts, will they be as weak as before." Wu Siwei unexpectedly showed expectant eyes, "Would my ghost and I go to find the way first?"

However, when Wu Siwei saw Leng Chengyu, Zhao Zizhou and Ximen Yiyi looking at him like a fool, he had to lower his head and say: "Forget it, let Leng Chengyu and his ghost go find the way first, I Don't do it for the weakest."

Although Wu Siwei really wants to get the soul crystal, the situation in the thick fog in front is unknown. If his ghost goes to find the way first, if the ghost level he encounters is very high, then he will die in the fog and no one else will be able to save it. he.

After all, he can't see the road, and I'm afraid I don't even know he is dead.

Leng Chengyu said seriously: "Let's summon all the ghosts out, and then walk in together. It's best not to be more than three meters apart."

Zhao Zizhou nodded and said, "Well, it's the safest way to do this. After all, it's so strange that this dense fog appears here."

Leng Chengyu walked in front with his girl ghost Liu Fang, while Zhao Zizhou was behind the hall, and Ximen Yiyi and Wu Siwei were on the left and right, and several people formed a square, so they walked slowly forward.

The visibility in the dense fog is less than 5 meters.

Leng Chengyu still walked forward in the direction marked on the map.

However, the dense fog does not seem to have disappeared, and the visibility decreases as you move forward.

Several people were shrouded in the mist, and slowly explored forward.

Wu Siwei did not dare to be big, nor did he dare to hope to encounter ghosts here to kill and obtain soul crystals. Minus bXwX 汜

After all, the visibility here is too low. In case he is dragged away by the ghost, and no one else can see him, and there is no chance to save him, then he will die in vain. Even if the ghost is not high in level, he will Don't dare to take this risk.

If the ghost level in this dense fog is not high, if it is as good as those white shadows before, that’s okay, but if you suddenly encounter a powerful ghost in the dense fog, it can only be dead. Got it.

Wu Siwei was on his right, walking slowly with his old lady Ghost, less than two meters away from Leng Chengyu, and Simon Yiyi, and Zhao Zizhou behind him.

Suddenly, Wu Siwei felt that his shoulder was slapped with a hand. He turned his head and looked at Zhao Zizhou, and found that Zhao Zizhou was two meters away from him. If he stretched out his hand, he should not be able to reach it.

But he looked at his shoulder, there was nothing else, if it wasn't for Zhao Zizhou's hand to pat his shoulder, then who was it?

Wu Siwei looked at the ghost of Zhao Zizhou flying above Zhao Zizhou's head, guessing in his mind that it might be the ghost of Zhao Zizhou who was spoofing him, and stepped on him with his foot.

Wu Siwei dissatisfied and said to Zhao Zizhou: "Why don't you control your ghost? How can you let him step on me?"

"No, my ghost has been flying over my head, and didn't move to your side at all." Zhao Zizhou doubted.

"If it wasn't your ghost, then who touched my shoulder just now, could it be that you came and touched my shoulder?"

"Did something touch your shoulder?" At this moment, Ximen Yiyi on Wu Siwei's left said nervously, "I also felt that something touched my **** just now. I thought it was the wind and didn't pay attention. ."

Zhao Zizhou also became vigilant: "Could it be that the ghost in the fog appeared? But I didn't see it behind."

Zhao Zizhou has always been wary of behind him, so he has not paid attention to Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi on the left and right.

Leng Chengyu turned around and said to Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi: "Why don't you two go ahead? If there really are ghosts behind you, then we can see it."

Then Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi walked in front, while Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou walked behind.

"Do you feel that the ground is so soft." After walking in the front, Ximen Yiyi suddenly stopped for a while, "I seem to have stepped on something."

However, when everyone looked under the feet of Ximen Yiyi through the thick fog, they found that it was nothing but flat ground.

However, when Simon Yiyi continued to walk a few steps forward, she seemed to step on something very However, when she looked down, what she saw was a hard ground. .

Ximen Yiyi didn't dare to say anything at this time, she was afraid that others would suspect her to be nervous.

However, before taking a few steps, Simon Yiyi stepped on the soft thing again, as if stepping on a pile of very soft internal organs. Xiru Xiru

However, when I look down, I can't see anything.

Moreover, she obviously paid attention to her feet, she had seen it before stepping on it, it was a hard ground, but when she stepped on it was like stepping on the internal organs.

This made her feel very scared.

She turned her head and said to Wu Siwei, "Can I change positions with you?"

Wu Siwei frowned, but he still said, "Yes."

After changing positions with Wu Siwei, Simon Yiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it didn't take long for her to breathe, and her feet stepped on soft things again. Mi He Mi

And this time there was still a fishy smell spreading to her nose, like stepping on some internal organs just taken out of her belly.

However, when she looked above the ground, she only saw the hard road.

She turned to look at Wu Siwei and asked, "Wu Siwei, haven't you stepped on something soft?"

Wu Siwei said, "No, all I stepped on was hard ground."

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