Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 187: Madam's strange flower dystocia

Zhao Zizhou saw that the old lady was talking headlessly, smiling, weird, with blood in her hands, she was not a good person at first sight, he immediately stood up and said: "Sorry, grandma, we are not a doctor, your wife is having trouble giving birth to us. There is no way."

Who knows, the old lady still smiled and said, "As long as you are humans, you have a way. Let's go in and help my wife with me."

Seeing that Leng Chengyu and the others were still standing still, the old lady suddenly changed her face and said: "You don't help, do you want to watch my wife die in childbirth? Why are you so unconscionable! Well, in that case, don't blame me You are welcome!"

Then, there was a long rope in the hands of the old lady, and she quickly rolled over several people, including the ghosts of several people.

The ghosts of a few people couldn't resist this rope at all, let alone a few ordinary people of them.

Leng Chengyu hurriedly used the thousand-year willow branch in his hand to beat the rolled rope, but it was useless at all.

Thousand-year willow branches were also wrapped in rope.汜减bxwx.cO 汜

Soon, a few people and the ghosts of a few people were tied up, and then taken into the stone house by the old lady.

The stone house was dark, but very spacious, and only one room was turned around.

The room is also big, but there is nothing else in it, only a bed.

The bed board is red, the mosquito net is also red, the quilt is also red, and the mat is also red. It looks very strange in the dim light.

There was a person lying in the bed covered by a thin mosquito net, and the quilt was thrown to one side in a mess.

The man was groaning in pain with his legs bent, his upper body including the sheets stained with red blood.

This is really a dystocia!

Zhao Zizhou didn't expect that the old lady didn't lie to them. Their wife was actually having trouble giving birth, if the person on the bed was what the old lady said.

Several people looked over in surprise.

After Leng Chengyu was tied up, his biggest reliance was the thousand-year willow branch.

However, the thousand-year willow branch still couldn't restrain the old lady's rope. He had no choice but to take one step and count one step. After entering here, he saw the lady lying on the bed with a smile on his face.

He said loudly to the old lady: "Your wife has no children in her stomach, how could she have a dystocia?"

At this time, everyone carefully looked at the body of the person lying on the bed from the inherent impression of getting rid of reality.

It is true that her abdomen is indeed very flat, it does not look like a pregnancy at all, and it is even more unlikely that she will have a dystocia.

Just now, everyone was misled by those red things, and saw that the bed was stained with blood, so they didn't pay attention.

Now, as soon as Leng Chengyu reminded him, everyone saw it.

Zhao Zizhou said: "Since your wife has no dystocia, what do you want us to do here?"

Who knows, the old lady still insisted: "My wife has a dystocia."

Wu Siwei was scared but unconvinced and said, "Are you lying to the child? Or are you crazy? Your wife didn't even have the child. How could it be difficult to give birth?"

The old lady stood there and stopped talking, and at this moment, the lady lying on the bed spoke.

"My old servant is right. I did have a dystocia. However, it is a bit different from the dystocia you imagine. My dystocia is because I really want to give birth to a child, but there is no child in my stomach, so I need it very much. Your help."

The lady lying on the bed spoke very loudly, without a trace of weakness in her tone.

In other words, her lower body was stained with blood, and she was supposed to be weak, but now she is full of breath, obviously acting for them.

"What to do? Did you see what she was going to do?" Zhao Zizhou looked back at Leng Chengyu and asked in a low voice. Sacrifice as

Simon Yiyi said nervously and scaredly: "What should we do now? They won't kill us?"

Leng Chengyu calmly said: "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with them."

Wu Siwei was still very worried and said, "But your thousand-year willow branches are of no use to them."

Leng Chengyu did not speak any more, but continued to say to the lady on the bed: "How do you want us to help you?"

The old lady said on behalf of the wife: "This is very simple. As long as you get into the wife's belly one by one, and there will be children in the wife's belly, she can give birth to you."

"What? You want us to get into your wife's belly, and then give birth. Zhao Zizhou is surprised and terrified.

This is to eat them in disguise!

The old lady smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. Putting you in the belly of the lady to reproduce it is a great gift to you.

If you can come here, you must have heard of the big boss in this area. The big boss in this area is the son of our wife.

Madam can give birth to such an excellent son, and you are fortunate enough to enter my wife's and then give birth to you and become the younger brothers and sisters of ghost babies. That is your great blessing. "

"It's already dead when being eaten into the stomach, how can we be born? The birth of a child is not born like this. You are trying to find a reason to eat us. In this case, it is better to just say that we are eaten."

Simon Yiyi became incoherent for what was scared. She knew that she was **** now, and she couldn't resist at all, but she was still very aggrieved.

And Wu Siwei's anxious tears came out at this time: "What should we do? I don't want to be eaten by that lady."

And Leng Chengyu still calmly said to the wife on the other side of the bed: "Madam, you have to have a son again, don't you?"

The lady over there said: "Either son or daughter is fine, as long as I can be my son's company."

Leng Chengyu sneered: "I'm afraid you are going to have a baby, not to be your son's company. I'm afraid you want to be your own company. I'm afraid the reason why you want to have a son so much is because your son has grown up. After the leader, can’t be by your side often.”

"You dare to be rude to my wife, believe it or not, eat you first." The old lady immediately threatened Leng Chengyu.

The lady on the bed was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No one has ever dared to talk to me in such a tone. You are the first one. In that case, I will eat you first and give birth to you. Right." Mi He Mi

At this time, Leng Chengyu still sneered: "Wake up, you can't give birth at all. If you eat us, you won't be able to give birth to a child. You should recognize the reality."

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