Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 186: The stone house that appeared suddenly

Leng Chengyu and Zhao Zizhou at the back also discovered the anomaly in front.

Leng Chengyu said to Ximen Yiyi: "This fog is really weird. There may be ghosts hidden in it, and it may be ghosts that you stepped on."

"Then what should I do? In case he drags me into the ground, give me a fuck." Ximen Yiyi said with a serious and anxious expression.

Leng Chengyu wanted to laugh a little.

The corners of Zhao Zizhou's mouth rose up behind him.

And Wu Siwei just froze for a moment, and then vowed to pat his chest and said to Simon Yiyi: "Yiyi, I won't let the ghost drag you away, come on, let me change positions with you, let him drag me away. , I will replace you."

Ximen Yiyi still frowned and said, "But, I have changed positions with you just now, but he still only comes to harass me, not to harass you, what should I do?"

Leng Chengyu said: "In this case, let me change positions with Wu Siwei. I will walk in front of you side by side. When you step on him, you will look back at me, remind me, and I will know what to do. Up."

As a result, Wu Siwei and Leng Chengyu exchanged positions.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu took out the Guan Gong knife from the storage space.

Without taking a few steps forward, Ximen Yiyi turned his head to look at Leng Chengyu in horror.

Leng Chengyu immediately raised the Guan Gong knife and cut it at the foot of Ximen Yiyi.

Just listen to a scream of "Ah" at the foot.

Then, a pile of internal organs appeared on the ground.

These viscera were entwined with Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife and kept going up, trying to curl into Leng Chengyu's arm.

Leng Chengyu didn't expect that the ghost formed from the internal organs was of such a high level that the Guan Gong knife couldn't even slash him to death.

Leng Chengyu took out the thousand-year-old willow branch and drew it away.

This time, the internal organs were drawn by a thousand willow branches, and he couldn't even scream, and his soul fell apart.

After the soul flew away, a wisp of white gas rose up, and Leng Chengyu took out the golden box and collected the soul crystal.

Everyone gathered around to see that the soul crystal particles were very large, larger than the soul crystals they had collected from the hanged ghosts before, and even larger than the soul crystals of the hanged ghosts collected by Leng Chengyu.

In other words, the level of this visceral ghost is even higher than the level of the hanged ghost, at least above the level of the green-headed ghost.

"Where is this place? How could you encounter such a powerful ghost?" Zhao Zizhou frowned.

Ximen Yiyi and Wu Siwei also became nervous.

They were still envious of Leng Chengyu's acquisition of such a large soul crystal, but thought that if Leng Chengyu couldn't kill this ghost, then their lives would be here.

In front of the soul crystal and fate, they are more concerned about fate.

Wu Siwei asked nervously, "Then what should we do now? Will there be other powerful ghosts appearing in this fog?"

Leng Chengyu also didn't understand why such a powerful ghost appeared here.

Such a powerful ghost, as Gui Ying's subordinate, occupying a hill is more than enough.

However, according to what is shown on the map, it does not say which hilltop Guiying's site belongs to.

And with the map, they walked all the way, bypassing Gui Ying's territory, and went to the Gui Ying's lair that Hong Qingsheng couldn't solve.

Leng Chengyu ignored the other Guiying subordinates even if it had not been resolved.

After all, they implemented it according to President Zhong's plan, and what they wanted to solve was the subordinate of Gui Ying that Hong Qingsheng couldn't solve.

As for the other ghost infants, there should be other powerful ghost defenders to solve it.

Therefore, they won't bother with that.

But, how can they encounter such a powerful ghost here now?

"This is unreasonable!" Leng Chengyu wondered, "Could it be that there is really something wrong with this map?"

Leng Chengyu suddenly thought in his heart that Hong Qingsheng would not deliberately give him the wrong map, and guide him wrongly to those areas that have not been detected near the ghost infant's lair.

Only the undetected area near the Ghost Infant’s Lair can have such a powerful ghost without being identified.

Otherwise, President Zhong had been preparing for several months, and all of Gui Ying's subordinates had already been inspected, and the dangerous areas near Gui Ying's lair had not been inspected.

After all, if you explore the dangerous area near the Ghost Infant’s Lair, it will attract the Ghost Infant’s attention.

In case of being attacked by a ghost infant, there must be no return.

After all, the level of the ghost infant is the first level of the scarlet ghost, and only the ghost defender of the level of President Zhong can compete with him.

Zhao Zizhou also sighed: "Oh, it's very possible that Captain Hong has given us the wrong map. We may have come to the dangerous area near the Ghost Infant Lair."

But Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi said in horror at the same time: "Then shall we continue to move forward according to the map?"

Leng Chengyu comforted: "Since it's already here, let's move on. After all, whether Captain Hong Zhong gave the wrong map is just our guess.

If you look back now, it will cause a lot of damage to President Zhong's plan, and maybe it will cause President Zhong's plan to collapse. "

Several people continued to move forward.

After not going far, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him, looming in the thick fog.

"There seems to be a house in front."

Leng Chengyu looked past the bright light and found that there was a stone house more than ten meters away. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

Although it is a stone, it is very beautifully built.

Others have seen it too.

Zhao Zizhou said: "There is something abnormal in a house suddenly, I think I should be more careful."

At this time, Simon Yiyi suddenly said in surprise: "Look, is there an old lady outside the stone house? She seems to be waving to us."

Through the fog, everyone can see that there is indeed an old lady outside the stone house door, and she is indeed beckoning to them, but it seems that the old lady's hands are covered with blood.

Zhao Zizhou said vigilantly: "Do you want to go there?" Min reduced bxwx 汜

Leng Chengyu’s Guan Gong knife has been put away, but the willow branch has not been put away. He held the willow branch in his hand, looked at the old lady in front of him, and said, "Why don't I go with my ghost to watch Look."

Simon Yiyi said worriedly: "You go, what if we encounter danger in the back?"

Zhao Zizhou also said, "Why don't we go together." Mi He Mi

Wu Siwei also continued: "Why don't you go together, Leng Chengyu, here only you have the strength to solve emergencies, if something happens to us behind, then the people behind us will be over."

Leng Chengyu said, "Then go together."

Everyone walked together in the direction of the old lady in front of the stone house.

When I walked less than 5 meters in front of the old lady, the old lady showed a full smile and said, "Good-hearted people, we are finally waiting for you. Madam, you have a difficult delivery. Go in and have a look."

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