"Madam, are you okay, or take him out by caesarean section, don't refine him, refine other people, there are still so many people here anyway."

The old lady was very worried when she saw the pain that the lady was rolling around on the bed.

However, the old lady’s remarks did not receive a response from the lady. The lady is so painful that she can hardly even speak her words. She also has wisps of black air coming out of her body, and there seems to be something in her belly about to come out. The child bulged up and dented again.

And Zhao Zicong, Wu Siwei, Ximen Yiyi, and the girl ghost Liu Fang, etc., saw the lady’s belly bulging, and they knew that something must be running around in the lady’s belly, and it’s affirmation that it was running around in the lady’s belly. It's Leng Chengyu.

They were surprised that Leng Chengyu was still alive in his wife's belly.

At the same time, they also looked forward to the fact that Leng Chengyu would be able to break his wife's belly and go out. It would be better to break his wife's belly, and even the wife would die together, and be dispelled.

Sacrifice such as bxwx.co sacrifice such as. Who knows, at this moment, the old lady by the lady's bed was extremely anxious: "Madam, how are you doing? Or I will help you with a caesarean section right now?"

However, the lady was still rolling around in pain on the bed, trying to respond to the old lady but unable to respond.

The old lady felt that she couldn't wait any longer, so she walked to the lady's bed, then held the lady with one hand, and the other hand turned into sharp claws and cut into the woman's belly.

She cuts very regularly, which is to cut according to a round shape.

And the cutting is very skillful, just like it has been cut many times before, she will not worry about hurting the lady.

At the same time, the lady did not stop her from doing this.

However, when the old lady had just cut it in half, suddenly, the lady's stomach was burst into pieces by the contents and broke apart.

Then, there was a lot of black energy from the lady, and then, even the whole body was fragmented and dissipated.

In other words, the lady is gone.

After the wife's soul was gone, Leng Chengyu stood up from the bed in the dark, holding a meteor hammer in his hand.

However, the head of this meteor hammer was covered with numerous spikes.

It seems that he just used this meteor hammer to attack his wife in his stomach.

Decrease bXwX.cO 汜. Seeing that his wife’s soul was gone, and Leng Chengyu came out of his wife’s belly again, the old lady said angrily: "Okay, you killed the wife, and the wife’s son must find you to take revenge. I will arrest you first, and let the wife’s son Gui Ying deal with you."

Then, the old lady's claws grabbed Leng Chengyu.

However, the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hand has also hit the old lady's head.

The old lady used her hand to block it, but she couldn't stop it. The meteor hammer broke through the old lady's arm and hit the old lady's head.

The old lady's head was like a watermelon exploded, shattered, and then her whole body was shattered and dissipated.

The old lady was also gone.

"Great, Leng Xiaoyu, it's great that you haven't died."

Both Wu Siwei and Ximen Yiyi were happy.

And the rope they were tied to their bodies now struggled to open.

Because the old lady was gone, and without the old lady's ghost power, the rope couldn't tie them at all.

The ropes on Zhao Zizhou and other ghosts were also loosened.

However, Zhao Zizhou looked at Leng Chengyu and the meteor hammer in Leng Chengyu's hand suspiciously.

Seeing Zhao Zizhou hesitating to say something but stopping, Leng Chengyu smiled slightly and said, "This is the life-saving means left to me by my family."

"Life-saving means?" Zhao Zizhou was still very confused, "but..."

Zhao Zizhou wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, but Wu Siwei couldn't help saying it.

"Since there is a life-saving method, why not use it in the first place? You have to wait until she swallows it into your stomach."

Leng Chengyu still smiled and said: "I can't help it, because my life-saving means requires my wife to be angry at me, so that I can see the lady's weakness, and then be able to use confidential means to defeat her."

Ximen Yiyi said with a daze, "It turns out that it was the same reason. It was the same when you defeated dead ghosts with thousand-year willow branches before, right?"

Leng Chengyu nodded.

In fact, when Leng Chengyu and the others were caught here, the system had already reminded Leng Chengyu that the wife on the bed needed help.

Because the wife is very lonely without the company of her son.

However, Madam was unwilling to admit the truth.

Leng Chengyu let his wife realize the truth.

As long as you can successfully make your wife understand the truth, you will be able to get rewards from the system.

However, when Leng Chengyu coldly told the truth about the sadness of his wife, it aroused the anger of his wife, and the first one was about to eat him.

At that time, the system just rewarded Leng Chengyu with 5 million ghost aids because Leng Chengyu had completed the task. At the same time, a new item, a meteor hammer, appeared in the system mall.

When Leng Chengyu had just exchanged the meteor hammer, he had been swallowed into his stomach by his wife, so he had to use the meteor hammer in his stomach to attack his wife.

Fortunately, soon he was able to break the lady's belly and get out of the lady's belly.

Otherwise, if he stayed in the lady's belly for too long, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would have to suffocate to death.

Now, the wife was beaten to death, and the old lady was also beaten to death, and Leng Chengyu also collected soul crystals.

A few people left the stone house together.

When he walked out of the stone house, Zhao Zizhou asked Leng Chengyu: "Are we still going to follow the map?"

Leng Chengyu thought for a while and said, "If you don't follow the map, you can only go back the same way.

After all, the road conditions are unfamiliar.

However, if you follow the original route, if there is no error in the map, then President Zhong's plan will be delayed. "

"You mean to say, continue to move forward." Zhao Zizhou is also in a dilemma.

Leng Chengyu nodded and said, "Follow the map and continue walking for a while. According to the map, the destination is not too far away."

Leng Chengyu and the others continued to walk carefully along with their ghosts, and at this time, the fog was gone, and Leng Chengyu and the others were able to see the surrounding scene clearly.

This place is a desolate area, overgrown with weeds, withered trees, a desolate scene.

Mi He Mi. In this desolate place, there is a luxurious stone house in the middle, which is the stone house of the lady that Leng Chengyu and the others just walked out of.

According to the map, they have to get out of this desolate area.

However, a few people heard a voice before they got out of this desolate area.

This sound made people feel pain in the eardrums, very harsh, and very oozing, and it made people feel terrified for an instant.

"Mother, are you okay? Why can't I feel your breath? What's wrong with you?"

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