Several people couldn't help stopping, covering their ears.

However, this terrible sound was getting closer and louder, and covering the ears couldn't shield the eardrum from the stimulation of this sound.

Zhao Zizhou even asked his ghosts to use the power of ghosts to form a sound barrier around them.

However, even the protective film was constantly shaken by the sound, and there was a growing trend. It seems that this protective film has a tendency to be shattered.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the terrible sound to get closer to here, and the protective film finally couldn't bear it, and it broke with a "pop".

The people and ghosts in the protective film couldn't help taking a step back, while still covering their ears with their hands.

"What the **** is this sound? Who is making such a sound? How can it be so terrifying? So powerful?" Zhao Zizhou couldn't help but wonder.

In order to resist the harm of this sound to him, Leng Chengyu couldn't help using the meteor hammer he had just exchanged to continuously swing in front of him to prevent the sound from coming.

Although this was somewhat effective, Leng Chengyu was very tired by constantly wielding the meteor hammer. This was not a long-term solution.

However, the voice didn't mean to stop, and it had to be spoken every time it moved a certain distance.

Moreover, it seems that the tone is getting more and more angry, and the voice is getting sharper and sharper.

Leng Chengyu and the others felt that the person who said the sound was even angry to the point of killing.

And listening to the content of the voice, the meaning inside seemed to be related to the lady who had just died in the stone house.

And this voice said that there was no reaction to the mother, does that mean that there is no reaction to the wife?

In other words, the owner of this voice is the wife's son.

And the lady has only one son, that is the ghost infant.

Then, it was Gui Ying who made this terrible sound, and Gui Ying was still rushing here.

Leng Chengyu guessed this way.

In order to confirm his guess, Leng Chengyu asked Zhao Zizhou next to him: "Do you think that the mother in this voice is the lady? The lady has only one son, which is the ghost infant. Then will the person who makes this terrible sound? Will it be a ghost baby?"

"I guess so." Zhao Zizhou said solemnly.

"It's no wonder that this sound is so terrible. It seems that the person who said it is very far away from here, but it can make people's eardrums likely to be broken. It turns out that it was made by a ghost infant, no wonder." Wu Siwei is also Nodding to admit that Zhao Zizhou and Leng Chengyu's analysis is correct.

汜减bxwx. CO汜. And Ximen Yiyi was very nervous and scared and said: "This voice seems to be getting closer, is the ghost infant coming here? You know, the level of the ghost infant is the first level of the scarlet ghost. In the defense line of Xicheng district, there is only President Zhong can compete with him. If he comes to us, what should we do? Why don't we leave here soon?"

Zhao Zizhou also looked more and more solemn: "Leave here? You listen to the content in his voice. If he knows that his mother was killed by us, will he let us go?"

Wu Siwei also realized something at this time, and he was also scared: "Then what should we do now? The lady and the old lady in the stone house are already dead. It is impossible for them to come back from the dead to calm the anger of the ghost infant?"

Leng Chengyu said: "I killed the wife and the old lady. If the ghost infant wants revenge, just find me."

Zhao Zizhou sighed: "The ghost infant is not a good kind. We have been with you the breath of the wife and the old lady before death. This ghost infant can definitely follow the breath to come to us for revenge. He will not tell who killed it by himself. If the wife and the old lady are gone, he will only kill everyone to vent their anger."

"Since he can track the breath, it's useless even if we hide?" Simon Yiyi became even more frightened.

Leng Chengyu said: "We can let our ghosts use the ghost skills that can shield the breath, form a protective barrier, and surround us. However, before that, we must find a secret place to hide. The ghost infant can see it at a glance."

Everyone looked at each other and found that this place was desolate, and there was no place to hide. At a glance, anyone knew whether there was anyone.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Zhao Zizhou said: "To hide, you can only walk out of this desolate area. In order to be able to hurry, we can let our respective ghosts carry us and fly forward."

Leng Chengyu also said: "Yes, this way you can leave here faster, but if you want to stay away from this stone house, I guess the ghost baby must come to the stone house to check whether his mother is dead."

Zhao Zizhou said: "Then hurry up. After he explores, he will definitely find the murderer who killed his mother. If we haven't walked out of this desolate area, then we will be in trouble."

As a result, the few people let their ghosts carry them away from the stone house, and flew away in the opposite direction from the sound of the ghost infant.

After flying for some distance, I finally walked out of this desolate area.

However, at this time, they heard the voice of the ghost infant again: "Mother, why are you dead? Who killed you? I must avenge you!"

Then after a while the voice of the ghost infant came again: "I have smelled your scent, you can't escape, I want you to bury my mother!"

The voice of Gui Ying came towards Leng Chengyu and the others, and it was getting closer and closer to Leng Chengyu and the others.

Leng Chengyu and the others also knew that Gui Ying should have detected the breath of his wife and old lady before they died, so they tracked it down.

But now that he had walked out of this desolate area, he found a place with lush trees and huge boulders, and got into it.

Inside, if you look here from various places outside, you won't see them.

And they had no other choice, because the ghost infant's voice was getting closer and closer, and the most secret place nearby was here, so they had to get the material nearby and hid in.

After hiding in, immediately let their respective ghosts use ghost skills that can shield their breath, forming a protective film to protect them.

Not long after the protective film was formed, the voice of the ghost infant came from a place less than 100 meters in front.

"The breath is clearly here, how does it disappear now?"

This voice is very small, unlike the angry voices before, it is obviously that the ghost infant deliberately released a terrifying aura to shout.

However, now it was just the voice of doubt in his heart, and there was no horrible aura mixed in, which made the voice relatively small.

Mi He Mi. However, due to the close proximity of the ghost infant, Leng Chengyu and the others heard it.

Moreover, the sound of Gui Ying's footsteps was getting closer, and he was walking towards Leng Chengyu and the others.

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